Sunday, May 22, 2022

Question about safes and ND

I'm going to become the most popular person on this Reddit with all these posts.Basically I have been holstering and unholstering every day with my firearm. However, I read I shouldn't do that because it increases the risk of a ND. I'm a bit curious on how if you follow all the steps? Also, how do you all check your holsters when you are unholstering and holstering to make sure nothing is in the holster, or that the firearm is going in correctly?One last thing, do any of you have any recommendations on gun safes, preferably on the smaller side like a lockbox, that can fit the holster and the gun in it? Mine is a bit too small, but I still want it to be easy to carry around.Sorry for all the questions! Just trying to learn and be safe. via /r/CCW

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