Saturday, February 22, 2020

My wife and I just had a huge argument regarding gun laws.

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but I need to vent.I have a license to carry, which she knows about and approves of, so that isn't what caused the argument. I mentioned to her a picture surfaced of a man carrying a long rifle over his back in a town we used to live in. I then mentioned to her that most of the comments were cool because they were almost all unanimously along the lines of "Nothing wrong here!" or "That's his right." or "I'm glad he's keeping our streets safer!"How can he do that she said. Isn't it against the law? I told her no, there are no laws restricting his ability to carry a rifle over his shoulder while walking the streets. Her response: "Wait, do you agree with this?" Me: "Well yes. It's his constitutional right and he's posing no threat. Also Texas laws allow this."Then it got heated when she couldn't believe I would support someone carrying without some form of license. She started bringing in scenarios and including our children in the scenarios. As you can imagine, it didn't go well.So, it ended with her storming out basically saying "I can't believe you would support this. You're not the man I married. Here." she hands me her wedding ring and leaves.I'm leaving some details out but this is the gist. I am stunned that this happened over my belief about gun control and I'm trying to reach out to her since she left.We have been married for well over 10 years. Has anyone experienced this? What's the best way to handle it? I know we need to find some middle ground but I do not want to concede my beliefs. via /r/CCW

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