Tuesday, June 9, 2020

IWI Masada & Holosun red dot - installation issues (and resolution)

So after experiencing (and fixing) an error with my Masada, and being unable to find any kind of documentation for it online - I'd like to share with you a very important installation notes for any owners of IWI Masada that are planning to install Holosun 4/507.TL;DR: You need to cut the IWI screws by 5 threads (to 0.359" length) in order to make this combination work together.Full story:Well as I was writing it I figured it's way too many details and I should just have a different post for my impressions and review of the gun, so -Partial story:After installing Holosun HS570 on my new IWI Masada, and taking it to the range, I noticed something odd - the gun will not chamber a round all the way properly. About 50%(!!) failure to feed rate, and racking the slide will usually result with the slide returning to just a shy before it's "resting" position, requiring me to give it a slight push with the thumb. Obviously, not the way the gun should handle.I took the gun to the range before that, without the sight, and it had 0 malfunctions. Gun reviews will tell the same story too, so obviously something got messed up after the installation of the Holosun - the thing is though, to the eye it looked like installation was plush.Once I contacted IWI they immediately knew what's wrong, it turns out that the Holosun sits lower than the RMR, so the screws that were cut for RMR installation are too lengthy for Holosun, requiring the owner to cut/file them shorter. How much shorter? 5 threads, resulting with a length of less than 0.359".I filed and reinstalled, and now everything is back to normal. I will write a different post about my experience with this gun, but long story short - it's pretty much the best VFM in the market for a compact red-dot-compatible pistol, in my own personal (and obviously biased) opinion.I hope this post will help others that encounter similar issues, with this gun or another. Cheers. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2Yfpo98

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