Sunday, June 28, 2020

Best empty handed discipline to learn

I carry concealed 99% of the time. More and more, however, I’m realizing how woefully ill prepared I am for any sort of encounter that doesn’t justify/require a firearm. In short: I have no idea how to fight.For background: I’m 5’8” and weight between 130 and 140, depending on my cycling training at the time (I race bikes). I have proportionally very poor upper body strength, but very high lower body strength (again- I race bikes).I have a wife, 2 kids, and a third on the way. I don’t have massive time to train, but could work in a class or 2 per week. What discipline would you all recommend? Basically I don’t want to win street fights, but if someone is able to get with arms reach i want to be able to defend myself- at least until I can get to my gun.I consider myself very hyper-aware of my surroundings- but I want more options available other than “use gun”. via /r/CCW

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