Thursday, September 30, 2021

Background check

Is the background check for a ccw the same as a background check for buying a firearm? If not what are the differences and what else do they check? I live in San Bernardino county by the way. via /r/CCW

For those that rock the ghetto enigma (gun belt with holster) under shorts. What belt do you use?

As the title says those that don’t rock the enigma but rock the ghetto enigma let me know what belt you use. Thinking about trying this before the enigma. via /r/CCW

It’s a start, but I’m a little concerned the Crossbreed Micro Reckoning has too much retention even with the screws backed all the way out. via /r/CCW

Trex arms sidecar holster g19 via /r/CCW

The Right First Gun Is The One You Shoot

I often see this question because there are a lot of first time gun buyers.That question is what gun is the best gun for me?The best way to find out is to go shoot, seriously. No better way to find out than going to a local shop and holding the weapon in your hand because honestly asking people on reddit won't help much because everyone has different preference and there perspective may not be is what I did, I watched multiple videos and got different opinions on guns, there were things I also had to consider, starting with my hand size.Secondly I looked into what were tried and true pistols by brand.I narrowed it down to these brands ( No particular order)GlockSig SauerSmith and WessonRugerCanikFnSpringfield armoryAfter that I went to the range and honestly I went with the Glock 43x because it fit beautifully in my hand and I already had familiarity with Glocks in general. Some people will tell you the Sig p365 or p320, some will say the Ruger Lcp or Security 9. Some will tell you Smith and Wesson M&P shield. Either way find what is gonna work for you because the gun is in your hands.The reason why I suggested youtube videos because you see the gun being shot in real time kinda, so that give you an idea of what to expect via /r/CCW

Carrying near a school

My apartment complex is across the street from a high school. I conceal carry everyday and I know I’m legally fine when I’m on private property and seeing as I have a permit. However I like to walk my dog along the sidewalk between the complex and the school. It’s hot here and sometimes I’ll tuck my shirt under my gun to protect it from sweat, making it clearly visible. Is there any risk to having my gun within 1000 ft of a school zone, I’m not going on the property at all, I’m just not quite sure how to interpret the law here. I live in Indiana if that matters via /r/CCW

Where to get leather/suede holster wraps done?

I have an IWB kyddx holster that is basically perfect except that im not a huge fan of how it feels against my skin. I used to use a Nate Squared Tactical holster that had a suede backing thst I really liked. Anyone know of online services that can wrap my current kydex one in suede or leather to get a similar feel? via /r/CCW

Glock 43x

I’m looking for a small footprint CCW. Thoughts and suggestions please…TIA via /r/CCW

Today was the day I officially decided to get my CCP

I have been leaning towards getting a concealed carry permit for some time, but today it was quickly apparent that I am on the right track. I am a new user of handguns and just recently purchased a SCCY CPX-2 RD. This is a good entry level pistol and good for conceal carry IMO (feel free to debate me in the comments) and I’ve been stockpiling more ammo than I should lol.Anyway, today was what I thought going to be a normal day, I had to run some errands at the larger city 30 minutes from me, so I hopped in the car and off I went (with no gun due to lack of experience/training it sits at home for now ). I get off the highway ramp at my destination and see a car sitting at a light with a green turn arrow. I wait a moment then proceed to honk to notify the vehicle they can move. Shortly thereafter they do move but what happens next I never would have expected.We get to the next stoplight and next thing I know this guy gets out of his vehicle (in the middle of an intersection) and starts yelling at me telling me he is going to beat my ass, telling me to get out of the car etc etc. I slightly roll my window down and we have a nice verbal cursing match at each other.I seriously don’t know what his problem was, the honk was justified, anyway the light turns green and we both continue down the same road, with him driving rather erratically. We get to another stoplight and the guy and his wife both get out of the car and continue the verbal assault. Only this time the man comes up to my drivers windows and begins to beat on it with his fist and attempted to open my car door while yelling at me he would be my ass blah blah blah.Eventually his tantrum is over and he drives away. I got a picture of his tags but upon taking to police there wasn’t anything they could do because the main aggressor wasn’t on the registration.Anyway I’ve never had a road rage problem to this extent before, especially over a justified horn honk.Now it is debatable if at anytime it would have been appropriate to brandish a weapon, but I would have felt a lot safer if I had protection with me because I will be dammed if I am going to let a crazy road raged individual attempt to injure me or my property over a car horn.This incident today solidified I am on the right path towards carrying a firearm. I am looking forward to range training and eventually concealed carry in the not too distance future! via /r/CCW

CCW Backpack* (not sling bag) like Vertx EDC Pack, but smaller? (~15L)

Disclaimers I carry on body, AIWB, pretty much always. I'm not looking for an opinion on off body carry, I'm looking for bag recs.I currently have a Vertx EDC Ready Pack, which is essentially the perfect bag for me, accept it's way too big. I don't carry a ton of items, so the 20L of space is just excessive. My ideal bag would be this, but in a size somewhere between 10 to 15L.I have tried sling bags, from Vertx and other companies, and absolutely hate them purely for how uncomfortable they are for me personally.Main points I'd like to hit are: * Backpack (2 Shoulder Straps) * ~10 to 15L ish * Decent organization for pens, gloves, notepad, etc * Easy to access compartment for firearm (separate version other pockets, like the Vertx system) * Ideally not super tactical looking, probably the point I'm most willing to compromise on if it meets all other criteria * Not picky on price if it does what I want, I'd pay Vertx some big bucks for a one off smaller version of The EDC Ready Pack if I could.I've dug through all the posts on Reddit that I could find (as well as Google) and haven't found what I'm looking for, mostly due to anything in this size range being sling bags. via /r/CCW

Ohio received in mail 7 days via /r/CCW

Oregon CHL Class

Just moved down to OR from WA, looking to get my CHL. Need to spend alot of time in Old Town, holy hell that place is sketchy! I'm confused on the class requirement. It looked like a valid Hunter's Ed certificate may waive the online class requirement - is this correct or do I need to take the class anyway? Looks then like I need to apply in person. via /r/CCW

Belt buckle placement

Kinda random but curious if any one else has noticed this. I carry in a tenicor Malus sol, right hand so at roughly 1230. I normally put my belt buckle at about 10:30 or 11 off to the side. But I’ve noticed when it’s on that side and I tighten it down, it seems to put more torque onto the slide side of the gun then onto the wing or camming bar, sticking the grip out a bit further. But when I use a differing belt or but the buckle more center line it tucks the grip better. Maybe this is the type of belt, it’s a nex style belt, so it is feeding the tail from the gun into the buckle, and I think that’s why the torque is being applied to the wrong side of the gun. Has anyone else noticed anything like this or am I crazy and overthinking it? via /r/CCW

What is generally the best form of self-defense?

Easy/quick to become proficient at and ideally not expensive or requiring a lot of effort to maintain. Good even for a slow to respond klutz.

Submitted September 30, 2021 at 01:43PM by This_Caterpillar_330

What are the best EDC flashlights under $75?

Not talking about WML. Thanks via /r/CCW

Preferred sights on carry gun?

Give your opinionView Poll via /r/CCW

In the eyes of the law in determination of justified defense/action, does fear for one's life and safety have to be able to be explained or does the danger posed have to be credibly lethal? ...example, a vehicle

This questions comes after a close call with a reckless driver. I'll try and keep the text wall short.I live at the top of a hill with a two-way road that's only only wide enough for one car at a time. Half way up the road is a blind curve. There is a sidewalk on either side of the road but it is not wide enough for a baby stroller and typically cars drive slow enough on this road to make it safe to walk on the side of the road. On this particular day I was not carrying, although I'm not sure it would have made much of a difference in this scenario. I don't think I would have had time to draw, and even if I did and fired a shot/s it could have made the dangerous situation we were in worse... that said, the following is what happened and is what got me thinking about the question posed in the title of this post.My wife, baby in stroller and I were walking up the hill, myself pushing the stroller on the side of the road and by wife on the sidewalk. A car passed us slowly and considerably going around me and my baby in the direction of the blind curve which was about 20-50 feet ahead of us. When they reached the blind curve another car that was coming in the opposite direction pulled to the side and stopped so that the car that had already passed us had room to go through. Once the first car passed, the car that stopped floored it, accelerating incredibly fast and appeared to be coming directly at me and my baby. I had no space to move the stroller out of the road or the time even if I had space with the speed they were going. I instinctively yelled as loud and clear as I could "slow down", and braced for impact. Thank G-d they didn't hit us. They passed us going extremely fast, however, and I could see the driver and passenger laughing as they passed and we made eye contact. Realistically I know I wouldn't have had time to draw, and even if I did and fired I know that firing at a driver as they're coming towards you could potentially pose a greater threat since they could lose control of the vehicle.In the eyes of the law in determination of justified defense/action, does fear for one's life and safety have to be able to be explained or does the danger posed have to be credibly lethal? ...example, a vehicle. A car is a deadly weapon when used improperly. Is the improper use if a vehicle hence a credible threat to justify self defense? via /r/CCW

Escape from head chancery. junior application

Submitted September 30, 2021 at 07:28AM by azizsyr

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Is it a mistake to trade blow for blow haymakers?

A lot of times when I see street fights both just swing for the fences in hopes they KO the other person first. It can be pretty scary when you see that many punches and force coming at you but I feel if you're trying to match their speed it's a terrible mistake. I feel you just tire out quick and leave yourself vulnerable to get punched because you don't have any self defense . I just want clarity on this and hope I know what I'm talking about. Could help knowing if I ever had to fight.

Submitted September 30, 2021 at 01:59AM by spankyourkopita

Threatened by Stranger at Gas Station

Writing this post adrenaline dump so bear with me.Was sitting in the car at a gas station/convenience store while my wife was inside buying us vapes. Normally I would go in with her, but I was recently exposed to someone with COVID so I'm isolating for a few days. While she's inside a random guy I don't know comes back to his car which is parked next to ours, and right outside my window. He first tells me to roll down the window, which I very obviously refused to do. He starts calling me names, saying I'm a "bitch" and a "pussy" and keeps telling me F U, and that he's "gonna beat my ass". He tells me to "tell your boy who drives this truck that he's a pussy and a stalker". I tell him he's got the wrong person and say have a good night.I then pretend to go back to looking at my phone, but watching him out of the corner of my eye. He then moves and it looks like hes gonna open my door, so I hit the lock button to be sure it's locked. He continues to call me names and say "That's right you better lock your door". He eventually gets in his car and backs out right as my wife comes back and we get the hell out of dodge.A couple of takeaways:1.) I'm honestly not sure what I would've done if he opened the door. I pulled my shirt up so I could draw, but it would've been close range. I've trained close range draws and shooting, I train Jiu Jitsu and box so I have free hand skills, but it still makes me really nervous.2.) I'm not sure how it would stand in court if I shot him right off the bat. In my mind threatening me and pulling me out of my car constitutes a deadly threat. I do live in a stand your ground state. But I'm curious about your opinions.3.) I didn't have my pepper spray which I normally carry. I didn't bring it because we were just running out real quick. Not saying I would've used it, but I would've felt better having a non lethal option.4.) Wife gave me shit for bringing my firearm for such a short trip, but I'm glad I had it. A gun at home does you no good when you're out and about. And even a short trip to the gas station can turn into a bad situation really quick.What I could've done better:Thinking back I wish I would've undone my seat belt, but I'm also not sure what message that would've sent to the other guy. Usually I undo my seat belt when sitting in the car, so I'm going to be way more aware of doing it in the future. I was also wearing flip flops and wish I would've thought to kick them off. If I ended up out of the car I would've preferred being bare foot over having flip flops on.Conclusion:That shit was scary. I'm glad I had my gun, but more glad that I didn't have to use it. Always try to de-escalate the situation, but be prepared if it doesn't work. Random strangers can mistake your identity and think they have beef with you. Crazy strangers can confront you and be aggressive even if you haven't done anything to them. And most importantly, always carry your firearm when you're allowed to.All questions and comments are welcomed and encouraged via /r/CCW

I need help understanding MI CCW laws when traveling from another state

So I’m going to be traveling to MI from IN this weekend, and I’m trying to figure out the legality of concealed carrying. I’m 19, and I know MI requires CPL carriers to be 21. And my carry gun was a gift, so I’m also not sure how that could affect me. I’ve read different things regarding each matter.I also know that MI is a “Must notify immediately” state, so if I got pulled over for something simple, legal matters could get worse if I’m not in total accordance with the law.If any MI residents or anyone else could help me out, that would be fantastic. And if I can’t CCW, would I be able to open carry? via /r/CCW

Talon Grips: Rubber vs Granulate vs Pro?

What do you guys prefer? I find that the rubber is literally MORE slippery than the bare handgun grip whenever any sweat or moisture is introduced, and the granulate is just way too aggressive. It has an amazing grip, but ruins clothes and is uncomfortable to carry. I just ordered the Pro to see what the in-between option is like.View Poll via /r/CCW

California. 43 days. via /r/CCW

6 weeks into waiting for my Legacy Firearms holster

I have heard they take a long time, but the lead time says 30 days. It does specify "while unusual it can take longer"... but going on 6 weeks and ZERO communication back from them. Really unnecessary. via /r/CCW

Should I upgrade my Vedder IWB clip to a Discreet Carry Concepts Gear Clip? Or am I just looking for an excuse to buy something for my gun?

I keep hearing how great the DCC clips are, but I don’t necessarily have a problem with the Vedder one. Let me know what you think! via /r/CCW

Applied May 20th. Received September 22nd. Illinois via /r/CCW

BUIS for PDP with ACRO

I am looking for back up iron sights to co-witness with my PDP and Aimpoint ACRO P2 when it comes out. My question is to those who have the PDP and ACRO P1 - which sights did you go with and how low do they sit in the window? I do not want absolute or even lower 1/3 co-witness. I'm looking lower 1/6 or even 1/8 aka "low-witness". Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks! via /r/CCW

After two years of trial/error I got my EDC figured out (I think) via /r/CCW

First holster purchase, We The People vs/or CYA holster?

Which one would you say is better? First time being able to conceal. I'm going strictly on majority and will purchase. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you much in advanced. via /r/CCW

Very, very new to guns. What's a good starter gun?

I was wondering if anybody has any recommendations on a gun for home defense as well as concealed carry if I decide to get my permit in the future. I live in Virginia. Ideally, I'd like a jack of all trades kind of gun. Something that I could carry and keep in the home.I was looking at a S&W snub nose because it's smaller and has plenty of stopping power, but then I was thinking that it might not be something for a beginner.Thanks in advance for any info. via /r/CCW

Finally have my rig all set up via /r/CCW

How to Pick the Right Martial Arts School for You

A follow up to my video from last week ( regarding how to pick a discipline. This week I cover things that I recommend you take into account when searching for a martial arts school to train at. Me personally, I focus on finding a quality instructor over everything...but that is just me. What do you look for?

Submitted September 29, 2021 at 01:43PM by Heiny90

Tier1Concealed Support

Does anybody have any experiences with T1C’s support? I posted on here about my trigger being too exposed with my new holster from them. I contacted them and got an initial response. But then when i sent another email with pictures and videos, i haven’t received anything back yet. Its been a week. Just wondering how long other peoples time frames were from when they contacted to when everything was squared away. Been dying to just use it without one in the chamber lol. via /r/CCW

First time I’ve ever been able to carry appendix comfortably via /r/CCW

Los Angeles, 170 days. This thing used to be a holy grail that regular people couldn't get. It's still difficult, but it has gotten far more doable thanks to Sheriff Villanueva's recent changes. via /r/CCW

So many options via /r/CCW

It's just another night in the neighborhood ... or is it?

This happened to me just recently and closest I've come to drawing my legally concealed firearm. For those interested, I carry a Taurus TCP (PT738) which I picked up used in the past year as it was what was available for conceal carry where I lived at the time. Plan to upgrade to something better in future, but it's reliable and goes bang every time, so it works for me. I carry an extra mag, pepper spray, and a small Olight flashlight, too.I'm out with the family for an evening walk in the neighborhood where I live. There's a another person across the street about 30 feet in front of us. Wife and I are talking with the kids about their school day when we hear it: Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!Around the back of a house comes someone with a flashlight held high in left hand and a muzzle of a weapon just visible in right hand. This individual takes a knee, aims flashlight and muzzle at the back of the person that was 30 feet in front of us who is now speed walking as fast as possible away using whatever cover he can find. The individual with the unknown weapon has their back to me. Again, I see just the black muzzle and flashlight. My hand is on my firearm ready to draw as I'm motioning my family back the way we came quietly. We beat a hasty retreat back to our house where I called the cops.Cops were on scene about 30 minutes later.My response was get my family to safety first. One of my kids was directly in front of me and I wanted them behind me pronto. Especially if the individual swung the muzzle around towards us. Second, I did not want to get involved as a third-party unless I absolutely had to do so. The person who was in front of us was actively taking cover and we were beating a hasty retreat. The individual with the weapon did not even know we were there which was fine by me (found out later from cops).Cops were able to make contact with the individual. Turns out weapon was a paint ball gun. Guy was not aware other people were on street and he was being stupid (officer's words). Officers gave some education to the individual ... including that night time was not the time for paint ball wars.I just recently acquired my CCW during the pandemic. Hopefully this can be a useful tool for others to think about. Definitely carry wherever and whenever you can legally. You never know what will happen, but you can be prepared when it happens. via /r/CCW

Cpl renewal with Renton PD in Washington state

Has anybody gone through the process of mailing in cpl renewal application with Renton PD or any other PD in Seattle area with mail in renewal service?I’m about to mail in my renewal application and I don’t know what to expect. Is it going to take 30 days after I mail it or 30 days after they have reviewed it? via /r/CCW

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Having a hell of a time finding a holster

I can't seem to find a company that manufactures an AIWB holster for the Sig P320 XCompact 9mm, with TLR-7A. Any leads y'all have? via /r/CCW

Got a P365XL to replace my Shield 2.0, can’t recommend this gun enough for everyday carry. via /r/CCW

Set up my EDC dump tray today 😍 via /r/CCW

My new CCW, a Heritage Barkeep in .22WMR! via /r/CCW

Enigma + Mastermind Tactics = Carry Perfection via /r/CCW

IWB for Walther PPQ SC

Hi there,I'm looking for recommendation for a good everyday carry IWB holster for the Walther PPQ Sub Compact version (PPQ SC). The thing is I want to conceal it with two options: with and without a belt.The only holster I found was the Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5 IWB + Alien Gear Sport Tuck for carrying it without a belt.Any recommendations? Alien Gear or something else? Thanks via /r/CCW

Snub Nose IWB carriers, which holsters do you use/recommend? I'm trying to find a holster where the clip is over the trigger rather than on the cylinder to reduce bulging. via /r/CCW

Glock 35 chopped to g23 size in my Xiphos v2 holster. The smaller frame makes carrying a dream! via /r/CCW

Glock 35 with T1C Xiphos v2. Cutting the frame to 23 size conceals like a dream! via /r/CCW

Personal Protection at Sports/Concerts

The question is obviously not aimed at those who refrain from joining these events because they can't carry. It's aimed at those who still wish to participate while being mindful of their personal safety. The question also assumes you're still aware of your surroundings.That being said, how do you do it? Firearms are a nono, and so are knife pockets. I assume medical kits made of plastic that are highly conceivable would pass, and maybe a plastic can of pepper spray, but besides that, nothing. I'm not sure there is a metal detector friendly knife or pepper spray, but if there is one, what do you carry with you? via /r/CCW

Given a Medieval context, what would be your Top 3

Submitted September 28, 2021 at 12:10PM by SchildwachePotsdam

642 ammo and holster help?

They told me at sports academy that they try to reserve a box of ammo for each gun they sell but after buying the gun they said that they're out. Does anyone have a go-to online store for ammo? I'd also like to hear any carry ammo or non-leather pocket holster reccomendations if anyone has suggestions. Thanks! via /r/CCW

Selecting a gun for CCW in South Africa (CZ vs Glock)

Hi all, I'm looking for some advice. (6' 2" 190lb, warm climate so I wear shorts for half the year, very little experience with guns. )This week I will be buying my first gun, my intention is to conceal carry and use for home defence. Being South African, buying a gun isn't a straight forward process, and I have important decisions to make.My conundrum is this: I can choose between Glock and CZ.Holster availability is no issue, have quite a few Kydex options available.I probably won't be able to fire the guns before I make my decision, and if I don't like the gun, I can't just sell it, it'll take at least a year to replace. Buying a second gun is off the cards for a while, as it's really expensive ( a good price for a CZ is $700, Glocks more).How would you guys go about choosing a gun in these circumstances? I'm mainly looking at CZ P10s VS the Glock 43X, with all the other polymer options from these manufacturers also available. I can get a full grip on both guns. The 43X is going to cost more and while the S15 mags are available, they're really expensive.How much of a difference does grip "girth" vs length matter? Will the thin grips make all the difference, or am I better off going with the shorter grip CZ and spending the difference on an Enigma? And would you say that there would be a big difference in "ease of shooting" if I can get a full grip on both.Tl;dr long grip vs thick grip. via /r/CCW

IWB holster for Max-9?

/r/ruger/comments/px7ry1/iwb_holster_for_max9/ via /r/CCW

Something something 3 seconds 3 yards 3 shots via /r/CCW

What are easy but reliable self-defense skills?

When fighting is the last resort, god forbid it has to get physical, without being a kung fu expert, what are some easy fighting skills? What parts of the body to go for, regardless of their size or strength, and what part of my own body to use as a weapon, for example where is an elbow blow the most effective, stuff like that? My route home from college at night when it's dark has some dodgy streets that I can't avoid, hopefully I will never find myself in a physical altercation, but there's no harm in being prepared for my own piece of mind.

Submitted September 28, 2021 at 10:38AM by FormerFruit

New To CCW

Hey all. I’m getting an Arex Delta Gen 2 M with the 4Bros kydex IWB holster w/ claw. I’ve never carried before, (have been around/used guns all my life, not new to guns but new to carry) how do y’all carry and what do you recommend to someone new? I’m 6’3, 170 lbs, right handed. via /r/CCW

Why Discreet Carry Concepts clips are the business via /r/CCW