Friday, February 16, 2024

BJJ over Muay Thai?

I'm wondering if my thoughts on this are correct.

Muay Thai is better for fitness and general athleticism than BJJ. It's more of a cardio workout and requires more flexibility and athleticism to execute basic techniques. You see way less fat people at a Muay Thai practice than at a BJJ one.

BJJ is significantly better for self-defense. With three years of training 2x a week, the average BJJ hobbyist can reliably control and submit people significantly bigger, stronger, and faster than himself. What are the chances that a 2x week hobbyist striker can knock out someone with 50 lbs on him at three years?

I think the level of involvement required for a striker to reliably control bigger, stronger opponents is actually taking fights, whereas pretty much any hobbyist grappler can accomplish this with enough time. I could definitely be wrong about this, interested in people's thoughts.

Submitted February 16, 2024 at 06:54PM by Nuludude

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