Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Belt recommendation help

So I am having trouble tracking down the info I need for a new belt. For a long time I wore a wilderness tactical instructor belt. It was great but the Velcro kept wearing out and I really am not a fan of the Velcro in general since it is noisy every time I have to undo my belt. I switched to a blue alpha hybrid for the cobra buckle and while I love the buckle I HATE the belt. While they are both double layered nylon the blue alpha belt is noticeably stiffer. When I wear it with tighter pants and no gun it’s fine since it just lays loosely against my hips. But when I need to tighten it up it digs in and rubs my hips raw. I have been look at the k*** and nexbelt track belts as well as the tenicor zero and treyvex cinch belts. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how these compare to the wilderness tactical and blue alpha belts. They both seem great in vertical stiffness I am more concerned with the horizontal stiffness that causes the blue alpha to hula goo and dig in via /r/CCW

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