Friday, November 30, 2018
Any Updates on the P365

Best boot holster

[2018/11/30] What cops need to consider about armed citizens: The presence of a gun does not always indicate a threat

Which will conceal better appendix?

Wallet/billfold for CPL

Arizona man carrying unholstered firearm in waistband shoots himself in the groin.

When would be the best time to use pepper spray or another non-lethal weapon?
I was followed today by a man who looked like he was homeless. He was sitting outside the gate of my apartment complex trying to light up a cigarette (or some other substance) and had his legs out across the sidewalk. I turned and went down a road, saw he was behind me, he started shouting random things at cars passing by and threw his hands up, I wasn't concerned and walked into an alleyway, saw the tennis court was occupied so I decided to continue on to the park nearby and as soon as I entered the park I looked behind me and saw he was still following me. I started panicking here, because no one usually walks through this alleyway at this time of day (2 PM). I cut through the park towards some older kids under a gazebo, I looked back and saw he was following my exact footpath, I panicked even more, the kids started to leave as I was getting close to them but I managed to catch up to them, I saw the man hesitate as if thinking about where to go next and he then continued to walk towards the main road. I explained to the kids what was happening and had them follow me back to the gate of my apartment, thanked them, and we parted ways.
If I had pepper spray in this situation, when would I have used it? I wouldn't want to spray someone who just happened to oddly be taking the same path as me and didn't have any bad intentions. How would I confirm he was after me? How close do I let him get, should I talk to him? Do you think another item would be better like a tazer, how would I use it instead? Thank you!
Submitted November 30, 2018 at 05:47PM by ItsWolfeh https://ift.tt/2E6V6xx
Looking for M&P 2.0 Compact OWB Holster. Any Recommendations?

Typo on CCW License

[2018/11/29]Kansas City man charged with murder said he shot man who was trying to steal his car(Kansas City, Mo)

Training in Central NY/Southern Tier?

My new carry piece, compliments of Oakland University

Strange encounter last night, should I avoid the area?
So a little background. I track my steps and have a step goal. I also live in a small, closed off neighborhood, and usually walk until I get my steps around 10:30 at night. I am 6'3 240 lbs male and havent really ever been worried about anything, but I have a cwp and carry a gun.
Last night I was walking and browsing the internet on my phone. A car came up behind me and slowly pulled into a driveway as I was passing the house. A window was rolled down and a passenger in the back said "hey bruh". I thought it was a little weird so I kept walking. They repeated themselves and someone else said "hey he said come over here." There were some definite red flags at this point, so I put my hand in my pocket, on my revolver and said "I'm good."
I would probably avoid that stretch of road and get my steps elsewhere, but it is such a tiny neighborhood and there isnt really anywhere else I could walk at night. Outside my neighborhood is the interstate and a crazy busy road.
Anyway if anything ever happens from here a good prosecutor would be able to say I was looking for trouble because I kept walking despite having a run in, but I dont want to hamstring my workout.
Any advice?
Submitted November 30, 2018 at 10:52AM by Dreadking_Rathalos https://ift.tt/2zyFMGh
Appendix is the new hotness but here's an argument for 4 o'clock - a brighter WML

CCW at office/work?

How many CCW guns did you go through before finally settling on "the one"?

The Taurus G2C Is so close to becoming my EDC. Why should I change my mind?

Utah CCW, 55 days from application to receipt, CA Resident

Next generation of smaller conceal carry firearms

Thursday, November 29, 2018
Freedom Friday - Weekly off-topic thread. November 30, 2018

Perfect Holster For Looking Like You Suffer From Elephantiasis Of The Scrotum

Best G26 IWB holster?

Holster or gun?

Texas - “Legally armed” on middle school grounds?? Did I miss a law somewhere? I thought that only applied to universities.

Anyone heard of Burly man tactical

Walther PPS me recall experience

Less Lethal defense tool
Submitted November 29, 2018 at 04:21PM by captainronin1 https://ift.tt/2SkPYJg
So I recently picked up an appendix carry specific holster. I expected some discomfort, but there’s no comfortable position to use this holster 9-2 is all the same level of pain. Am I doing something wrong? The edges just dig the hell out of my leg

M&P Shied 2.0 grip texture.

Option paralysis between holsters

Information on P11

If a firearm is lawfully discharged in self-defense (or in defense of another) in a National Park (U.S.) and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Wait, are you telling me there other calibers besides the 45 acp?

This popped up in my Facebook feed and it's just sold gold. (Not a meme page and I've never been in the army)

Looking for a range in Kansas City.....

Favorite leather thumb break holster

Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Question about transporting a handgun through California

Joined the club with a 43 and need holster recommendations

Liberals: Bring a hockey puck to a gun fight

Epi-pen as a self defense weapon?
I carry around pepper spray and wear thick big boots, but i don't like the idea of carrying a knife as I don't know how to knife fight and i'm worried it'd just get turned around on me. I know epi pens are expensive as shit but I have multiple, some expired, and was thinking maybe it'd be a decent last resort weapon? Couldn't find anything on google about it, and don't know if i'd get in legal trouble for using it for self defense. Any thoughts?
Submitted November 28, 2018 at 07:59PM by murzfurlz https://ift.tt/2zvqstO
Question on traveling?

BJJ + CCW = better situation de-escalation?

Just ordered TRUGLO TFX Tritium and Fiber-Optic Xtreme Sights - any opinions on them?

Trevor Noah: ‘The Second Amendment was not made for black folks’