Saturday, February 29, 2020
Advice? Fiance does not want firearms in the house [USA]
Heavier Guns
Concealed Carry and staying the night at a lady’s place?
2nd Gun?
Is it best to approach a right handed shooter from the left or right side? Point of view is going to be your left and your right?
Let’s say you are pinned against a wall and the shooter is somewhat close and you going straight isn’t an answer because his arm isn’t in arms length and the muzzle is pointing at you. Of course you might get hit but is it best to go from the left or right side to disarm?
My thought: I feel like it’s hard to go right (your right) because even though you could get the opponent back a lot easier, it’s also easier for the opponents right arm to shoot under the left arm pit and hit you. But if you were to approach from the left (your left) it’s harder for the opponent to curve his right arm to the right side and shoot you if you’re close (unless if he turns his hips, but hip turning is slower than arm turning).
P.S I also want to say the goal is it also control the arm and try to disarm the gun
What are your thoughts?
Submitted February 29, 2020 at 07:15PM by -REXIA- https://ift.tt/2TrmoUL
Will a Alien Gear Walther PPQ M2 holster work for an M1?
Gorgeous new IWB holster from Lobo leather. Top notch craftsmanship here.
Help me choose a new compact 45 for ccw
Indiana CCW question
Can’t figure out T. Rex Sidecar
Mental block with AIWB
The conversations you wind up having when you go down the defense rabbit hole...
Black Arch Protos-M Single vs Dual Clip (p365)
Most comfortable backing material?
My edc, xd9 mod.2 sub. Spiderco Hybrid aiwb and Hornady Critical Defence.
P365 too short for appendix carry?
My current coat/back up carry. Easy on the eyes to say the least.
CCW in workplaces [Florida]
Friday, February 28, 2020
For someone who lives in a failed state with weak law and order situation, what is a comprehensive self-defense book that deals with all types of circumstances?
I live in Bangladesh. Its a country where the law and order situation is very poor. The police actually avoids incidents (I have seen it firsthand). Not only that they are a bit thuggish, creating problems only for their own interest (like taking bribes) or beating up, arresting the opposition political parties etc.
Also here, ANY weapons of self defense is against the law. Anything that is carried with the purpose of using as a weapon is prohibited. That includes pepper spray, to bow and arrows to anything else. Stiff jail sentences are there for carrying weapons.
Yet the country has a high crime rate and horrible human rights records. The human rights abuses are severe both by the state as well as by the local populace. Atheists, LGBT people, human rights workers, intellectuals, minorities are frequently attacked by mobs as well as the police.
I write on intellectual and human rights issues by the way and it is inevitable that I need to talk about atheistic topics and talk about morality that often challenges the status quo.
Immigration is not an option because no country will take you in and your whole family (they only let your spouse and children) simply because of the law and order situation in your country. Besides you need to be free of disease and have good employability prospects in order to not be excluded as a public charge.
So I was wondering, are there any self-defense books that comprehensively teaches you on how to maintain security, privacy and self-defense under ALL circumstances in a failed state without much law and order? By all circumstances, I am referring to all kinds of situations: from your home, on the streets, while travelling domestically including in remote areas, while travelling internationally, when you are ill and have absolutely no social support (that is anyone supporting you) etc. That is the book should cover all worst case scenarios and all types of situations.
PS: Please suggest a free book or provide a download link. You need a passport and credit card to purchase anything from out of the country because the government likes to track and limit what you are spending on. And I don't have a passport.
Submitted February 29, 2020 at 01:26AM by Experimentalphone https://ift.tt/2PzQdBz
Finally got my first firearm, now to wait on the Vedder holster to arrive!!
CCW conundrum.
How would one conceal in business casual?
Is dog pepper spray affective on people?
I want to carry pepper spray to defend my dogs from dog attacks. Dog pepper spray is far less concentrated that human pepper spray. Would spraying a human attacker be enough to drop them like regular pepper spray? It would suck to be attacked by a person and have the spray just piss them off.
Submitted February 28, 2020 at 06:28PM by CatInTheScat https://ift.tt/397TOOM
My “broke college student” EDC. (more in comments)
Is it any wonder I'm late to pretty much everything? I cannot decide who get's to ride today.
I’ve seen people ask about concealing a full size firearm - here’s my setups
On the motorcycle
A little parking garage freedom from a California CCW.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Freedom Friday - Weekly off-topic thread. February 28, 2020
PSA: This is what happens when you ignore Cooper’s rules: Man Dies Attempting Appendix Carry Reholster In Milkwaukee
As a man shined a flashlight into cars on his block, a FOID card holder called 911, loaded his gun and waited. Now he’s charged with second-degree murder.
Vedder starter pack came in the mail today.
New To Carrying Appendix
For those that carry at 1-o'clock, where so you put your knife?
PSA Dagger 9mm
Big thanks to this community and BlueAlpha Gear. I can finally carry AIWB!
Not a CCW or dgu incident but another reminder to never make statements without lawyer. Also an dashcam can save your legal life.
Getting trained
Proposed bill to have a centralized database to identify persons with a CC permit
Question about CCW safe and gym