Sunday, June 7, 2020

I’m babysit kids of all ages often and I conceal carry daily. Should I infom parents?

I'm a 22 y/o female who does babysitting gigs for multiple families and have had experience around guns my entire life. I live where a conceal carry permit isn't necessary. I carry in a discrete pocket of my purse and while I know that it isn't always the most secure option - its the way that works best for me and I take extra precautions (never setting my purse down on an extra chair, or in a shopping cart, etc.) When I get to a babysitting job my purse is always placed in the central living area where I can see it, and it is on a high surface. Normally a kitchen bartop where most kids can't reach. I carry a Ruger LCP, without a round in the pipe, because in a worst case scenario I don’t think a child could rack the gun.My reasoning for carrying while sitting is because I would not know how to protect those kids who are my responsibility if our lives were in danger, and I did not have my firearm. Up until this point, I have never informed parents of my weapon. In my mind, I'm doing everything in my power to ensure the safety of their children - but I know that there are those who would disagre. Does anyone have any thoughts for me? via /r/CCW

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