Sunday, September 19, 2021

An observation from reading "scenarios"

I have been carrying for just about three years now. I have found myself to be in some lack luster situations. There has only been one instance that I felt the need to draw, but at that time my pistol was in the house and I was outside as another dog was attacking my dog in my yard. Despite reaching for a gun that wasn't there I am glad I didn't have it on me. This brings me to my main point.I have noticed a lot of people's scenarios involve "this guy/animal was acting weird. I nearly drew my pistol". Now some of these instances raise genuine life threatening concern but most of the ones I have come across boil down to people feeling uncomfortable in a situation. I don't want to belittle anyone's experience as I genuinely felt the need to draw my gun as mentioned above, but looking back I would have caused so many more problems for myself if I used lethal force. The shooting/drawing part is easy, the legal battle afterwards rarely is.Fortunately enough there are solutions to this. First of which is building resilience and stress inoculation so unnecessary escalation does not take place. Second is carrying tools to be used as a step below lethal force when lethal force isn't quite justified but you clearly are not going to get away without some intervention. Lastly, learning de-escalation techniques can go a long way.I don't want anyone to think they should never use deadly force but you have to remember that drawing that gun means the person on the other side has to die. Now the draw might be enough to stop them. The first shot might be enough to stop them. Regardless of how soon the threat is stopped, in the eyes of the law, you are deploying lethal force and therefore making an active decision to potentially kill someone or something. If you feel like you need to present lethal force but the threat doesn't need to be dead that instant, then you should not draw.Note: I am not telling people that they should only draw and shoot to kill, but that is the natural end state of using lethal force until the threat no longer exists. I do not advocate people murdering other people. via /r/CCW

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