Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Warning shots...

So, I work at a sporting goods store, and of course we sell guns and ammo.This literally happened like 20 minutes ago.I had a customer ask for rubber bullets. She claimed that they were for “Warning Shots”.Now, I start into my spiel about how Warning Shots are a bad practice, for a number of reasons. She didn’t let me get very far, preempting me with some tripe about being former military as having “taken lives”.Now, I’m also former military, and thankfully I have never been in a position to have to kill. I trained to, and was prepared for the possibility, and as an armed citizen, I train religiously to be ready should I have to.Back to the story. She tells me that she’s “taken life” and that I’m in no position to question her because I haven’t. It’s a load of shit.I was always taught that I was responsible for everything that comes out the muzzle, and that Every time I pull the trigger; someone at somewhere at sometime is going to have a very bad day. I was also taught that Warning Shots are legally indefensible. It’s attempted murder at worst, attempted felonious assault with a deadly weapon at best. Either way if I fire a Warning shot I’m fucked.Now, I got her to walk away by telling her that rubber bullets will not have enough energy to cycle a semiautomatic pistol reliably, and remain at less-than-lethal velocities.I was always under the impression that Warning Shots signal that you’re not in immediate fear for your life. I was also under the impression that introducing a gun into a situation only serves to escalate the confrontation. A deterrent only works if you use it once, that’s why we’ve only ever dropped 2 nukes in anger.Am I fucked up?TL;DR- I was incensed by her attitude, and ignorance. I was attempting to help her, and she pulled the most boot shit possible to shut me up. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3agsRJ9

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