I didn't get involved.Now you've all been ambushed by the misleading post title. You see, it can happen that fast and unexpectedly!Instead, it is time for "A Stupid Boring Story You'll All Hate EPISODE 2."Some of you may remember my previous story:https://ift.tt/2NajlvT, as it happens, I was in one of those unholy KFC/Taco Bell hybrid places, because my wife has been feeling bad and I thought a chicken pot pie might make her feel better. I had wanted to go to the taco truck, but the lady running it was fucking with the propane tank in a way that looked a little "pre-explody," and when I asked if she was open she responded in what my little Spanish fluency translated as "I have to put the gas." That wasn't really an answer one way or the other, so I just left, and I figured I could get the pot pie AND considerably less authentico tacos while I was at it.Now, if you're familiar with Episode 1, you must know that this KFC/Taco Bell is literally next door to the CVS where I had my last non-encounter with street crime. I'm thinking I should start avoiding this area altogether so I can .... well .... avoid not being directly threatened? I don't know about that logic.I pulled up to the place and immediately noted a van with a few teenagers sort of standing around it. My first thought was "this looks a bit suspicious." My second thought was "that was a racist thing to think, asshole." I looked again, and they just looked like they were waiting for someone. It also looked like there was at least one other much younger kid in there, who was almost certainly not a career criminal.I go in and get in line, trying to figure out what flavor of indigestion I want. One of the employees walks out the front, and a few seconds later this table full of high school girls gets up and leaves as well. School uniforms and all it looks like.All of a sudden, the girls just jump the employee (probably also a high school kid I guess). This is the ambush in question. There is actually an ambush in this story. There is the classic hair pulling, the aimless haymakers, shirt tugging, everyone in the ambush party actively getting in the way of their allies, giving it an overall effect of nothing really dangerous happening. After a few seconds, the mob disbursed and jumped in the previously-somewhat-suspicious-now-proven-involved-in-a-crime van, which drives off at what actually seemed like a fairly responsible and cautious pace.The other patrons were all watching, saying such informative things as "oh damn, they just jumped that girl! They were just in here!" I'm glad they let me know. I thought about yelling "Worldstar" but I feel like that isn't actually funny in the real world. Or really online I guess.The victim didn't appear injured. She didn't even seem that mad. I'm guessing that this was just some kind of school beefAs it relates to self-defense, I did actually use my situational awareness - I stayed aware of the fact thatThis did not involve me in any wayNo one was armedThe only combatants were teenage girls - the boys stayed with the vanI was safe insideI wasn't about to be the next person to shoot an unarmed black teenager for fuck's sake.I didn't call the cops because I assumed someone else did, and there were people in the parking lot that got a much better view. Hell, if no one called that means that the store manager didn't call, so could you really blame me? My police report would have been "so yeah there were some kids in a van who sort of beat up this girl and then drove away, but she doesn't actually seem hurt and kinda seems like she knows why they did it I guess." Send in the fucking SWAT team? I was a shitty witness, because I was not about to give up my cozy spot of "not in a teenage melee" to try and get a license plate number.I confess I did briefly consider getting involved, but I don't know this girl and who knows, maybe she had it coming. I did scan everyone involved for weapons, but had I seen a gun I would have just tried to usher everyone away from the windows and to safety. Even if one of the vankids was armed, there was no way to intercede. That would have required totally breaking cover to charge outside for no reason to possibly save someone I don't know, and fuck up my life in the process at least a little. And what could I have done? Charged out with my best British constable impression? "Oi! You lot! What's all this then? Clear off!"I mean what do you really do? If I had gone out there and yelled some shit, either they would have left (which they did on their own) OR the rest of them might have come out of the van to meet my challenge, and THEN I would have had a problem. If a group of teenagers decided they wanted to beat me up, I'd probably get beaten up. And then I'd have to decide if I want to be the next George Zimmerman (spoiler, I don't).If they had continued the beating for long enough to call the cops, I probably would have. Or at least instructed someone else to do so while I considered intervention. If the girl looked like she was truly in danger, I might have gone out there, but ONLY if the vankids seemed to be staying out of it. I don't really like 6 on 1, especially when I only carry 8 rounds. And before you criticize me for not carrying more ammo, trust me, I see where you're coming from. But have you heard the gospel of running away like a bitch? It is really a good tactic.So again, doing nothing saved the day and everything went fine! I only regret that my situational awareness and assessment really precludes me from focusing on drawing my phone as quickly as possible to try and get video.My assessment of the situation is that the vankids had picked up their younger sister(s) and friends from some after school program for troubled youth, and decided to engage in a family bonding activity in facilitating an assault on a rival, taking out their aggression on KFC girl for having the gall to try and earn a living. The victim didn't really seem like she was in shock that this happened.I'm happy I could bring you this sequel, and I hope some lessons were learned! via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2MLMroh
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