Monday, March 9, 2020

Self-defense advice for someone with a lean build?

Sorry if this has been asked before or is overly-specific to my case. I'm a 25 year old male, 5'10 at around 140lbs, out of shape and with little athletic experience. Over the past six months I've been confronted twice by homeless (LA and NYC) who have tried to start a fight completely unprovoked. Last night while walking with my girlfriend a homeless man approached me--he didn't seem to be asking for money so I started pulling my girlfriend behind my back by the hand. Before I could process what was happening or react he had sucker punched me in the face.

In both situations all I could really do was act as a shield; even running away would have been difficult (at least for me, without training) with her behind me and him coming from the front. My guess is that my size/appearance makes me look like an easy target. From browsing this subreddit it seems like a contact sport (Muay Thai, BJJ, Boxing, etc.) might be a good place to start since it would help get me in shape and become more comfortable/confident in dealing with an attacker.

What concerns me though is, as a programmer, a concussion or broken hand could seriously affect my livelihood. Is this any less of a risk with something like Krav Maga given that I would (ideally?) be sparing there anyway? As someone who doesn't intend to compete are my fears of injury overblown? Any other advice?


Submitted March 09, 2020 at 12:31AM by dumbswe0

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