Sunday, May 1, 2022

how do you guys carry inside your vehicle?

I usually appendix carry a g43x with a veder holster. I'm a slightly overweight guy. Weighing 225 with a gut on me. Appendix carry is still by far the most comfortable and concealable iwb carry for me. My issue is that inside my car I find it extremely difficult to draw due to my proportions and such. I was wondering if any of y'all knew of any products that I could use to clip my veder holster to the front of my seat in a mount with my gun in it. I'm aware of a few car holsters out there, but Id hate to be running errands and have to holster and unholster my gun every time is get in and out my car. So anyway, tldr, how do y'all carry in your car and if off body what do you carry it in specifically? via /r/CCW

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