Thursday, February 24, 2022

PDP mag jamming

Hey y’all. Just ran into an issue with my PDP Compact where I went to put a loaded mag into the gun and the magazine got jammed, with the first bullet pressed against the slide ramp, just barely beneath where it usually is to properly load the round. Mag release didn’t work (mag just stayed frozen in place), so I had to manually push (not hard, but still…) the mag out from the top of the open slide. I troubleshot, reloaded and ejected a bunch of ammo (no firing though, I was at home) and no issues last night after countless repeats of loading, racking the slide, ejecting and cycling ammo, and then putting the mag back in, but then had the same issue this morning when I checked my gun before holstering it as my carry weapon. My only thought is that both times I’ve had that issue, I was reloading fairly hard (like an aggressive slap on the bottom of the mag because I’m paranoid about not having the mag in all the way), but I’ve done that sort of reload many times before without issues; does heavy force cause that jamming/failure to feed? I’ve only put like 300 rounds through it and have cleaned it, so I don’t know if it’s a break-in issue or if I, as someone that is new to striker fired pistols, is just smacking the mag too hard for no reason when reloading? Thoughts, advice, etc would be appreciated! via /r/CCW

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