Saturday, September 25, 2021

How to suppress ego when physically assaulted?

I was physically assaulted with a taser today. The situation happened in a grocery store at around midnight. There were two guys who were passing by an aisle and one of them said something offensive to me (something like "are you fucked up") because I probably didn't make enough space for them to move. I couldn't hold my ego back and not respond, so I asked him if he had a problem. In that moment he got really angry and the situation escalated pretty quickly. He started threatening me and said that he would wait in front of the grocery store to "fuck me up".

When I walked out of the grocery store, I gave him the finger because he was throwing some slurs at me and I headed home (I was about 100 metres from home). He then went after me and got really close, held me by my t-shirt and my jacket and was trying to (I suppose) make me punch him to get an excuse to escalate the situation even further. I did call him slurs back, but I said I didn't want to fight. Then I started walking home again and I heard a taser noise, I turned back and he really had a taser in his hand, going after me and speeding up. At that point I started speeding up, too, and he eventually turned around after a couple of metres and went back to his car with his mates. I got a video of the car and I have their license plates...

But anyways, I know that the situation could have been prevented if I just let it go when he was initially rude to me. The problem is that my ego just didn't allow me to, because I really HATE these douchebags. I've always hated them and I've always wished that someone would beat them up for all the bullying they do to people. But this guy was probably waiting for someone to react just the way I did to heal his complexes and I totally bought it. Even when I could have run home instead of showing him the middle finger, I couldn't because of my pride. I didn't want to let him win, even though I knew that it would be better to be safe than to let my pride take the lead.

Any advice on how to prevent/minimize this ego-fueled behaviour to avoid danger? I am a really proud person, I've gone through a lot of stuff in my life and it's really hard for me to let things like this go.

Submitted September 24, 2021 at 08:18PM by Possible-Biscotti366

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