Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Nearing the issuance time limit

Hello, I submitted my paperwork for a Michigan CPL on 2/28. Michigan is a shall-issue state. In Michigan, a CPL must be issued within 45 days of submission, and if it is not, the receipt for the submission is valid as a CPL until the actual CPL comes in.It's possible I'm jumping the shark here, but I'm over halfway through the time limit now. With the new plague shutting down the world, I don't have high hopes that my CPL will arrive in the next three weeks. So, I have a few questions.Has anyone carried with the receipt? It just seems a bit sketchy to be carrying with the paperwork instead of with an actual CPL. I guess I just don't quite believe them that it's valid.When carrying with the receipt, does it have to be the whole sheet of paper, or the much smaller receipt from the fingerprinting? I assume the whole sheet, it would just be nice if not, since it's kind of a pain to carry around a whole sheet of paper.At what point should I start asking the county clerk's office about this? Obviously not until the 45 days, but when that passes, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing about it. Or, since it seems Michigan is usually a couple weeks at most, and I'm at a month wait, should I be bringing this up sooner, in case there's some sort of paperwork issue to resolve?Apologies, I know, jumping the shark, I'm just chomping at the bit to get this and with everything shutting down, I'm concerned what it means for my pending application. via /r/CCW

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