Sunday, June 7, 2020

Need some advice

I recently just purchased my first personal gun (intend to EDC it), I bought an SA Hellcat (fiber optic). I did a lot of research in general before buying, and watched tons of videos on so many different carry guns. I actually thought I was going to get the Sig P365, so much so that I went to the closest range, rented one, shot it, and thought it felt great (a bit snappier than I'd like, but it's a small gun, so of course it'll be snappy). I read the issues about the first gen P365s having problems, but the one I shot was newer, and it ran great, so that didn't bother me.So I went to the closest shop, intent on buying a P365. When I got there, they showed me the P365, but then also pulled out the Hellcat. I had seen a couple reviews on the Hellcat, and I knew it had nothing but good things said about it, but I'll admit I probably watched every P365 review under the sun. I picked up the Hellcat and instantly it felt like it fit my hand better, it just felt way better to hold than the P365. Long story short, they explained all the things better about the Hellcat than the P365 etc, and I ended up happily walking out with the Hellcat.I got home and started firing away... and.. the gun is so snappy, on top of the fact I feel like my shots were all over the place. I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with it. It wasn't all bad, I was able to hit some targets from 7-15 yards every now and then. The gun never had a FTF or anything of that sort, I can rack the slide just fine, the grip is amazing, the mag release is super smooth, the sights are nice to look through, and it really is just a great gun overall. I've put probably 400 rounds through it at this point, and it's worked flawlessly. I just feel like I can barely shoot it, I'm a very small guy, 5'8 135lbs, so I'm definitely on the weaker side. I've shot full size handguns (9mm and 45) with none of these problems, recoil was easily acceptable and accuracy was great, but there's no fucking way in hell I could carry one of them everyday, way too big for me.So now I'm at the point where I feel like I want to get another gun.. but I don't even know how to go about getting any amount of money back for the Hellcat. It was brand new, paid like $530+tax for it, I don't know how bad resale values on guns are, and I don't even know where to sell it short of just taking it back to the shop, but I'm sure they'd give me a good fuckin' with the price and give me like 20% of what I paid. I'm not in a rush to get the money back before I buy another gun, as I've set myself up pretty well financially, so I'd be happy to wait longer to actually get some of my cash back.The first handgun I ever shot was a full size Colt 1911, and I always really liked them. As I researched around though, it seemed like there was either really good things said about 1911s or really bad stuff about them. I would've loved to just buy a compact concealable 1911 to begin with, but I think I let the stuff I read online get to me. I was really worried about having enough capacity, but the problem is if I can't hit the broadside of a barn, I don't think 2-4 extra rounds are going to help a ton. Also, since 1911s are a bit heavier they should feel a little less snappy I'd assume? I don't mind carrying a slightly heavier gun for more controlled recoil. I also don't mind learning the in's and out's of a 1911 to properly clean it and maintain it, as I'm now really getting into guns as a hobby (may even just keep the Hellcat). I also read a lot of things about 1911s being unreliable, but it seems to be because every manufacture and their mother makes 1911s, so it makes sense some of them would be shitty quality. I'm really leaning towards a carry size 1911 now I think, as the more I look at them the more I want one.​TLDR / Questions:What is the best way to get money back for a used, in good condition gun? I'm assuming it takes a lot of effort to actually ship a firearm and all that vs just taking it to a shop or something?9mm 1911 vs 45 1911?Are you personally a fan of 1911s and would you trust your life with one?A shop near me has this this . They seem to be on sale for ~$200 in savings, are they good guns, or are there better 1911 options? I'm willing to spend up to ~$1400. via /r/CCW

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