Friday, May 13, 2022

what do i carry to defend myself from bully

my friend whos in 7th grade talked trash to one of his fellow classmates, turns out that classmate’s brother and cousins are 18 year old jewish and russian gang members (sounds ridiculous as fuck, I know)

since then they’ve been harassing him, and they pulled a knife on him. my friend runs into them everyday, and his best weapon is his running speed. but If we can’t run for a reason, what do we do?

weapons I have as a 14 yr old: slingshot, im pretty accurate with it (id hit 3/5 shots from a 20 ft distance), WD40 + LIGHTER flamethrower, kubaton (probably useless lmao)

again sorry for this dumb question

Submitted May 13, 2022 at 11:11PM by Saltyboi243

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