Tuesday, June 9, 2020

low stress panic drills?

so my significant other is the type to just freeze up when things get stressful. like deer-in-the-headlights, lights-on-nobodys-home, blankly-stare-while-the-room-burns-and-you-scream-gtfo sort of lockup. i didnt realize how severe it was until just now when somebody knocked at our door. shes been working from home and not exactly been on the spot with getting dressed, and between that and the dog... needless to say she was not helpful, and direct questions were met with silence. now ive done some 'panic drills' or stress trainings or whatever theyre called where you have to solve very basic puzzles(2x2 rubik cube, untie a knot) or perform arbitrary tasks(sign your name on the blue lines, tie your shoes) while being bombarded with foam projectiles, a klaxon blares, at least 3 people are shouting at you, and one or 2 has a foam bat/shield to swat shove you with, there may be smoke/blindfolds involved, etc. i have no idea how to start someone off with stuff like this, everything i can think of would result in her immediate lockup and right now shes totally useless for any sort of situation that requires actually reacting/responding quickly. besides frightening its frustrating. can anybody suggest anything that might help? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/30qDya5

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