Thursday, September 9, 2021

Got pulled over for speeding and was thanked for carrying

I left for work this morning anxious about a scheduled outside audit. Less than a half mile from my house is a school zone with a speed limit of 20 MPH during posted hours. There are flashing lights to remind drivers when the speed is 20 MPH and not the normally posted speed of 35 MPH. I must have been lost in thought passing the flashing lights of the school zone warning. I noticed that the opposing traffic was driving much slower than I was. I wondered if I missed the flashing lights and if school zone hours were applicable. I looked ahead of me and saw a patrol car parked in a driveway with a radar gun pointed at my vehicle. As I passed the patrol car he pulled on to the street behind me and shortly turned on his red and blue lights. I pulled over on the right side of the road. I rolled my driver's side window down and put my open hands at the top of my steering wheel. The officer quickly appeared at my passenger side window and knocked on it. I rolled the window down. The officer asked me if I knew how fast I was going. I said that I knew I was going 35 MPH but that I first needed to tell him that I had a concealed handgun permit. He said, "really, do you have a gun in the car?" I said I did and he quickly looked around the car and on the seat and asked, "where is it?" I said, "it's on me, appendix." The officer said "that's great, thank you for carrying, we really appreciate that." He told me it was OK to unbuckle and hand him my CCW permit, driver's license, and proof of insurance. He proceeded to ask me again why I was speeding. I told him what happened and admitted that I likely missed the flashing warning lights. The officer then said he was giving me a verbal warning and thanked me again for carrying saying again how much he appreciated it. He handed me back my paperwork and I drove away. I drove to work wondering how I could have missed bright flashing school zone lights- kind of humbling and scary- or were the lights not working? The other thought was about how appreciative the officer was about me carrying and how that too took me a bit by surprise.TL:DR Pulled over speeding and given verbal warning maybe because I was carrying. via /r/CCW

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