Sunday, September 19, 2021

South Carolina cities yet again trying to abuse the provisions of the new open carry law allowing them to temporarily prohibit open carry of a firearm at city events.

According to a quote from "Permit-holding firearm owners may soon have to leave their guns at home when going to a public event in the city of Georgetown". This was not the intent of the law, the intent was to allow cities to temporarily prohibit (open carry only) at city events and protests. South Carolina Section 23-31-520 "A governing body putting a restriction on open carry needs to give a specific area, duration, and manner for the restriction and provide prior notice of the restriction". By that language it clearly shows the law was not meant to allow cities to prohibit CCW or storing a firearm in a vehicle (storage in a vehicle isn't even technically carrying). Read for the full open carry law.It's abuses like these I knew was going to happen when I first read the bill because of the legislature's half ass rushed attempt at getting a shitty version of the open carry law passed. Cities are always looking for an excuse to ban guns within city limit and now they may have one trying to argue that the intent of the legislature was to ban both open carry and ccw and some have already talked about the possibility of creating perpetual events to keep the ban going. The only silver lining is State Attorney General Alan Wilson has successfully sued the City of Columbia for similar antics before and won, see However this is not going to be a permanent fix for the problem because more cities will keep trying this shit. The real fix would be for the legislatures to immediately unfuck the open carry law next legislative session. via /r/CCW

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