Sunday, May 29, 2022

Left house without gun, big mistake.

I’ll start by saying that my neighborhood has become significantly more violent over the past few years. Couple of months ago there was a murder at the house directly across the street from mine, (wife and I actually heard the shot) and a couple of months before that there was a shooting at my neighborhood entrance. Couple of months before this, a couple was shot in their car in the apt complex next to my neighborhood..we hear gunshots on a semi-nightly basis, sometimes it wakes us up. We are currently looking for a new house and don’t plan on being here much longer..hoping to be out by this time next year..Anyways.. yesterday I took my dog to a local park about 3 miles from my house.. it’s not a great area, but not the worst either so I thought. I go there at least twice a week, and send my wife there alone to walk the dog when I am working. Usually if I’m local like this and don’t plan on being gone for more than 30 min I won’t bother carrying.I get out of my car, leash my dog and the first thing I heard was a group of people (two cars, 3 black dudes, 3 Hispanic girls) arguing. One of the guys was extremely pissed off, stomping the ground and hitting his own car.Didn’t think much of it, just walked the opposite direction.I get to the other side of the park, ~100 yards away, and I hear the girls in hysterics. I look back and one of the guys had a gun pointed at the others head in the middle of the street. The girls are crying, yelling at this dude, telling him to not do it, let him be, chill out etc.I watch for a second, and I’m thinking I’m for sure about to witness a fucking murder.I turn around and continue walking in the opposite directionI hear some noise behind me..I turn around, and two of them are literally 10 foot behind me, yelling at each other. (Pretty sure it was The guy who had the gun pointed at him). We made eye contact and they turn back around and head towards back where they came from.At this point I’m just mad at myself for not having my gun, or any other protection on me. “Just a quick Sunday night walk in the park before sunset”..I continue walking in the opposite direction, look back and two of them are running back in my direction again..I wanted absolutely no part of this, so I stepped beside some bushes where I thought they couldn’t see me, called my wife and told them to call the cops. The two dudes turned back around to talk for a minute, I left the bushes, and they start running in my direction again..Car pulls up and the two guys walk up to the car and start arguing, guy is hitting the car, yelling about whatever the fuck, and this time it’s like 20 fucking foot to my right, it’s like I can’t escape this shit, and I’m completely unarmed. WTF.I just kept walking, again wanting no part of this, and trying to mind my own business pretending to be oblivious to what’s going on.Long story short, Power walked around the block, back to my car, and spoke with police later on who thanked my wife and I for calling it in.I feel like a complete fool, and a total pussy. It’s 1am, I can’t sleep and I keep replaying it in my head. What if this dude came after me with a gun? What should I have done differently? My wife didn’t even know where I was, what if something happened to me?Lesson learned, I’ll be carrying pretty much every single fucking time I leave the house from now on and I can’t wait to leave this fucking shit hole. via /r/CCW

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