Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Storytime: jury duty for a DGU

My coworker just completed jury duty for a shooting where the shooter claimed defense of another person. I cannot believe the shooter was let off the hook for this. I’m posting it here to get your opinion.Location: TXPeople involved: shooter, shooter’s wife, shooter’s dad (guy who got shot)Shooter and wife live together. The dad was living with them in the same apartment, and the shooter and wife wanted him out.Wife and dad got into a heated argument. Dad was drunk (0.11 BAC) per toxicology report.Dad supposedly made verbal threats to the wife. Some witness testimony said it was only verbal, some said he raised a fist, some said he lunged out, etc etc. The testimony was all over the place and inconsistent af.Shooter grabs a gun, fires five shots, all of which strike the dad. Autopsy report shows he got struck on the thigh, chest, and neck areas. All shots entered on the right side of this body and exited out the left.Shooter calls 911 and sounds very calm and collected. Now this is what infuriates me. You could hear five more gunshots on the 911 recording. The autopsy report shows five gunshot wounds to the abdomen, which entered front and exited out the back. The bullets also struck the ground and made a nice cluster. The dad was on the ground, and the shooter decided to dead-check him while on the phone with 911. The shooter abruptly hangs up on 911 after those shots.Eight of the twelve jurors decided on a not guilty verdict, saying they thought the shooting was justified. As far as the dead-checking, they thought the shooter was too amped-up and so that was justified.My face hit the desk after I heard that. via /r/CCW

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