Friday, December 3, 2021

Unpopular opinion: Too much self defense emphasis among a marginal % of gun owners is placed on the GUN and not enough on the BRAIN in a self defense scenario.

So perhaps I'm being naïve by using Reddit/youtube/my friends as the the measuring stick towards observing the pulse of some law abiding gun owners, but I'm seeing a worrying trend...This is not the majority, but it is a substantial number.Go to ANY video on youtube of a self defense shooting that took place, and you'll see a number of comments that read "he/she had every right to defend themselves and shoot the person", or "i would have done the same thing".Now to be clear, if a person attacks you, comes into your home, won't leave your property, etc. you have ever right to shoot them. I believe in stand your ground, the right to defend your property, and the right to defend yourself. I have a CCW and love our 2a rights.But there seems to be no conception among a number of gun owners on what you CAN do vs. what you SHOULD do.Take the recent shooting in Lubbock Texas....If you havent seen the video, you can easily find it online. Basically, a man showed up to grab his son from his ex wifes house via a court order in a child custody dispute. The ex wife didn't have his son, so the father got pissed and started yelling. The boyfriend got into an argument with the father. The boyfriend went inside, got his gun, came out, a further scuffle ensued, then the boyfriend ended up shooting the father and killing him.Now to be clear, I believe the boyfriend had every right to defend his property, and was justified in the shooting. The father didn't leave when he was asked to and made a grab for the gun. That is a death sentence, whether that be a law abiding gun owner or a cop.However, what the boyfriend should have done was gone inside and called the police. The police would have come and taken care of the situation. If the father then tried to break in or hurt anyone else, then you have the right to shoot. Instead, the boyfriend has his name and video all over the news, a potential strayed relationship with his girlfriend, her son will probably never look at him the same again, and potentially thousands of dollars in legal fees, and potentially even legal charges. Was it really worth it to bring a gun outside and escalate the situation? Very rarely does brandishing a firearm calm everyone down.I know for me, if a situation like this ever ensues, my first instinct will hopefully be to run away, or wait inside and call the police. I see way too many gun owners whose first option is to pull out a firearm. They think because you CAN do it legally, that you SHOULD do it, and this is worrying.Just my 2 cents, but please USE YOUR BRAIN. Exhaust every other option outside of pulling out your gun before you do. Remember as they tell you in a CCW class, EVERY SINGLE BULLET YOU FIRE HAS A LAWYER BEHIND IT. Shooting someone when you don't need 1000% need to to is NOT worth it. Even if you get off legally like Kyle Rittenhouse did (who was well within his right to defend himself), you now have half the country hate you, your life is more at risk from the radical left, and nobody will ever look at you the same again. Not to mention, potentially hundreds of thousands in legal fees. via /r/CCW

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