Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Had to draw on someone but it solved nothing

Had an interesting encounter today. I don’t even know how to explain this without it sounding like bs but I’ll give it a go and I’ll try to be as concise as possible:There is this guy around my neighborhood who I have seen before. I don’t know where he comes from but he is the biggest douche bag. He’s a guy that physically bigger than me but is dresses like a gangster. I’m talking baggy t shirt, Jordan’s, hat, gold chain ( looks like your average crappy ghetto weed dealer )He’s normally likes to poke at people and talk smack. I’ve seen him cause drama. I guess he has a “ baby momma “ around here or something. But he looks like he goes around looking for trouble.My car is parked on the street so as I’m getting into it he makes a comment and asks if I have a problem. Said something about mma and how he could out box me. I just looked at him and gave him an awkward head nod and then he started approaching me. He kept trying to egg me on so I told him to back up. I gave him many commands and he kept going “ oooohhh what are you going to do “ and telling me how I am not going to do anything.At this point I told him he has one more chance to back up. I have now moved away from my drivers door and I am by the front hood. He’s closing on me so I draw. I don’t aim it at him initially but he goes “ bruh put that piece of shit gun away. You aren’t going to pull the trigger anyway and when I take it from you I’m going to beat the shit out of you with it “ and kept closing on me more.At this point I am backing up and honestly scared that I may just have to shoot him if he starts swinging at me. He kept going “ I dare you to pull the trigger bitch. “ and also saying “ you don’t even look like a shooter. “Finally after retreating around my car with him following me and laughing at me, I guess his mom and childs mother come out and defuse the whole thing. They start screaming at him to get inside the house and tell me that it’s ok he’s just an idiot and to put my gun away. I told him they need to control this guy or he is going to get hurt. Then, they actually started throwing jabs at me saying “ ok officer “ and sarcastically saying how they hope my gun makes me feel safer. Also, if I shot him that I better watch my back. They didn’t even trip that I had a gun on a fear type levelNow, I left my area and have not been back since. I am bit worried that 1. Now he knows I have a gun and he is going to tell his homies that I drew on him. I can pretty much see that happening already and he seems like the kind of person to want revenge and 2. A bunch of neighbors saw it and now they know that I carry which I was trying to avoid. I am frustrated as I do not know what to do. He wasn’t even scared or intimidated by the gun. It’s almost as if he saw right through me and knew I wasn’t going to blast him.TL;DR: drew on a guy and he still didn’t back away and then his family made me feel stupid and guilty about all of it via /r/CCW

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