Saturday, February 24, 2024

Knuckle bruise = Punched skull too hard?

Not sure if this the right sub, but I figured someone here might know better about things like these.

Recently, I got into an altercation with a possibly mentally unstable person on the street. It was a woman who seemed about 60 years old or so (I'm a relatively thin person in my 20s). Unprovoked they were coming near and were trying to spitting at my head from the back and throwing things at me for who knows what reason, possibly some sort of episode.

The crude remarks about my appearance I could ignore, but when I felt the blast of spit on my face as I was on my way to an important job interview after being unemployed due to medical reasons (disfigurement from an accident) for a long time, I suddenly flew into a rage and flung my fist backwards without looking, like a "get off me" kind of motion, but really forcefully with a clenched fist. At the moment I assumed it would hit their shoulder or body or something and push them away. Somehow, because of the height difference, my knuckle connected directly with their skull and I ended up smacking them in the side/top of the head where it felt really hard.

I had never punched a person in my life thus far and am generally a gentle pacifist type of person. As I walked away, I immediately noticed my knuckle was bruised and got really worried that I had accidentally hit too hard and damaged their brain permanently. At the end of the day, this person could be someone's mother or something and I felt extremely bad about it and am constantly worrying for them and haven't been able to eat or sleep.

Could someone tell me if the knuckles being bruised means I hit way too hard, or perhaps I just hit wrongly and hurt myself?

Submitted February 24, 2024 at 04:14AM by TheKingofthatThing

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