Friday, March 20, 2020

Co-worker is an idiot, inappropriately touched me, felt my gun

I work nights between 17:30 and 08:00 five days a week for a very small business. During that time I'm completely alone and left to my own devices. I have the company phone and access to a very small office building on our property. I basically run the whole operation all night. On slow nights, I lock myself in the office and hang out but most of the time I'm driving around late at night where I'll come in contact with all sorts of people. I'm a young guy and most of the people in my industry are older men so I naturally get a reputation for being undiscerning or naïve.Within the last week I decided to start carrying my weapon on me at work. We don't have a policy against it (as far as I'm aware) and I think I can justify having it with me. I keep my pistol at my three-thirty-ish or whatever feels right based on my cover garment.Last night I showed up a few hours late at work. No big deal. I have an arrangement with management. I was expecting to show up to an empty building but I was surprised to find three of my co-workers having beers in the little office building. I walked in and said hey to everyone but as I went to sit down, my dumbass co-worker outstretches his left hand and grabs my right hip/buttock. Shit. I can hear the Metal Gear "!" go off in my head. He knows. My co-worker retracts his hand in surprise and exclaims, "this kid is packing heat??" He repeated himself, a little more shocked this time, and looked around at the other two. I got some looks but I tried to play it off as a joke. They had just finished a few beers each after all. I think I got away with it. Either way I was a bit nervous so I found an excuse to step outside.I don't know about you, but this is a situation I've loathed. I think many of us have had instances where you could just tell someone was carrying based on body language, printing, apparel, etc. and I try to keep those things in mind when I carry so I don't give myself away. I never expected something like this let alone at work... which is probably the worst place to get caught.Any thoughts? I know someone will comment saying I was sexually harassed and I should prosecute but the thing is I just don't care. Getting groped didn't make me very uncomfortable at all especially when compared to being compromised in front of half the company. via /r/CCW

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