Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Stinger whip is worthless garbage

I wanted to get this out here. I saw this video on Skallagrim's channel about it, and then I read some threads here in r/SelfDefense about this thing. So I got one.

I just want to say that this video is cringe and acting like the whip hurts when your girlfriend flicks it at you is just going to give them the wrong idea and encourage them to take a completely useless "weapon" with them for self defense. This isn't going to stop an attacker. It won't even scare a dog. It might scare a bunny. But who is worried about being attacked by fluffy bunnies?

I swung the thing as hard as I could at my own leg and it didn't even leave a mark. I couldn't break anything with it. It's a floppy pole. I could swing a pool noodle at someone and expect the same amount of hurt.

Second, the material is cheap garbage. It comes in pieces and you have to screw the cable into the handle. I stripped two screws trying to screw them in, and completely tore the threads out of one of the sockets so none of the screws would tighten in that hole. I work in IT and tighten screws into computer cases all the time. The Stinger's handle is made out of some kind of soft dogshit metal. I don't know what it is but it's not steel. I tighten steel screws into steel cases all the time.

I am warning you right now. This is not going to hurt anyone. It is not going to scare anyone. Trying to use this to defend yourself is just going to victimize you. You would be much more threatening if you picked up a rock and beat your attacker over the head with a rock.

If you want a self defense weapon, get some kind of a knife. A knife would be smaller and fit in your pocket much more easily than this thing, and a knife would actually pose a threat to an attacker.

Skallagrim should have stuck to making videos about historical weapons. I think less of him for putting on this act and I suspect he made the video because he was paid to do it by whoever makes the the Stinger.

It's all hype and no substance. The Stinger is basically a tickle me elmo for the tacticool crowd. I regret losing $30 and wish I had just bought a knife.

Submitted February 08, 2024 at 08:20AM by iofhua

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