Thursday, September 30, 2021
Background check
For those that rock the ghetto enigma (gun belt with holster) under shorts. What belt do you use?
It’s a start, but I’m a little concerned the Crossbreed Micro Reckoning has too much retention even with the screws backed all the way out.
The Right First Gun Is The One You Shoot
Carrying near a school
Where to get leather/suede holster wraps done?
Glock 43x
Today was the day I officially decided to get my CCP
CCW Backpack* (not sling bag) like Vertx EDC Pack, but smaller? (~15L)
Oregon CHL Class
Belt buckle placement
What is generally the best form of self-defense?
Easy/quick to become proficient at and ideally not expensive or requiring a lot of effort to maintain. Good even for a slow to respond klutz.
Submitted September 30, 2021 at 01:43PM by This_Caterpillar_330 https://ift.tt/3EZ1bsa
What are the best EDC flashlights under $75?
In the eyes of the law in determination of justified defense/action, does fear for one's life and safety have to be able to be explained or does the danger posed have to be credibly lethal? ...example, a vehicle
Escape from head chancery. junior application
Submitted September 30, 2021 at 07:28AM by azizsyr https://ift.tt/3uxRYlR
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Is it a mistake to trade blow for blow haymakers?
A lot of times when I see street fights both just swing for the fences in hopes they KO the other person first. It can be pretty scary when you see that many punches and force coming at you but I feel if you're trying to match their speed it's a terrible mistake. I feel you just tire out quick and leave yourself vulnerable to get punched because you don't have any self defense . I just want clarity on this and hope I know what I'm talking about. Could help knowing if I ever had to fight.
Submitted September 30, 2021 at 01:59AM by spankyourkopita https://ift.tt/3zVsgsG
Threatened by Stranger at Gas Station
I need help understanding MI CCW laws when traveling from another state
Talon Grips: Rubber vs Granulate vs Pro?
6 weeks into waiting for my Legacy Firearms holster
Should I upgrade my Vedder IWB clip to a Discreet Carry Concepts Gear Clip? Or am I just looking for an excuse to buy something for my gun?
Applied May 20th. Received September 22nd. Illinois
BUIS for PDP with ACRO
After two years of trial/error I got my EDC figured out (I think)
First holster purchase, We The People vs/or CYA holster?
Very, very new to guns. What's a good starter gun?
How to Pick the Right Martial Arts School for You
A follow up to my video from last week (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXhznApwKEc&ab_channel=DavidHeineman) regarding how to pick a discipline. This week I cover things that I recommend you take into account when searching for a martial arts school to train at. Me personally, I focus on finding a quality instructor over everything...but that is just me. What do you look for?
Submitted September 29, 2021 at 01:43PM by Heiny90 https://ift.tt/3mcVuhB
Tier1Concealed Support
First time I’ve ever been able to carry appendix comfortably
Los Angeles, 170 days. This thing used to be a holy grail that regular people couldn't get. It's still difficult, but it has gotten far more doable thanks to Sheriff Villanueva's recent changes.
It's just another night in the neighborhood ... or is it?
Cpl renewal with Renton PD in Washington state
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Having a hell of a time finding a holster
Got a P365XL to replace my Shield 2.0, can’t recommend this gun enough for everyday carry.
Enigma + Mastermind Tactics = Carry Perfection
IWB for Walther PPQ SC
Snub Nose IWB carriers, which holsters do you use/recommend? I'm trying to find a holster where the clip is over the trigger rather than on the cylinder to reduce bulging.
Glock 35 chopped to g23 size in my Xiphos v2 holster. The smaller frame makes carrying a dream!
Glock 35 with T1C Xiphos v2. Cutting the frame to 23 size conceals like a dream!
Personal Protection at Sports/Concerts
Given a Medieval context, what would be your Top 3
Submitted September 28, 2021 at 12:10PM by SchildwachePotsdam https://ift.tt/3lZZphS
642 ammo and holster help?
Selecting a gun for CCW in South Africa (CZ vs Glock)
IWB holster for Max-9?
Something something 3 seconds 3 yards 3 shots
What are easy but reliable self-defense skills?
When fighting is the last resort, god forbid it has to get physical, without being a kung fu expert, what are some easy fighting skills? What parts of the body to go for, regardless of their size or strength, and what part of my own body to use as a weapon, for example where is an elbow blow the most effective, stuff like that? My route home from college at night when it's dark has some dodgy streets that I can't avoid, hopefully I will never find myself in a physical altercation, but there's no harm in being prepared for my own piece of mind.
Submitted September 28, 2021 at 10:38AM by FormerFruit https://ift.tt/3uhOpjw
New To CCW
Why Discreet Carry Concepts clips are the business