Sunday, February 20, 2022

Best outcome with overly handsy drunks?

Scenario: a dance club, an annoying "friendly" drunk near the front door. The club has security staff. Me and my wife there together. I had a black belt in TKD in high school, but that's been a long time ago. My wife doesn't have many self-defense skills.

The drunk comes up, getting way too close to comfort to me and my wife. After about 4 seconds of this, and him making no sense, I get between him and my wife. I put up my hand and he backs off, like he's walking away. I turn around, pulling my wife away, and the drunk manages to sneak back in, touching her on the arm, maybe lightly grabbing her arm. We pull away. He goes on to bother someone else.

Was that a failure? A success? I feel like I failed because he was able to move in and touch her when she didn't want to be. I took my eyes off the ball. What do you all think?

  • I could have pushed him away if I'd seen him coming.
  • My wife could have been prepared to get behind me when there's an aggressive man.
  • I could have hollered for security and gotten them involved.
  • I could have knocked him to the ground or incapacitated him.

I mean, what are the right actions and best outcomes? I don't have the same confidence of being able to move people around like I could when I was in shape.

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 12:40AM by Regular-Rain

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