Thursday, February 8, 2024

Is it better to be hands free or not?

I was accosted by a crackhead while walking to my car after work. I was stopped at a crosswalk and a small crackhead lady came up to me and started commenting on my silicone wedding ring. She started yelling at me “TAKE THE RING OFF, YOU DONT HAVE TO LET EVERYONE KNOW YOU’RE MARRIED!” At the same time a big guy started approaching shouting “Hey Bro!” to get my attention.

I immediately crossed the street into traffic to get away from the situation. Overall it was just bizarre. The lady was getting aggressive and it seemed like some sort of ambush situation where she was the distraction for the bigger guy.

It occurred to me that if I had to get physical, my hands were full. I normally walk carrying a lunchbox in one hand and a stainless steel coffee mug in the other hand.

Is it better off to have your hands free, or to be holding something?

On one hand, having something like a lunch box to create distance from a knife attack is better than nothing. On the other hand, the split second to drop the objects in my hand to grapple or strike could be detrimental.

This situation has made me reevaluate my approach when taking to and from work. Just seeing what other’s opinions on the topic are.

For reference, my job prohibits weapons of any kind, including pepper spray, so I am completely unarmed.

TLDR: Does carrying an object such as a lunchbox better or worse than being hands free from a self defense perspective?

Submitted February 08, 2024 at 09:35AM by yoolers_number

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