Friday, November 30, 2018

Any Updates on the P365

I’ve been wanting a Sig P365 but I’ve heard about the issues. Have they been worked out yet? via /r/CCW

2019 Rangemaster Tactical Conference via /r/CCW

Best boot holster

Recently picked up a Kel-Tec P3AT with a crimson trace laserI was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for a good quality boot holster? via /r/CCW

[2018/11/30] What cops need to consider about armed citizens: The presence of a gun does not always indicate a threat via /r/CCW

Which will conceal better appendix?

Which of these three will conceal better in appendix carry (generally, for a smaller framed guy)? It seems grip length and width matter most for most people.HK P30SKSArex ReX Zero 1 CPSTI Staccato C single stack, looks like 1" grip ~5" tall.Bonus - 3" officers 1911 with a round butt like the SW1911 Pro Series 9mmThanks! Trying to narrow down what I should try to get my hands on and see what I shoot best. Doubt I could try them all out before purchasing though. via /r/CCW

Wallet/billfold for CPL

Anyone know of a wallet or billfold to hold a CPL? Mine is almost a perfect 3" x 3" square but not quite. It sticks out of my current billfold a wee bit so I'm looking to upgrade but want to keep it simple and slim. via /r/CCW

Arizona man carrying unholstered firearm in waistband shoots himself in the groin. via /r/CCW

When would be the best time to use pepper spray or another non-lethal weapon?

I was followed today by a man who looked like he was homeless. He was sitting outside the gate of my apartment complex trying to light up a cigarette (or some other substance) and had his legs out across the sidewalk. I turned and went down a road, saw he was behind me, he started shouting random things at cars passing by and threw his hands up, I wasn't concerned and walked into an alleyway, saw the tennis court was occupied so I decided to continue on to the park nearby and as soon as I entered the park I looked behind me and saw he was still following me. I started panicking here, because no one usually walks through this alleyway at this time of day (2 PM). I cut through the park towards some older kids under a gazebo, I looked back and saw he was following my exact footpath, I panicked even more, the kids started to leave as I was getting close to them but I managed to catch up to them, I saw the man hesitate as if thinking about where to go next and he then continued to walk towards the main road. I explained to the kids what was happening and had them follow me back to the gate of my apartment, thanked them, and we parted ways.

If I had pepper spray in this situation, when would I have used it? I wouldn't want to spray someone who just happened to oddly be taking the same path as me and didn't have any bad intentions. How would I confirm he was after me? How close do I let him get, should I talk to him? Do you think another item would be better like a tazer, how would I use it instead? Thank you!

Submitted November 30, 2018 at 05:47PM by ItsWolfeh

Looking for M&P 2.0 Compact OWB Holster. Any Recommendations?

Any help or advice is appreciated. Thanks! via /r/CCW

Typo on CCW License

So I finally got my license today and the geniuses at the circuit court here know where to mail my license but not how to spell my street.....Is this entirely useless until the typo is fixed?? via /r/CCW

[2018/11/29]Kansas City man charged with murder said he shot man who was trying to steal his car(Kansas City, Mo) via /r/CCW

Training in Central NY/Southern Tier?

I had a defensive handgun training scheduled for this weekend, but a lack of sign-ups led to it being canceled. Anybody in the area have any recommendations for good classes or instructors? It seems that all gun range websites are invariably poorly maintained, so getting current info can be a pain. Many thanks! via /r/CCW

My new carry piece, compliments of Oakland University via /r/CCW

Strange encounter last night, should I avoid the area?

So a little background. I track my steps and have a step goal. I also live in a small, closed off neighborhood, and usually walk until I get my steps around 10:30 at night. I am 6'3 240 lbs male and havent really ever been worried about anything, but I have a cwp and carry a gun.

Last night I was walking and browsing the internet on my phone. A car came up behind me and slowly pulled into a driveway as I was passing the house. A window was rolled down and a passenger in the back said "hey bruh". I thought it was a little weird so I kept walking. They repeated themselves and someone else said "hey he said come over here." There were some definite red flags at this point, so I put my hand in my pocket, on my revolver and said "I'm good."

I would probably avoid that stretch of road and get my steps elsewhere, but it is such a tiny neighborhood and there isnt really anywhere else I could walk at night. Outside my neighborhood is the interstate and a crazy busy road.

Anyway if anything ever happens from here a good prosecutor would be able to say I was looking for trouble because I kept walking despite having a run in, but I dont want to hamstring my workout.

Any advice?

Submitted November 30, 2018 at 10:52AM by Dreadking_Rathalos

Appendix is the new hotness but here's an argument for 4 o'clock - a brighter WML

A more powerful weapon mounted light. The more powerful WMLs stick out past the muzzle of the gun. That isn't gonna work as an appendix carry.If you want to carry a Streamlight TLR1 HL to have those 800 lumens for example, that's just not going to happen in an AIWB. I've done night shooting an 800 lumens is a god send compared to a 200 lumen smaller light.I'm sure people are going to bring up the too many lumens argument, and I'm gonna just disagree on that one for so many reasons that have been said over and over by many people. via /r/CCW

CCW at office/work?

For those of you that work somewhere where the employer has a policy that prohibits guns, what do you do? Do you carry at work? Do you lock your gun up somewhere? What do you do? -- especially those of you that work in an office or professional setting. Do you carry a different firearm to work than what you would carry normally? For example, do you carry a smaller gun for easier concealment than what you do outside of work?​I'm talking about places where it's just an employer's policy and NOT that you're in an actual prohibited place or gun free zone. The sort of place where the worst that would happen if you got caught would be fired and not legal troubles.​If you do respond please give a summary what of your work environment is and maybe the dress code. via /r/CCW

OH - 14 days including Thanksgiving via /r/CCW

How many CCW guns did you go through before finally settling on "the one"?

Just curious if everyone else does this too. I went through several guns.LCR .38+P - shot it like crapTaurus TCP .380 - had some reliability issuesH&K P2000SK V2 LEM .357 sig - Cool gun, but the LEM trigger always made me pull my shotsCZ75 RAMI 9mm - Shot it well, but heavy/bulky gunCZ P01 9mm - Shot it very well, but was a bit too large. Kept it instead of selling, but the search continued.Kahr MK9 9mm - Amazing pocket sized gun. The weight tames recoil considerably. Had some reliability issues though .Glock G27gen4 .40 - Shot it well, but preferred 9mmAnd finallyGlock G27gen4 9mm - Perfect fit. I always kick myself for not getting this gun first, like I had originally planned. via /r/CCW

The Taurus G2C Is so close to becoming my EDC. Why should I change my mind?

I’ll be honest, the Taurus has impressed me. I’ve been carrying both my M&P Shield 40 and full-size M&P 2.0 9mm for about a year and a half now, both are great guns with good solid reputations.I had been considering getting a subcompact Glock for a few months.... until I shot the Taurus G2C a few weeks ago. The thing really feels and functions like any other quality firearm in the $300-$500 price range but I see a lot of negativity from people when somebody mentions carrying it. But why?The Taurus Is affordable, reliable, accurate & really nice looking IMHO. Granted, the trigger isn’t the absolute best and it doesn’t have as much aftermarket support as a Glock, m&p or XD. I think it offers exactly what you should be looking for in a carry pistol. And let’s be honest, for half the price of a Glock, it’s almost too good to pass on.I think it may be a firearm that I will start carrying regularly. via /r/CCW

Utah CCW, 55 days from application to receipt, CA Resident

Applied in October, received permit letter/card in late November. California resident; saw that Utah DPS/BCI had charged my card about 20 days after app was mailed. Permit received about five weeks later. via /r/CCW

Next generation of smaller conceal carry firearms

The release of Sig P365 has be called a game changer in the conceal carry community given their much more compact design of their magazine allowing them to fit 10 rounds of 9mm in a package the size of a g43.Sig will most likely not be the only company to have this break through in engineering design to fit 10 round in a much smaller magazine.What are you guys thoughts on company are working on designing more compact magazines to create smaller firearms?How hard is it to make a magazine that fit bullets in the most compact way possible like in the picture? Im curious and wanted to know what's everybody's thought on this.​​How hard is it to design a magazine fit 9mm's like this? via /r/CCW

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Freedom Friday - Weekly off-topic thread. November 30, 2018

Welcome to our "Freedom Friday" thread. Here, you can post anything that is related to firearms or other weapons(knives, etc.). Posts do not need to be self-defense related. We'll be monitoring these threads and making adjustments to our content rules as necessary. via /r/CCW

Perfect Holster For Looking Like You Suffer From Elephantiasis Of The Scrotum via /r/CCW

Going to the range on the down low via /r/CCW

WI CCW: 8 days including Thanksgiving via /r/CCW

Best G26 IWB holster?

I currently use a Relentless Tactical left hand draw for my G26. I carry it at the 6 o clock position because I find any other position extremely uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, its a great holster but I'm looking for a more sturdy kydex. Something that won't be bulky or that has a huge belt clip that'll print. I've been looking at a Fierce Defender or a Vedder but I'm torn.Any suggestions? via /r/CCW

How NOT to handle road rage via /r/CCW

Holster or gun?

I've been carrying a G19 in a T.Rex Raptor for a while now, I use the spare clip they send. It makes it a bit more concealable in my opinion. Very comfortable. For the past month or so I've been carrying an FNS9C in a Raptor. Its smaller so it is easier to conceal, but I've noticed that the G19 is actually more comfortable. I love the FN, seriously, great gun. I feel like the half inch of added barrel length in the G19 makes the appendix carry a little easier, maybe my belly isn't what it used to be. Anyone have a similar experience? Maybe a different holster for the smaller gun? Vedder light tuck? via /r/CCW

Texas - “Legally armed” on middle school grounds?? Did I miss a law somewhere? I thought that only applied to universities. via /r/CCW

Finally! via /r/CCW

Anyone heard of Burly man tactical

I got a sweet deal on a holster from black Friday and was wondering if anyone had experience with them and their holsters via /r/CCW

Walther PPS me recall experience

After going to recall hell with Taurus I have to say I'm extremely pleased with the Walther recall experience. About a week door to door even with the Thanksgiving holiday! This is fantastic. Everything that was supposed to be sent back to me was sent back to me in good condition! What a difference customer service can make. Now I just need to get to the range.Edit:ME not me via /r/CCW

Rate my ccw via /r/CCW

Less Lethal defense tool

Submitted November 29, 2018 at 04:21PM by captainronin1

So I recently picked up an appendix carry specific holster. I expected some discomfort, but there’s no comfortable position to use this holster 9-2 is all the same level of pain. Am I doing something wrong? The edges just dig the hell out of my leg via /r/CCW

M&P Shied 2.0 grip texture.

I love the way the grip feels in my hand on my M&P shield 2.0. But when conceal carry it without and undershirt the sandpaper like grip is very rough on the skin. Has anyone had success gently sanding down one side of the grip? Other than wearing an undershirt, what was your solution to this problem? via /r/CCW

Option paralysis between holsters

Apologies in advance, I know this question has been asked a million times.I'm looking for a holster for my G17 Gen 3 (restricted state...) At this point, I'm leaning towards an AIWB holster. I've pretty much "narrowed" down my choices to Dara Slick Side, Vedder LightTuck, TRex Raptor, or Tier 1 Xiphos (JM Custom Kydex gets an honorable mention too). I'm just stuck because all of these have great reviews, so I'm having a tough time choosing. In a perfect world, I'd buy them all and make my decision based on that, but won't for obvious reasons. For reference, I'm 5'10.5" and about 185 lbs. Any input in greatly appreciated. Thanks fellas. via /r/CCW

Information on P11

Hello everyone, I currently have a G43 and I absolutely love it as it is super small and easy to conceal for me. However, I really don’t like the magazine capacity at 6+1. I’ve heard some negative things about Kel-Tec firearms in the past and am wondering if anybody has better insight on the P11 and if it is viable for concealed carry or if I should pass on it. I like how it is about the same size as the G43 but has a 10+1 round capacity and is also noticeably smaller than the G26. Thanks everyone! via /r/CCW

If a firearm is lawfully discharged in self-defense (or in defense of another) in a National Park (U.S.) and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Title is tongue-in-cheek, because I know the shooter would hear it (obviously), as well as anyone within maybe 5 miles at the upper limit.My question is this: If you're carrying on a hike, aware of your surroundings, on a well-traveled trail, heeding all wildlife warnings, traveling in a group, speaking loudly and making noise, are approached by a dangerous animal (bear, lion, what have you), discharge pepper spray first (but into the wind or in an otherwise less-than-effective manner), and finally discharge a firearm in a way that you believe could defend your life (or those of another), what would you do next?Firearms are allowed in National Parks, consistent with federal, state, and local firearms laws and ordinances (except in the federal buildings, of course, which include ranger stations and visitor's centers). However, discharging the firearm is often said to be disallowed. You can certainly argue that they say "No Discharging Firearms" to make it clear that plinking/target shooting/hunting is not allowed, but it still raises questions for me. In the above scenario, I'm pretty sure we'd all say, fuck the rules, and fuck the bear that could potentially eviscerate us, but it is something I wonder about.The obvious answer is "Consult a lawyer", but would any of you feel obligated to get rangers or law enforcement involved? Would you report a sighting? Would you report a sighting and hearing a gunshot? Would you come clean and document everything that happened, possibly incriminating yourself?Would this change if you fire an effective warning shot vs. an actual hit vs. a fatal shot/shots?If you're hiking out, and a ranger asks you if you heard a gunshot, would you lie? Duty to inform is state-dependent, but what do you think you would do in this unlikely event (or, if this has happened to you, what did you do)? via /r/CCW

Wait, are you telling me there other calibers besides the 45 acp?

When I reached the tender age of 4, my pa gave me my first handgun, a colt 1911. All my life I've carried 1911's, it is the perfect gun.But after coming to this subreddit I'm seeing all kinds of weird names being thrown about. 380? 9mm? 22lr? What are these nanny sissy rounds yall keep talking about? You telling me there are other calibers besides the 45 acp? via /r/CCW

Walmart Walkabout Fail - via /r/CCW

This popped up in my Facebook feed and it's just sold gold. (Not a meme page and I've never been in the army) via /r/CCW

Looking for a range in Kansas City.....

I need to find a range that lets you test out my self defense rounds. I shoot HST and gold dot. I want to run some threw my new firearm. Anywhere in the Kansas City area is fine. via /r/CCW

Favorite leather thumb break holster

I’ve seen a lot of bad leather thumb break holsters. Anyone know a good, relatively low ride one for the Glock 17? via /r/CCW

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Question about transporting a handgun through California

Hey everyone, this is my first post here so please be forgiving if I mess up in any way. I was recently issued my CCW permit in NC. I checked the reciprocities, and it is good for nearly every state between NC and California. I am graduating from college in two weeks, and my friends and I plan on embarking on a road trip where we will drive from NC to LA and back, hitting national parks and camping in between. Due to the nature of the trip and us being on our own, I would like to bring my handgun with me. Since CA does not honor my NC permit, is there any way I can transport the gun locked through the state while I drive through? Additionally, is there any advice you guys have about taking this into national parks?​Thank you in advance! via /r/CCW

Joined the club with a 43 and need holster recommendations

So I pulled the trigger and joined the Glock fam today with a 43. It’s my first gun and I’m looking to get my CCW real soon. As for now, anyone have any recommendations for OWB holsters. Once I get my CCW I’ll be getting an IWB but just want something to hold me over and place to put it. I don’t really have any preference as to if the holster should be all kydex, leather or a mix of both. My only requirement right now is that it’s good quality so please recommend anything you think is great quality and comfortable and I’ll take either OWB and IWB recommendations into consideration. A few I’m thinking of for IWB are QVO, Vedder and Bravo Concealment just from other searches on here but can’t find a good consensus OWB for the 43. I’m open to any suggestions. Thanks! via /r/CCW

but i live in Los Angeles county... FML via /r/CCW

Liberals: Bring a hockey puck to a gun fight via /r/CCW

What the fuck. via /r/CCW

Epi-pen as a self defense weapon?

I carry around pepper spray and wear thick big boots, but i don't like the idea of carrying a knife as I don't know how to knife fight and i'm worried it'd just get turned around on me. I know epi pens are expensive as shit but I have multiple, some expired, and was thinking maybe it'd be a decent last resort weapon? Couldn't find anything on google about it, and don't know if i'd get in legal trouble for using it for self defense. Any thoughts?

Submitted November 28, 2018 at 07:59PM by murzfurlz

Question on traveling?

I’m 19 and i live in NC. I know i can’t carry concealed, but I have a pistol(legally), and i’m traveling to Georgia to my friends graduation from basic training. Anyone help me out with the legality of bringing my pistol from NC to GA while driving through? Don’t really feel comfortable making an 8 hour trip with just me and my buddy. Thanks in advance. via /r/CCW

BJJ + CCW = better situation de-escalation?

Hello, so Ive been practicing Brazilian jiu jitsu for about six month and although I’m no wizard I feel confident in the skill I’ve been taught. I recently received my CCW ( I will be taking on going defense training) and along with the on going BJJ training I now have two defensive mechanisms that I can rely on.Do you think this combo is beneficial ?What other material art could you include ?Do many of my fellow sheepdogs have similar backgrounds?Tell me you story! via /r/CCW

Just ordered TRUGLO TFX Tritium and Fiber-Optic Xtreme Sights - any opinions on them?

I know I should have checked first, but the Internet makes it way too easy to spend money, right? Does anyone use these? Opinions on them before I get them installed? Thanks.Background:I have the stock VP9 sights which are " luminous," which means they glow in the dark for a while after you "charge" them by shining a light on them. Useless.Opted for tritium with the fibre-optic for day and night visibility. via /r/CCW

Trevor Noah: ‘The Second Amendment was not made for black folks’ via /r/CCW