Saturday, June 27, 2020

Pretty much sure some folks tried to mug me

So, I'll start this by saying I don't have my CCW yet and was unarmed through this encounter. Obviously, CCW has been rocketed up my priority list. Other mistakes were made this evening - I will call them each out.So I worked an extra couple hours today to wrap up a project. Today I was at a different site than I normally work at, but in an area I know pretty well. I procrastinate on many things, and fueling my car is no different - on my way out of work I knew I had to gas up or I wasn't going to get home.The nearest gas station is located in a shopping center in a sketchy part of town, sandwiched between a Walmart parking lot and a local highway. It's 11 PM - I knew this was risky. I'm not sure why I didn't go three miles further down the road to a much safer gas station.I pulled into the gas station and am in condition yellow. Start filling the car, and I start thinking I'm a little silly for being so nervous...when a 90's Cadillac sedan with tinted windows comes in playing loud rap music. Not unusual...until it parks on the other side of the pumps, too far forward for the rear pump and too far back for the front pump. We're on the side of the convenience store with no door. This puts me into condition orange.I face their direction, without obviously eyeing them up. Three doors open and three men get out, and all three had lit joints in their mouths. Still condition orange. I stop filling my car early, back up into my car while keeping my head in their direction, and start the car.They get back in their fucking car, and then they pulled around in front of me. My only thought there was "Huh, they could block me in and I'd just kinda be fucked." That was my mental trigger to fight, though I had no plan to fight without a firearm.They didn't stop. They lingered at the exit from the gas station parking lot for a minute or two, before pulling into the walmart parking lot.I left via a different exit. I'm not 100% sure what intent they had, but it definitely wasn't to get gas or buy snacks.My takeaways are:A gun isn't always necessary to protect yourself. It's a great tool to have, and without one some situations will end with you dying, but mindset and situational awareness are much more important.Appendix carry is the best carry method for me. I have complete confidence that I would have had a quick and easy draw from my seat if I had to. I've been carrying at home while I build confidence and iron out how to carry.I'm keeping a quarter tank in my car at all times now, and I'm not gassing up in that area anymore.I live in a permissive state (though I was gassing up in a state with limited reciprocity and restrictive gun laws). I have no excuses for not having a CCW permit. I'm proficient, I have the right mindset, I have the equipment I need to carry - so it's time to make some phone calls and get the thing. via /r/CCW

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