Sunday, December 5, 2021

Scared to walk to car after work, tips?

Hi all. So I (22m) met this guy at work damn near a year ago and he invited me to play video games with him. Long story short, he revealed himself to be a racist, sexist, homophobic piece of shit. He started some drama at work with another girl (telling other coworkers she's a wh*re) and that was the last straw for me.

Yesterday (I'm assuming) he told some guy I was talking about him because he came up on me while I was working over some girl blocking him on social media. The girl told me (I'm friends with her) that the same asshole guy above was trying to set the guy up with her despite her denying his advances multiple times. I went to HR and filed a report on him today (along with the girl he called a wh*re and was spreading rumors about) and now I fear for my safety slightly.

HR told me to park in a certain place where the cameras are at but I'm just wondering if anyone has any other tips. I don't have any weapons and honestly don't want any. Whenever I leave work I've been calling my mom while I walk to my car so I guess I'll Also keep doing that. Thanks

Edit: spelling

Submitted December 06, 2021 at 01:48AM by Awesometjgreen

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