Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Yet another cautionary tale about why you should always carry.

I decided to run to the store tonight to get some wine. Store is ten minutes away, I knew exactly what I wanted and where it was, I wouldn't be in the store more than four minutes. Ten minutes home, for a 24 minute round trip. The dog likes car rides. I'll take my 40 pound mutt. Still wearing my work attire with a tucked in shirt, I didn't grab my shield to throw on my hip nor did I grab the 642 I recently got specifically for pocket carry. I pull in and there is one spot and the asshole next to me is far over the white line and into my spot. No big deal. I go in and make my purchase and as I'm heading out the same vehicle's driver is now in the vehicle and as I'm right behind the vehicle he throws it in reverse and begins backing up without looking. I do the automatic shoulder shrug, WTF move while getting out of the way. He rolls his window down and starts talking shit. The usual "what did you say? I'll fuck you up." Now as he was backing up at an angle, his truck is now blocking mine. No matter, my reaction is the same: get in my truck and don't respond for two reasons. 1: I don't want to escalate this. 2: despite not having a gun on me, I do have a glock 27 in the console. And I want access to that if he escalates the situation. As I get in I try to open the console to at least have access to the gun. My idiot dog is perched on the console lid. I cleared him off and open the lid. I suppose that activity may have prompted him to think this wasn't a good idea to continue his threats and he left. I'm glad I had a handgun in my truck, but it was precious seconds away. This situation didn't escalate, but if it had I would have been infinitely better off having a pocket gun in that situation. Lesson learned. If I can be armed, I will be armed. via /r/CCW

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