Monday, March 9, 2020

Even as a child, I faced my punishments head on and took responsibility.

Today I must do the same. I'm typically a very responsible person, but this weekend I did something very irresponsible. I had an ND. I hope you can all learn from it and also give me the lashings I deserve.Got home from a shopping trip out with the wife to prepare for coronavirus here in Seattle. Stores are empty and you gotta get what you can. Standard operating procedure for me is to remove mag, eject chambered round when I walk in the door. I have another firearm for home defense that stays loaded and never touched.My wife and I were having a very serious discussion regarding one of our children. During this discussion I ejected the mag while my CCW was still in it's holster. I was walking over to my safe to put it away, and it's common practice for me to rack the slide and depress the trigger before I put it in the safe. Pointed it at a 60 degree angle to the floor and depressed the trigger, but for some reason assumed I had already racked the slide due to the missing mag.Now my wood bed frame, mattress, mattress topper, christmas boxes under the bed, carpet, floor, and garage door opener (bedroom is above the garage) all have a hole from a 115gr TPX in them.My wife, as cool as could be, just said "I guess that's the last time you make that mistake".Edit: I'm slightly disappointed in the expansion of the 115gr TPX after finding the slug. via /r/CCW

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