Monday, February 12, 2024

Defense options against a local schizophrenic?

I've been living in my area for a while, and recently I've been noticing some dude walking up and down my street with a pair of drumsticks, a tiki head, random assortment of junk. He's been talking to himself and just acting sketch.

Normally the fent heads and mentally ill are pretty chill. And honestly as long as they're not hurting anyone I'm fine with them being weird.

But uh, yeah this one dude decided he fucking hates me. I think? Saw him at a bus stop he's throwing large pebbles at me, growling "Nazis get rocked." I laugh it off, whatever.

And a week later I'm carrying my laundry to the laundromat and this dude stops in a cross walk and flips me off, saying "Faggot FBI agent, don't fuckin follow me. I know your face." Laugh it off again, not sure how he clocked me.

But today I just saw him doing laps around my office building, beating drumsticks on the buststop swearing at everyone. I tell my coworkers about this, and apparently, they have footage of him attacking my office manager's hood ornament with a 2x4, a minute before he started mad dogging at me.

Now I know my local PD. They won't do shit. But I'm concerned.

Dude has a problem with me, paces around my block, and isn't afraid to beam an intimate object for looking at him the wrong way.

I know it's not his damn fault for having a broken brain, but I don't feel safe. I don't know what exactly I should get to give myself peace of mind.

I'm leaning towards mace, or an expandable baton. I'm not looking for anything lethal. Something concealed, that I can carry with me without worrying that I could hurt myself or others.

Also, other than avoiding eye contact, has anyone dealt with a schizo that really just doesn't like you?

Submitted February 13, 2024 at 12:36AM by Named_after_color

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