Sunday, March 9, 2025

Self Defense Techniques Against Taller Opponent 02 🔥 Martial Arts An

Submitted March 09, 2025 at 06:57PM by ParsnipEquivalent374

LPT: Listen to your guts!


Submitted March 09, 2025 at 06:03PM by theopresent

Considering teaching boxing to beginners what does it take?

Im 30 years old and have boxed on and off for about 12 years. By this I mean consistant class taking and sparring at multiple gyms with many people. Ive had one smoker fight which I won. Ive trained a lot of muay thai and jiu jitsu as well in the last 5 years but id probably begin with strictly teaching boxing. Im very used to holding all sorts of pads for training partners in all the classes environments im used to.

I havent fought many fights but feel I have a strong understanding of technique and how to start slow for folks and teaching fundamentals/footwork/jumprope/head movement.

What else should I know? Id probably begin by teaching beginners in my neighborhood. I have all the gear as well.

I am in no way looking to train serious competitors of any sort. Folks who want to learn.

Thanks for reading.

Submitted March 09, 2025 at 04:54PM by footyfreak420

Mind game: What's your "item" of choice? (Read below)

Submitted March 09, 2025 at 11:02AM by Weekly-Researcher-73

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Travel Safety - AirBnB

I apologize in advance if this isn’t appropriate for this subreddit. But I am staying at an AirBnB soon, a house, and it has a keypad. I am concerned perhaps the owners haven’t changed the code between guests and I don’t know who all has the code. How can I secure the entrances during my stay? Are these door locks good? What could I do to secure the home? Thank you!!

Submitted March 08, 2025 at 09:47PM by Kaitlyn7897

Do knife (or other weapons) robbers leave you if you have no money?

So recently there have been more and more knife attackers in europe and self defence videos always tell you to just give him whatever he wants.

Sometimes robbers want your phone. I rarely carry my phone with me. The only situation I carry my phone, is if I need it for work or social gatherings. Else I never carry my phone with me. Even when walking at night. And I carry almost no cash. And now, not because I'm worried or something just out of pure curiosity, what would happen if such a knife wielding maniac came at me and told me, give me your money and phone and I tell him I am not carrying my phone with me? Will he just search another target or become more aggressive?

Submitted March 08, 2025 at 02:55PM by Big-Raspberry4580

Friday, March 7, 2025

Non-violent restraint as a small woman?

Hey. Here's the situation in a shortened form. I have a family member with a disability who sometimes becomes violent on a switch. It is becoming more and more clear that I'm unprepared to keep myself and the environment safe when I'm the only person who's there to look after them. They (6'+ , 200-230 lbs)are much larger than I (5'4", 130 lbs) am. In order to keep them, my family, and my family's possessions safe, I've decided that physical restraint may be needed in dire situations. I am aware that environmental prevention/restraint and behavioral strategies are better, but it gets much beyond that very quickly.

Please note that calling the police is not an option given recent and not recent events around police handling situations involving people with disabilities with unnecessary and excessive violence.

Does anyone know any holds or strategies for painless restraint that a small woman could use on a larger individual that will keep the violent person neutral until someone else can arrive to help? Can't take much more of this as it's going. Thank you.

Submitted March 07, 2025 at 03:46PM by FrolickingAardvark

Thursday, March 6, 2025

How do I block from pinched while doing a naked rear choke

As in how do I stop the person I’m choking from elbowing me

Submitted March 06, 2025 at 11:09AM by Religious_Studies011

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Can you train yourself to stay calm?

I got attacked. I did stay calm for awhile (talked calmly to the attacker, so I would get him to leave me alone). But then he punched me, and I started shaking. He actually left then, but Im concerned, because Im not even sure I could run, let alone "fight" back, use self defense, because my leg was shaking so much from the shock. This scares me, and I wonder, is this normal and it wouldn't prevent me from running/other, or what? And is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Submitted March 05, 2025 at 06:32AM by hehench

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Best defense for street self defense against hostile tendencies?

So for context guys I’m not a violent person but I live out in the streets of LA where I have to walk my daughter at night sometimes and I feel very unsafe with certain people out there. I’m looking for a link or style that would be best for self defense. Any opinions or direction would be highly welcome as I only want to use this as absolute last resort incase I get corned in a situation where I have to defend myself and my daughter. Thank you

Submitted March 05, 2025 at 12:45AM by Growkitz

Should i go back to Taekwondo or start boxing?

To be fairly honest, i excelled very well in Taekwondo in just a few weeks. I ended up progressing faster than others. I loved Taekwondo but what i miss the most is the company i had there. That's what i've been thinking over the past 1.5 years. I miss the people there.

But i've also been thinking of boxing. My dad used to do some underground boxing in Serbia back in the 80s and he's a tough lad. It's a tough choice but i can't afford both. I also have MMA and Muay Thai in my mind but never trained Muay Thai before. I did MMA for few months back in the days. What i'm looking is efficiency and what can really make me progress both competition wise and self-defense wise.

Submitted March 04, 2025 at 02:31AM by No-Earth-8428

Monday, March 3, 2025

How to get my sister to value self defense and situational awareness?

Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit. Will try posting in a women sub but have no other clue where to ask and seeking advice on it.

So I’m 19m and I have a younger sister who is 17. Ever since I was little I have always been pretty socially aware and notice patterns easily and have pretty good memory with people ( naturally it isn’t something I focus like crazy despite somewhat focusing on being socially aware). My sister doesn’t. She would have no clue if a car is following her or if someone is following her in the store. I get that as an older brother I may view things differently and trust me I don’t expect her to be paranoid but she is so unaware of everything it’s scary at times.

Recently I have tried to emphasize how important self defense is. She lets her friends use her pepper spray and doesn’t think about if it runs out and how she may need it and etc. or even if a dog is possibly attacking her or someone else how she might need it then. She walks around with this little bright purple wallet and leaves her phone on the side of things and not in her hand or pocket. Basically she hasn’t been stolen from so doesn’t actually realize how easy it is for one person with low morals to see her as a target and snatch her valuables let alone possibly attack her.

We even had a discussion and she was honest to God convinced she could beat a grown man in a fight if she wanted to especially if he is a little skinny. Mind you she is around 5,6 and weighs probably around 105 I would say ( I could be somewhat far from this but she is extremely skinny and for the longest time was around 95 pounds even when she was shorter). I offered to wrestle her or to rein-act a self defense situation to simply just let her feel the gauge of how easy it would be for a skinny guy like me let alone someone with muscle and adrenaline and bad intent to genuinly rob her or simply attack her due to mental illness or bad intent. And she said that it was useless since she wouldn’t be able to actually hurt me and even after giving her permission she brought up she would go for poking eyes and ofc kicking/ hittting genitalia which makes sense to me and ofcourse that couldn’t be done in a simulation for safety reasons. But she still doesn’t understand how hard it would be to actually go for that while some dude is trying to attack her or even if some woman attacks her.

Sorry for the long post and don’t want to seem like some overprotective brother but I’m trying to get my sister to value self defense and actually understand that she doesn’t need to be paranoid but that the world isn’t sunshine and rainbows and she doesn’t have a bubble around her.

Any advice would help.

Submitted March 03, 2025 at 10:12AM by Hyyundai

Are flashlight self defence techniques legit (In terms of striking)?

I've watched a lot of videos about using flashlights as a striking tool for self defence. I tried to strike a full plastic bottle, but instead of damaging the bottle, it hurt my hand. That's why I wanna ask if you guys have any experience of using flashlights for self defence.

Submitted March 03, 2025 at 05:04AM by Clean-Rock-8060

Sunday, March 2, 2025

break-ins near me, bad hood

hi, I have had an extremely violent stalker for the past 13 years who raped & tried to kill me when I was a minor. The police make fun of me, it's infuriating to say the least. My stalker smiles in his mugshots for breaking & entering so to me it is only a matter of time when not if he tries to kill me again.

Anyway, I always thought my building was safe but lately (last 2 weeks) there have been breaks in next door on either side AND in my building (first floor). I intentionally live on the 5th floor but right next to the fire escape & keep my windows shut for that reason, but sometimes need the air flow & will open a far window. I know SWAT teams/psychos can scale anything so I'm planning on adding to my supplies.

Have: - pepper spray - personal alarm - keep phone charged, wear shoes I can run in when leave apartment - dog whistle - seatbelt cutter/glass breaker - I use fake names on deliveries, etc - confidential address

Adding: - taser baton - taser -- I want the kind that shoot - non lethal carbon weapon (my guy friend who hunts recommended this, initially I was offended lol but it will take a couple years to get a conceal carry permit in LA).

Not worried about my front door (sturdy electronic lock plus I roll my heavy trash can in front at night for peace of mind + so I'd hear if someone broke in) or bathroom (walled off, goes to a concrete shute). I definitely feel afraid walking around my building - ONLY during daylight hours, I don't have a death wish.

Tried to tell my assistant building manager what was happening but she ignored me. Was planning on giving photos & descriptions to the building manager ASAP.

I don't want to hear the self defense rants, just looking for concrete advice. Trust me I've heard it all & this sums up my thoughts on the matter I am taking up boxing!! My physical health is not great so I resent not being allowed to be a disabled woman. But doing my best.

Submitted March 03, 2025 at 12:59AM by Witty-Individual-229

Do you guys ever lack confidence when you fight?

Submitted March 02, 2025 at 02:28PM by StripMallMaster

Knife Fighting Reality

Submitted March 02, 2025 at 10:03AM by J0b_1812

Thursday, February 27, 2025

One hour to train everyday , how should I utilise it ?

  1. getting my stamina up and sprinting for atleast 400 m is a priority
  2. strength training
  3. I don't have any bjj / wrestling training near me . The one there is too expensive.
  4. My country doesn't allow guns

So , basically give me something to work on , till I get rich and move out to a better place where I can get some nice training .

Submitted February 27, 2025 at 07:41PM by Clean142

How can i bring someone on the ground without throwing punches?

Full Question: How can i bring someone on the ground or lock them on the ground without throwing punches for example when my friend is mad and wants to attack me? Or maybe different techniques?

Submitted February 27, 2025 at 04:43AM by Connect_Okra8349

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

How to defend yourself in this situation?

Submitted February 26, 2025 at 10:49AM by pen_in_stack

Question about getting license and where I can carry.

I'm genuinely scared and don't feel safe where I live and including school, and I am working on getting a license to carry pepper spray or something like that, but can I? I have a past history of mental health and I'm pretty sure our president made it so if you have any kind of past history you can't have one, and I'm scared to even apply because of that, I'm also under 18 and my parents are saying that I can get a license, also can I carry pepper spray to school while I go so I don't get in trouble for having it because I won't get into details but people there have shown me how bad it is at my school, sorry I'm rambling but the question I'm trying to ask is Can I even get a license with past history of mental health and can I bring it to school without trouble (even if it's just to carry on the way then bring it to the office)?

Submitted February 26, 2025 at 07:22AM by DontTh1nk

Where do I begin? Absolute novice

I’ve never been in a serious fight with someone other than a sibling. Besides some wrestling and kickboxing when I was a bit younger, I’ve got no fight experience and feel unequipped. Where do I begin to learn to defend myself

I’m 17, not small by any nature, 6’0 and 210 pounds. I’m athletic and have a muscular build from weight training, however I know fuck all about a being thrust into a fistfight. To clarify, I am quite unassuming and don’t find myself upsetting others /getting upset easily.

Given I don’t want to spend a boat load or have to much time consumed, what is the best method for me?

Submitted February 26, 2025 at 02:48AM by Party_Ad7119

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

If I’m in danger of being stabbed and there’s no way of dodging it

Where should I protect the most and what is the safest (obviously it’s not safe) but like what area on the body will be least harmful?

Again I know no area on the body is safe to be stabbed but you know what I mean right?

Submitted February 25, 2025 at 11:23AM by Double-Tradition-577

Software to run a self-defense school

One of my clients is looking for software to manage her self-defense school, including student tracking, follow-up, seminars, camps, etc. and I would love to hear your suggestions.

Of course, I will do an online search as well (my VA is working on this) but I often find my network of people knows of gems that don't always show up in a search.

Once I create a list of software options, I will test each one to see which ones closest meet her needs.


Submitted February 25, 2025 at 10:48AM by CaptainTime

Monday, February 24, 2025

How terrible is my punching technique?

Submitted February 24, 2025 at 08:41PM by QMechanicsVisionary

What to do if someone verbally abuses your parents?

7 months ago, I got into a scuffle because one asshole said mean things to my mum. He said all of that right on her face. So, on hearing those acerbic words, I retaliated not by hands even then, but by words. After that he let out a stream of invectives which fell like molten glass on my ears. Upon hearing the clamour, his friends came out to egg on him(those assholes are my upstairs neighbours).

When they turned up, he started pushing me and got ready for an altercation. It was then when I threw dukes and during the commotion his friends joined in and started beating me. I suffered a TBI, which hurts up to this day, and a night at the police station.

Was there any other way to handle this situation in a better manner? All of you who are men of street smarts, kindly help me through this.

Submitted February 24, 2025 at 11:54AM by MINISTER_OF_CL

How do you understand if a pepper gas is quality or not?

I shouldn't try it on myself i guess 😅

Submitted February 24, 2025 at 11:57AM by Electronic_Ad_7348

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ring or any jewelry to alarm police/tracking/etc?

Hey yall, I’ve been looking for a piece of smart jewelry that has a panic button + location services + notifies your emergency contacts.

I came across maitri & invisawear, but didn’t really like the style. Also didn’t see any rings (which is my preference)

Any suggestions for jewelry are appreciated!

Submitted February 23, 2025 at 07:02PM by Electronic-Mud-7540

On NYC Subways,If You See Something Crime, Should You Say Something?

Submitted February 23, 2025 at 10:02AM by UnclosetedMedia

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tips for protecting myself against a particular individual

I have a situation where my ex-wife’s current boyfriend is spiteful and vengeful from whatever poison it is that she whispers into his ear (rough and messy divorce from this past year). He works at my workplace (large enough building where we can go days without seeing each other), and there has been at least one altercation at work in which he got suspended for his actions. However, Last month he followed me home after work and tried to side swipe me with his vehicle and then later on brake check me. I have a dash cam and filed a peace order against him, but unfortunately we couldn’t prove that he was the one actually driving the vehicle. He knows where I live. I keep my distance at work. I carry pepper spray in my pocket when outside. I’m extremely vigilant while walking to my car and while driving home now. I have a camera on the front of my house facing out. I’ve considered moving to a new house, and even transferring to another location at work. But I’d rather not have to uproot my entire life because of one individual. I’m not sure what else I need to do or what other precautions I need to consider. Any help would be appreciated.

Submitted February 22, 2025 at 10:07PM by Aggravating_Pool_973

Do You Stash Multiple Guns Around Your Home?

None of us want to get caught with our pants down. I have several Stopboxes and live in a 2 story house. I stash them around the house (loaded) for quick access.

Do you guys stash multiple guns around your home or do you keep them at a primary location?

Submitted February 22, 2025 at 09:40PM by BDDonovan

Friday, February 21, 2025

Looking for Byrna Owners! Earn $100 for 1-Hour Virtual Focus Group

Are you a Byrna owner? We want to hear from you!

We’re conducting a paid virtual focus group and are looking for participants who have purchased products from


• You must own a Byrna product.

• Provide proof of purchase from


• Limited spaces available. Selection is on a first-come, first-served basis.

• If selected, you’ll receive $100 for your time.

Who We Are:

Arch Metrics, is an independent research firm studying the non-lethal firearm industry and we are eager to speak with Byrna owners.

Ready to Join?

Click the link below to fill out the application form.

Submitted February 20, 2025 at 01:36PM by KindAd6732

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Need self defence advice

I am 15 (guy) and in high school, I’m already a big dude, 6 foot, I am very strong much stronger than everyone I know. Just to clarify I have never instigated a fight in my life, every fight I have been in was self defence and I always won. Someone I know is lying to somebody at my school and telling them things from like 3 years ago and twisting the words, the person he’s telling this to I have known for a long time, never close with him but I know him and he has a massive temper issue. He fighted the principal when I was in middle school and knocked a dudes tooth out. Then today he was in the hallway and he gave me this serious stare down from a distance, being taught de-escalation from my dad I tried to nod at him and wave a little to show him I don’t have a problem with him and he just walked away pissed. Now I need some advice because this guy if he decides to fight its gonna be real, when I fight in high school I never wanna hurt the other person over some non sense but if this guy comes for me because of his ego I am gonna fucking hurt him.

Submitted February 20, 2025 at 04:12PM by Street_Gap_3429

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

This was a reply to sensei Seth and Kevin Lee’s video.

Submitted February 19, 2025 at 09:04PM by StripMallMaster

Which self-defense tools are better? I can order them.

Hi, I live in NYC and am concerned that homeless people might try to touch me or that bulldogs/animals could bite. I want to know which self-defense tools are the best. Can you tell me what they are and if I can buy them online? But I can't accept anything that looks like a pistol.

Submitted February 19, 2025 at 11:08AM by GabrielGreenWolf

Whats the most effective way to make someone release their grip?

Specifically talking about if they grip your hair, but ig in general would also be useful

Submitted February 19, 2025 at 03:14AM by Mangekyuo_Eye_3534

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How to improve/develop a knockout punch/slap/elbow strike sequence?

I want to learn how to develop a knockout(or really uncomfortable) punch/slap/elbow sequence. I'm fairly street smart, I don't drink and I'm highly unlikely to be in a fight against people around my age/older - I can talk my way out, or they are gonna have weapons (so gg anyway). This is really for some wannabe teenage punk (14-17 YO) that doesn't know what they are doing.

I want to practice semi regularly - it can be a single strike to the jaw, or it can be a sequence like hitting them in the throat/solar plexus, follow by something else. I'd appreciate any guide/youtube video that I can practice on my own.

Submitted February 18, 2025 at 08:52PM by DeenAndDunya

So, I just bought a Mace Gun...

... and my fiance and I used the water practice canister this morning. It shot a steady stream for maybe 2 seconds and then it sputtered and stopped. That can't be normal. How can I trust the mace canister will work? Lol. Serious question though! Can you keep the mace canister in the gun at all times? Also, if use a spray or two of it, do you need to replace the Mace canister canister or just keep it loaded for rhe next use? I thought these had like 13 seconds of spray? The directions offer little help. Thanks!

Submitted February 18, 2025 at 03:18PM by Commercial-Employer7

can he beat jake paul and ksi in boxing and mma

Submitted February 18, 2025 at 11:34AM by Dismal-Ad6616

Monday, February 17, 2025

Training without a coach

I keep trying to post this on mma and kickboxing but I guess the question is too absurd and gets taken down. If two people just get gloves and headgear and shin guards and are well read and do alot of research and spar alot, is thay not enough to get good at fighting? I would think sparring comes first.

Submitted February 17, 2025 at 02:59PM by jimmykruzer

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Kicks better than punches for Self-defense?

I've heard a lot that kicks aren't recommended on street situations, it's obvious that if you are empty-handed, fists are your best weapons, but if you carry some tool (pepper spray, taser, etc) isn't kicking the best option since your hands would be occupied?

Submitted February 16, 2025 at 10:18PM by mizukiyayoibringsjoy

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Would a medieval mace be legit in self defense?

Or is it too short and heavy for practical use?

Submitted February 15, 2025 at 07:29PM by IHumpDolphins

Always carry your emergency spaghettios in a fanny pack. I won 😎😎😎

Submitted February 15, 2025 at 06:04PM by Xhalo

Newish to self defense

Hello I am a woman around 5’8” and in my late 20s. I just wanted to get some advice and what kind of martial arts might be best for self defense. I have only taken a women’s only self defense class that met once a week for a month and I think it mainly used Krav Maga as a base. I think I benefited from the class but I think I might be more open from another perspective or method. Are there certain institutions that cater more to adults?

Submitted February 15, 2025 at 03:05PM by Always0014

Friday, February 14, 2025

Demeanor vs Size when it comes to aggressive altercation

Question - What do the majority of you think matters more when it comes to people messing with you, being aggressive, trying to rob you, etc, is it more about size or demeanor? For example, I know a guy who is ex military, he's a little bit tall but skinny and has a messed up back but by his demeanor you can tell he's not one to f*ck with, whereas i know a tall muscular guy who doesn't really have much presence and demeanor from his personality and isn't much of a fighter himself. However, I do know that size matters a good amount, so I'm not completely sure which one dictates more, to make it fair lets say in a scenario where the person sort of knows you, either a sibling, neighbor, or someone you see around at school.

Submitted February 14, 2025 at 03:55AM by Wild-Effective-8131

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Slipped disc, chronic pain, struggle to walk, what could i do?

Hi i suffer from chronic pain, slipped disc, even hurts to sit most of the time. I go to the pool every day for aqua therapy. I pissed off a violent nutjob by having boundaries and he knows i go there and when and where i live.

Ive got cctv and an outside light, and a walking stick to help me to my car in the way of equipment lol. I live in the uk if that helps.

Any advice much appreciated Thanks

Submitted February 13, 2025 at 05:36PM by Queasy_Winter602

Golfer who shot man, beat him with club, wins with self defense claim

Submitted February 13, 2025 at 08:36AM by newsjunkieman

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

I’m tired of being bullied at school. I don’t know what to do.

I’m a 15-year-old (5'5) 9th grader and I’m tired of being bullied by my classmates. They constantly make fun of my looks, take my food, and even demand money from me. If I refuse, they hit me. It’s gotten to the point where I sometimes skip school just to avoid them. I don’t feel safe, and I don’t feel like I can talk to anyone about it.

I don’t understand why they do this. I’ve never done anything to them—I just want to go to school and learn like everyone else. But instead of focusing on my studies, I spend every day worrying about what they’re going to do to me next. And the worst part? No one seems to care. I feel completely unheard.

People always say that school is a place where young people are educated, where we prepare for our future. But how can we learn when bullying like this is so common, and no one does anything about it? It feels like a joke. These same people who don’t want to be bullied themselves have no problem picking on others. It’s so hypocritical.

At this point, I feel like I need to learn how to defend myself. I don’t want to start fights, but I also don’t want to just sit there and let them hurt me. Does anyone have advice on basic self-defense? Something I can use if they try to hit me again? I just want to be able to protect myself.

If anyone has been in a similar situation, how did you handle it? Any advice would mean a lot. I just feel really alone in this.

Submitted February 12, 2025 at 11:58AM by More_Associate_9452

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

What is the legality of opening fire on this car?

Submitted February 11, 2025 at 04:41PM by Cycler69

Any Tips for a Minor who Walks Home Alone in a Sketchy Neighborhood

Hi! I'm 13 years old and I walk home from school everyday, which is about a 35 minute walk. I don't live in "the ghetto", or anywhere unsafe, but there is a lot of homeless people around where I live because there is a public library at the end of my street; where they usually stay. Nothing unpleasant has happened to me and I don't plan on it, but I just want to know any tips that I could use so no one approaches me. Today when I was walking home, I saw a group of three men that were smoking and walking down the street and they looked at me and I got kind of scared. That's all! Any tips I could use as a kid to avoid trouble would help.

Submitted February 11, 2025 at 03:07PM by Bulky-Fox7257

Monday, February 10, 2025

I want to learn how to escape moves and push back while doing so.

Recently I was playing football with friends and every time we play there is this guy who you wouldn;t think knows a move or 2. After playing I was walking back tripped on a rock (this sounds so fake but its real) I grab his hat and fell, i got up and he hit my hand. I'm like what? This guy is weak and all, you could easy beat his ass, many people have done so but when i offered it back (I didn't want no smoke) he grabbed my hand and did some weird move where he brought it to his chest and its like one of those moves where it causes pain to your elbow or wrist like twisting it and I want to know how to get out of these locks and learn them so I can defend myself. Aside from this I want to learn how while doing it how I can retaliate like when someone tries to push you and you push their arms away and push them back, but I don't want to learn like a full fight typa thing because don't want to be in fights

Submitted February 10, 2025 at 04:14PM by WolfZ902TheReal23

Sunday, February 9, 2025

How did this guy not break his hands?

Submitted February 09, 2025 at 10:51AM by Available-Cap7655

best martial art for self defense (multiple and stronger opponents)

I’ve been reading about the junko furata case, and that freaked me out, so I want to learn self defense but I don’t know which martial art to do to defend against larger, stronger and multiple opponents. I heard wing chun, krav maga and muay thai may be decent

Submitted February 09, 2025 at 08:30AM by bigmanbenz

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Needing advice for defence

Basically this Muslim guy was stealing bc my stuff in school so I slapped him but he called his best friend who has attacked me in the past and she is now hunting me down when she sees me she is gonna do me in she said so how can I defend my self against her because she is strong and since last time is now doing boxing

Submitted February 08, 2025 at 11:48AM by DirectorSpare4535

Friday, February 7, 2025

How do you not freeze up when being charged at?

I was dropping my girlfriend off at her house last night. Her brother was waiting on the side of the house, I opened the car door for her and we walked to the house. He then ran out and charged at us, and I feel as though I froze up before I realized it was him. There was nothing I could have done in that situation if it was real. Maybe it was because I let my guard down around her house, but I still feel like I should have reacted differently. Is there a way to train to not freeze up in those situations? I have experience with muay thai and boxing but I still was not able to react to him in time.

Submitted February 07, 2025 at 06:38AM by Diligent-Wait-4098

Thursday, February 6, 2025

I don't think guns make for good defense tools

I'm not saying they don't make great weapons, they obviously do but I'm saying they're kinda trash for self defense

The things they're good at ,range and lethality. shouldn't really be factors in self defense

Range: human interaction distance is only a couple of feet so you don't even have that range, and if range is a factor they probably already have their gun out and so you're at a massive disadvantage anyway

Lethality: holes are difficult to stitch up , but they don't have a lot of stopping power beyond hitting vitals which still might not stop in that instance.

The one thing guns are good at and is useful is intimidation . They're great ways to intimidate someone into getting away from you or staying back , and they're really loud so they can stun and daze someone into a phycological stop even if you missed all their vitals that would have physically stopped them

Them being loud is a negative because you don't wanna go deaf on top of an already shitty situation

Now here's the thing they don't do, make you look larger, disable an attacker , block/shield you , crowd control, be a useful tool outside of self defense.

Looking larger is mostly for animals when you're unprepared for dealing with animals

Disabling is stoping power, because you don't need to kill someone you just need to stop what they're doing, flash lights and pepper spray are great at this because first you can't hit what you can't see then you're in pain and can't see , breaking the hand of someone with a knife also works

Blocking is preventing them from hitting you , a stick is better against someone throwing stuff at you than a gun is because a gun won't stop that thrown object a stick might

Crowd control , you can only aim your gun at one person at a time leaving you open to others closing distance, you want something with sweep if you piss off a group to keep them away from you

Being used as a tool, so you're gonna carry around this 2lbs piece of steel and never use it outside of the worst situations, knives aren't much better at other stuff but at least you'll use it as a tool and get lots of natural practice deploying it

What do I carry, a 12ft piece of dyneema rope with a carabiner on one end and a 8oz steel weight on the other , I've used it as a hammer, to pull boxes and pallets around, used to rope to haul a buddies truck outa the mud, had to defend myself from feral dogs on a regular basis, and use it to carry my water bottle on my hip, really handy tool I could already crack someone's open with if all my other skills failed to deescalate

I also carry a flash light too

Submitted February 06, 2025 at 07:01AM by mrmagicbeetle

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Almost got jumped at gym need advice on next move ?

Hello, I need some advice on what I should do if I am ever in this position again. I don’t want to be a victim but I had a group of guys actively try to swing at me tonight at the gym after I called a foul in basketball. Words were exchanged and one of the four men tried to hit me. Any advice will help. I’m not looking to be a tough guy and I’m usually quiet but these guys always try to bully me and it’s gone too far . The threatened to follow me to my car . I can’t be a victim. Please help.

Submitted February 05, 2025 at 09:55PM by Youngmarcybeats

Belligerent drunk threatened to punch me

A bought a month or so ago I was at a concert minding my business when some random dude I’ve never met got in my face and started threatening to punch me. I have absolutely no idea why he was mad at me as I’d never met him and wasn’t even from the area. He was clearly drunk and reeked of booze. I don’t drink so I I was completely sober. I kind of just stared at him and continued minding my business. He called me a bitch and kept saying he was going to punch me. I remained calm but at the time I had a lot going through my head. Should I punch him first? Should I just walk away or stand my ground?

I was also scared of making a move. Even though I’ve trained a bit in boxing I’ve never been in any kind of sparring match, just bag work. I was scared that if I hit him it wouldn’t be effective, the mental hurdle of striking an actual person was too much to get over. I also thought that I won’t be aggressive unless he hits me first. He didn’t, he ultimately was all talk and I just kind of stared at him before walking away and pointing him out to a disinterested cop.

I guess the point of this is it got me thinking about self defense and how I don’t want to be a victim. I’m a pretty skinny and not physically intimidating guy. Even though I avoided conflict I still feel like a coward for not standing my ground and letting this guy yell at me for no reason. I can’t help now but fantasize about busting his jaw open and saying “who’s the bitch now?” even though I logically know that would have been the wrong and stupid choice. I guess I’m just pissed at myself for letting someone talk down to me and not standing up for myself.

This has spurred me into wanting to get back into martial arts and boxing. I’m interested in training Judo because it looks like a good technique and also looks fun to do. I’ve also been watching videos of self defense techniques like throat strikes. I guess I’m wondering if anyone has any input or experience with a similar situation. I know that getting cursed at by an idiot drunk is not some life or death situation (in this case) but it got me thinking about my own safety and how easy it would be for me to become a victim. What bothers me most is how unconfident I was, and how the police didn’t even seem to care when I told them. I also just want to know why this dickhead wanted to start shit in the first place, just pisses me off that he would target me for no reason. Any advice for if I should have handled this differently, or what to do to feel more prepared in a self defense situation?

Submitted February 05, 2025 at 08:15PM by JazzPelican

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tweens and Self-Defense

My tweens are not athletic, nor have they ever been inclined to be. They are more artsy or STEM interested. We've never pushed athletics on either of them beyond basic safety measures (swimming lessons). They are wholly social, often on their own terms, and can stand up for themselves. That said....

Lately, I've realized maybe we were remiss in preparing them for physical confrontation. My husband has never had a fight in his adult life; he's from New Jersey, US (aka, lots of rough talk) and his personality goes a looong way. But they are NOT him. We both agree that we should get them involved in ... something. He's leaning towards jiu jitsu, I am think some basic boxing. This isn't about belts or competition, we just want them to be confident in defending themselves from bullies or on the subway, etc. (YES, we are teaching them basic safety awareness but that's mitigation, not action.)

Despite their bravado, they often shy away from the spotlight, so I am OK with budgeting for private lessons. But where? With who? What am I looking for???? WHO am I looking for?

(We are Americans living in the United Kingdom.)

Submitted February 04, 2025 at 01:13PM by Ancient-Egg2777

General self defense tips?

I need to tell you what I ended up getting into before anything, and I also need to tell you I'm in my 1st year of high school in Brazil , which means I'm 15. Basically a friend of mine (my age) dated this one guy for a bit more than a month, and he was super sweet and caring and did anything for her, but very early on she noticed that, despite her liking what the guy did for her, she didn't really like him at all, so she broke up with him. Very quick relationship, no attachments, no big deal. Well at least that's what she thought, cuz the guy ended up getting super upset and used his "I know a guy" powers to make up a group of I'm guessing 4 people that are like 3 to 4 years older than us to threaten her. They constantly sent her messages saying that they would hunt her down, and it was ignorable to an extent because even though they knew where she lives, it's a massive building, so she has enough protection. They even wanted to schedule a fight which is pretty stupid imo. She wasn't worried until yesterday when they said they knew where we studied and would go to our school to beat her up and ruin her life. That's when she got really scared. Now she's absolutely terrified of leaving school because she has to wait for her mom, and now I'm staying with her until my bus gets there.

Now, we're pretty big girls, at least for our country. I'm 5'5 and she's 5'7, which is a lot taller than the average teenage girl in Brazil. Plus, I have a considerably stronger built than the average grown woman, but that doesn't really apply to her. She's not really skinny, but she's a bit weaker than it would be expected of her for her size. Despite me being pretty strong, none of us have any actual fighting experience. I have thrown a punch here or some cursing there, but not an actual fight. We're talking about a group of people 4 years older than us featuring an 18 year old girl that has been arrested 3 TIMES already. I have a bit of an advantage because they have never seen me, but I might end up getting involved because she needs someone to be around her. She doesn't want to be alone, and I understand that but, despite me hating fights and being actually pretty good with words, I'm a lot more fiery than I look and I'm afraid that, if I end up seeing them, I might say or do something that I'm gonna regret because I have no idea how to protect myself, only how to hurt others and get me fucked up.

Her mom has already called the police about this but I'm not sure if anything has come out of it yet, if it ever will.

I don't want to give any more details, but does anyone have any self defense tips that both of us could use? Anything will be more than welcome. I'm not sure this is gonna get as serious as I'm worried it will, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Life is not an action movie. We know nothing and we need help.

Edit: I do want to add that we do have 3 more friends that know about this and we're never alone, but they also have no fighting skills. The only one that does have experience is way too egocentric to actually notice that he's, in fact, not John Wick, and that would probably get him knocked out in less than a minute. I heard someone say that a person with fighting skills never wants to actually fight, and I kept that in mind since.

Submitted February 04, 2025 at 12:48PM by NewExpression8473

Sunday, February 2, 2025

hypothetically, where is the least deadly place on the throat to slit

i need it for a book im writing

Submitted February 02, 2025 at 06:28PM by Active_Violinist_223

Threat detection advise.

Looking for advice on how to better detect, and how to train myself to detect, possible threats when I’m out and about. I’ve been watching ASP, but I know there’s gotta be more to it. I turned 21 last year, have already been training with and carrying my pew, so I feel now that’s one of the last few things I need to do. It’ll be greatly appreciated.

Submitted February 02, 2025 at 12:33PM by Hobo_honeybunner_357

Door barricade advice ?

Submitted February 02, 2025 at 11:45AM by BigDre762

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Bedroom shootout in Michigan

Submitted February 01, 2025 at 07:58PM by electricpants99

SOS Emergency Device Ring

hi there, i’m traveling in south america and i got robbed.

i would like to have some kind of low-key emergency SOS device where i for example double click a button and it sends SOS to local police with my location, and to emergency contacts like the guard in my bullding.

I know apple watch works for this, but I just feel like it would be kinda obvious as I would need to hold the button for over 5 seconds with my 2nd hand.


Submitted February 01, 2025 at 10:11AM by planisking

Friday, January 31, 2025

How to deal with fear? I wanna stop being a pussy.

I don't know how to start it... But growing up I was always weak. I was picked on growing up. I am so afraid of confrontation. Like even verbal. If someone raised their voice at me I freeze like a dear on headlights. I wanted to learn boxing and other things to get confident in myself. But it's expensive and I'm getting old every day I'm 24 now. I'll be 25 in July. And in mind unless I became a pro boxer or something(I know that is stupid... 😅) I won't be safe. Forget physical... Even verbal confrontation makes me freeze... I am such a pussy. Now walking is good and all... But it feels shitty and not to forget it's embarrassing. I don't want to get into relationship because I think how will I protect her and even what will she think... That her man was afraid in this situation. I really need help this is eating.

Submitted January 31, 2025 at 03:17PM by Sketches558

Self defense tools

What's a good tsa approved product for self defense ?????????

Submitted January 31, 2025 at 09:39AM by Terrible_Nerve_5045

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Is it important to train on getting hit? If so, how?

(Before sending this post I gotta say, I'm so sorry for any grammar/vocabulary mistake I make writing this. English isn't my first language and I've been working for the past 9 hours, so my brain is a bit melted. Also, I'm writing this having in mind that first course of action is preventing, then avoiding, then complying, and finally striking, and my post is about the last one of the steps.)

Hey guys, I've been thinking for a couple of days now about something. There are different layers in self defense, being the first and most obvious one to comply, give belongings and avoid contact. Then, depending on situation, one could just run or even strike and run. I believe that's why in this subreddit, all of the discussions are about how to strike and what to train to strike, because it's the most complex of all the steps in my opinion.

Even in self defense training, at least in my experience, they teach how to take certain actions in order to reduce or incapacitate the attacker, so when you get hit training those things, I don't believe you're getting hit in a realistic scenario. Even if you train boxing, BJJ, or most of martial arts, you don't get hit like you would in the streets. The most realistic way of getting hit with that premise would be Muay Thai, but I believe that when they spar they ease on elbows and knees (for obvious reasons). When I say "realistic way of getting hit" I'm having in mind bare knuckle punches and elbows/knees, because when you get in this kind of scenario, you don't get to ask the perpetrator to put on gloves or anything.

Anyways, I don't know if it's necessary or even if it's something that you can get trained on, but in my opinion, when you have to get into it, it's difficult to be prepared to receive the kind of hits that happen usually in real scenarios. Apart from weaponry related strikes, is it important to train getting hit in more real scenarios? And if so, how would you or how have you?

Submitted January 30, 2025 at 03:12PM by Ok-Entrepreneur7681

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Doubts about pepper spray

I've been carrying pepper spray over the last 2 years, as i have seen it defeating melee weapons and multiple attackers, i've also seen some cases where it fails to stop a threat, wich has made me doubt about it's effectiveness

I currently have a "Mace brand personal model" that i always carry on my right pocket so i have quick access to it, it meets all the requirements to be as efrective as possible: flip-top, 1.4% major capsaicine, stream pattern, i would ratter have a pom mk1 but Mace it's the only decent brand on my country

So do i need some fighting skills, muscle memory to deploy it and use it or can i just spray and run?

Submitted January 28, 2025 at 10:32PM by mizukiyayoibringsjoy

The mental side of it.

I have a problem since I was a kid. I have trouble punching someone in self-defense. I am afraid to stand my ground when the situation calls for it.

What good is self-defense theoretical knowledge, when a person runs for the woods instead of taking action? What good are muscles, or watching a self-defense video, when a person consistently FAILS to use any of it, for fear of retaliation or escalation? Even in a desperate, deadly situation, a pepper spray will remain in the pocket, just as a knife will, because the user is too afraid.

Taking martial arts classes? Prohibitively expensive. Also, a bit "too late" for someone over 40 with serious lower back issues.

Suggestions? Solutions? Advice?

Submitted January 28, 2025 at 01:23PM by ibex333

Looking to learn Movement techniques?

Hi, I’m thinking on beginning to learn how to be a better shooter (specifically rifle). I know there are courses, but I would like to learn more about proper movement and transitioning between stances (from standing to prone), but I have no idea what this is called. I saw one specifically where a person went from standing to prone by putting one leg out, squatting then go to a sit then a prone. (Maybe even rolled backwards?). I know this is probably too advanced, but what is stuff like this called? Anything would be appreciated, thanks!

Submitted January 28, 2025 at 10:04AM by Responsible_Spite123

whats the best part of the head to hit?

( sorry if is hard to understand, english is not my native language)

so i always think about how i could defend myself in a robbery/fight/bully situation, so i watched some self defense videos, i know some techniques now, but im always asked about the weakest point of the head, im not talking about the the face (chin, eyes, nose) im talking about the skull, I studied some bones and their names but I still don't know which one would be the most effective to hit in a fight

Submitted January 28, 2025 at 04:52AM by soft_edge_lord

Monday, January 27, 2025

Here is a self-defense survey!

Here is a short self-defense survey! I'd be glad if you participated. Feel free to comment here as well!

Submitted January 27, 2025 at 12:25PM by Character_Sugar1510

Looking for how to videos on making g10 pencil pushers.

Having a hard time finding them on YouTube . If anyone could link me one I’d be greatly appreciative .

Submitted January 27, 2025 at 11:13AM by Still-Ad-5525

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Self defense advice

Hello, I am a 27 year old woman in a relationship with another woman. The few times we have gone out together we have gotten unwanted/negative attention from men due to homophobia. I’m afraid one day we’re going to have a confrontation with a man who may want to physically hurt us. I’m thinking of taking self defense classes. I always wanted to do some sort of MMA or boxing. Any advice? I know the correct situation is to always run and deescalate but I’m just trying to prepare for the worst case scenario.

Submitted January 26, 2025 at 09:12PM by MelodicGrab4327

Would Peeing on a Rag and then Flicking it at People be Effective

Maybe more generally speaking, I should ask, is it possible that trying to stink as bad as possible and maybe then work towards being effective as a grappler and using stench as a method of attack/submission be effective for self defense?

Submitted January 26, 2025 at 05:43PM by xenophonsXiphos

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Which pepper spray gun is better?

Submitted January 25, 2025 at 04:54PM by ActuatedProximer

In a fight, where should I land a punch if I want to end a fight?

where should I land a punch to knock someone out? I know a place is the liver but sometimes it’s hard to land a punch past muscle or bones, so is there any other places?

Submitted January 25, 2025 at 03:23PM by Linkin_jak3

The Ukraine knife fight - what can we learn from this?

Submitted January 25, 2025 at 02:08PM by picklethegrappler

Friday, January 24, 2025

Kyle Rittenhouse BBC Documentary

Submitted January 24, 2025 at 11:07AM by fhdocs

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Effective single strike?

What's a strong, effective, quick strike that can be used to end a confrontation in one move? If I trained an oblique kick/stomp to the kneecap, would that one move be enough to protect myself against a single person (assuming no weapons)? What other strikes would be effective?

First time posting here, so thanks for the help.

Submitted January 22, 2025 at 11:26PM by yourmotherondeeznuts

Pepper gel for self defense

I keep getting harassed by aggressive homeless people on the train and on the bus how effective is pepper gel against an attacker who may be high on Fetty and or Meth? I know not to use pepper spray or gel in enclosed spaces and do have a friend who can give me a taste of it so I know exactly what I could be putting people through should I ever have to use it but any real life experience from someone who has been both on drugs and the receiving end would be greatly appreciated I'm not out to maim anybody I just want something besides a knife to carry on me for protection and I'm obviously considering pepper gel.

Submitted January 22, 2025 at 03:31PM by EntireDevelopment413

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

What to bring to work?

My girlfriend works at a courthouse, and weapons aren’t allowed in. (Even a fork gets questioned sometimes.)

What can I buy her that could protect her without it appearing dangerous to the security guards?

When I can’t drive her, she commutes through public transit and walking. I wish she could carry the typical taser/pepper spray—so I was hoping this sub may have some tips.

Thanks in advance!

Submitted January 21, 2025 at 08:02PM by thosekidsagain

Monday, January 20, 2025

Do you have any experience with knife self-defense training?

Hello self-defense community. I'm planning on doing a blog post/video about the knife and its use for self-defense. Part of it is studying the types of training and volume of training people have with the knife.

I trained Eskrima and Ninjutsu, but a very long time ago. Both taught knife offense and defense and both had live sparring sessions with wooden knives.

It's really hard to find any martial art school that has knife or legitimate weapons training. Especially one that has live sparring. Eskrima is probably the closest to live weapons combat as they put on armor and beat the hell out of each other with sticks. It's pretty awesome and applicable to a real-life situation.

Please feel free to elaborate on your experience or lack thereof. If you trained what did you train and for how long? If you didn't is it because it's hard to find a school or another reason?

Do you have any knife self-defense/combat training?

If yes please note what type.

Do you still currently train self-defense/combat with a knife?

If yes how often?

If no, when was your last training?

Appreciate all who contribute and participate!

View Poll

Submitted January 20, 2025 at 09:05PM by knifezoid

Self defense course

What course is better to learn how to defend myself (22F)? Jiu jitsu, Krav Maga or Wing Tsun? Thank youu

Submitted January 20, 2025 at 01:46PM by babu_periwinkle

Do you think there are more 1v1 or more multiple attackers scenarios?

I'm asking from the absolute ignorance. I live in a small-ish city with a low crime rate. In 27 years that I've been around, I've never been in a fight, even though I have gone partying over the years. I've seen fights, but they were mostly between groups over some dumb party disagreement. That's why my personal experience is that there are just a few situations where you can get in trouble, and if it's a robbery thing, people who do that usually tend to do it in a more sneaky manner. I also know that this is just my experience, because there are other cities and countries where things work differently.

Anyways, apart from that, I feel like most of the times, when a self defense scenario comes up, it's usually presented as a 1v1 situation, and what to do when, for example, a dude comes up to you and asks you to give him your wallet.

So yeah, do you think there are more 1v1 self defense situations or more gang/group attacks? (Or what's your experience on this subject?)

Submitted January 20, 2025 at 11:16AM by Ok-Entrepreneur7681

Sunday, January 19, 2025

non-weapons that can still work as a concealed carry?

I'm currently a college student, and we're prohibited from owning weapons of any kind. I'm also a prime target for bigots due to being transgender, so going without is becoming less reasonable by the day. does anyone know something that's not a weapon, would be reasonable to carry around, but can still win a fight?

Submitted January 20, 2025 at 12:20AM by ladylucifer22

Feeling on 1 day seminars for those who don’t do MA regularly?

Some people don’t want to do MA regularly, and I totally get that 1 day of training could actually create a false sense of confidence.

But ultimately, isn’t confidence and SOME exposure to skills and a few reps better than nothing?

Only asking because I’ve been doing MA my whole like (TKD and BJJ) and a friends wife wants a SD class for her and a few of her friends. I want to do it but a part of me is also thinking, am I putting them more at risk?

Submitted January 19, 2025 at 04:17PM by SOMFdotMPEG

Thinking of buying self defense accessories. Please suggest a brand.

I know some of the accessories brand like hyperbae, defender ring and InvisaWear but not sure of their quality. Somebody please suggest from where should I buy?

Submitted January 19, 2025 at 01:41PM by Hardeep-Kaur_4

How to knockout or immobilize a person with a punch/hit?

Maybe hit in the throat or in joints?

Submitted January 19, 2025 at 12:02PM by AweeeWoo

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Friday, January 17, 2025

Poop Self defense technique


The goal here is to sacrifice all dignity for your safety as well as get away from the situation rather than win the fight with strength. They will go scrambling off without wanting to fight you by the end of it.

1. Grab your pants and boxers, slide everything down to apply a powerful shock debuff on your enemy and because this is an AOE attack, it will impact everyone so it works if ur getting jumped too. Probability of working: 97% (other 3% are the weirdo randoms who don't get fazed. hope you won't encounter em').

2.Instantly begin to piss and let it rip as much as you can. This technique is super effective when you pre-prepare the piss to unload before you apply the technique. Now you have the gun ripping towards em' and can instantly shoot the projectile at your rushing enemies to apply further debuffs. Aim for the eyes for vision debuff. They will stop running at this point and be disgusted. 90% run away by this point but step 3 will guarantee it happens. For the ladies, you can buy some items that help with aim I believe, but not too sure.

  1. Grab your ass with your hands and make a false wipe. If your already shitting yourself this technique is FAR more effective and you have extra weaponry on your side. They will absolutely run. If not then pretend-swipes are just as effective and you wanna pick ur boogers in the process while walking slowly towards them in the hopes they will run away like sane people and not wanna mess with you. At worst they will spit at you in disgust and simply walk off mumbling curses.

Submitted January 18, 2025 at 01:41AM by Acceptable-Staff-363

Are you hesitant to use pepper spray in a real-life situation?

I was considering buying pepper spray for my wife as a self-defense tool, but when we talked about it, she mentioned feeling nervous about whether she’d actually use it if the situation called for it.

That got me thinking—how many others who own pepper spray feel the same way? Do you feel any hesitation about using it? If so, why? Is it a lack of confidence? Fear of escalation? Cross-contamination?

I’m really curious to hear from this community. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Submitted January 17, 2025 at 11:25AM by youkick

Thoughts about a distracting question right before striking?

When attack is imminent, and you can’t run away, I would assume a fence position with hands raised in a “I don’t want trouble” position, ask a distracting stupid question and immediately strike so I can escape. Has anyone thought about what they might say?

Submitted January 17, 2025 at 08:20AM by SilverMammoth1696

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Stun gun or pepper spray

Which one could be more useful in almost every scenario, talking about damage, how many attackers are and those things

Submitted January 15, 2025 at 03:01PM by Own_Trifle_7120

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Where do I go/ what do I learn to protect myself

I’m a 15 year old guy that stands at 5’6 weighing 106. I don’t like the fact I can folded with ease. What do I learn/ where do I go to be able to defend myself from other, potentially much larger, people. I looked at karate and learned it’s a bunch of bs with peace of mind crap more than actual combat.

Submitted January 14, 2025 at 10:51PM by Klutzy-Activity404

We all carry a cell phone, right?

Submitted January 14, 2025 at 06:50PM by StripMallMaster

Monday, January 13, 2025

What is the best way to reduce damage when receiving a knee stomp?

It is my dads go- to move when angry. I want to minimize damage without fighting back- if I could feign the injury he's less likely to continue

Submitted January 13, 2025 at 08:51PM by Sriracha11235

Legit pepper spray

Submitted January 13, 2025 at 03:46PM by Own_Trifle_7120

Mace brand “regular” pepper spray vs “tear-gas enhanced” pepper spray

I’m looking to buy some pepper spray for personal protection and I noticed that Mace brand has a regular pepper spray for $17.99 and a ”tear-gas enhanced” version for $19.99.

Can anyone tell me if one is necessarily better than the other? Are there any drawbacks to getting that “tear-gas enhanced” version besides the fact that it’s $2 extra?

Here are links to the products I’m referring to:

Regular version:

Tear-gas enhanced:

Any advice would be appreciated.

Submitted January 13, 2025 at 08:28AM by PurplePenguin007

Sunday, January 12, 2025

My friend was attacked recently. What could have been done different

She was followed outside of a nightclub to a spot with no cameras. The man punched her in the back of the head and pushed her down the stairs. She never saw the person. Cops couldn't do anything because she didn't know what he looked like.

What could she have done to mitigate this? If she had been with a friend, what could the friend have done in response?

Submitted January 12, 2025 at 10:19PM by Sriracha11235

What Is the Best Strategy for “Strike and Flee” Self-Defense?

We should all know the first rule of self-defense is to always avoid conflict.

Step 1: Don’t be an asshole. Step 2: De-escalate. Step 3: Run.

But what if I find myself in a situation where I know that violence or kidnapping is imminent, and I’m not sure if I can outrun the assailant? I’ve never been in a real fight my entire life but I’ve contemplated this situation quite a few times. I believe that my best strategy would be to land a pre-emptive strike to slow down my opponent and run as fast as I can.

But what would that pre-emptive strike look like? What is the best way to immobilize or slow down an opponent in less than 2 seconds? Should I kick my opponent in the shin, the knee or the ankle? Should I stomp on their foot (toes or metatarsal region?)? Should I go for the old fashioned kick to the balls? A push-kick may give me a good head-start but it probably won’t slow them down very much. A punch from me wouldn’t slow them down at all and would probably just boost their adrenaline.

I did a lot of soccer and Taekwando as a kid so kicking is definitely the best option for me, but I’m more interested to hear what advice works best for the general population. IE what would work best for a woman protecting herself from a sexual predator.

Submitted January 12, 2025 at 01:55PM by Pharose

Saturday, January 11, 2025

look for advice on home defense.

i live alone in a pretty rough neighborhood. I would like something to defend myself incase of break in, in the middle of the night. I am EXTREMELY adverse to having a gun. Not because of politics, a decade ago i was suicidal, it’s in my genes, i’d like to not have the easy way out sitting around.

So what are my options here? just mace? currently i just have a small aluminum bat with a sock around it. but i dont feel like its enough.

Submitted January 12, 2025 at 12:34AM by Boulderdrip

Kicking in Winter?

I'm a lifelong martial artist and love the power and distance management kicks allow me, especially low linear kicks. However, I live in the Midwest, where snow and ice is constantly under foot this time of year. How do you feel about kicking in a self-defense situation in the winter? And, more broadly, how do your tactics and technique preferences change depending on the weather?

Submitted January 11, 2025 at 03:44PM by Content_Shoe6040

Friday, January 10, 2025

If I'm not looking for definition, would I be better to put on weight

Hear me out on this one. If my aim is to "look big" to try to deter any attacks in the first place, should I pad myself out with some extra weight even if it is bodyfat?

I'm 5'11 taller than average but build is average at best, probably a little under average. I'm currently about 94kgs which is probably a mix of fat and muscle. Should I bulk up even more so I can "look big"? Since I'm 5'11 I'm wondering if I would "get away" with a little extra weight (compared to a short person who wouldn't)?

Submitted January 10, 2025 at 01:20PM by Kitchen-Beginning-47

Thursday, January 9, 2025

best tactical flashlight to use for Escrima/Arnis?

Hello all, thanks in advance for your recs!!! I am referring to Filipino stick fighting, so I am not looking for a concealable flashlight, nor any other alternative solution. Basically length, balance and a beveled edge unless you have other suggestions.

Submitted January 09, 2025 at 09:03PM by ned_luddite

self defense situation while walking dogs- advice please

Hi all,

I was going to post this in the Santa Cruz subreddit because this situation occurred there, but it is probably more appropriate here. I am a fit 52 year old male and I was walking my two large dogs (Dobermans) down towards Seabright beach. I was at the intersection of Seabright and East cliff (just past Days Market). I was headed toward the beach and I stopped at the light to wait for the crosswalk. I noticed a guy on a mtn. bike on the other side of intersection also waiting for the same crosswalk. He was just standing over his bike and he didn't have a helmet on. I knew that when the walk signal turned green that I would have to pick a side to walk past the guy. I had an iced coffee drink in my left hand and both dogs on leash in my right hand, so I proceed to walk to the right of him when the time came. As he approached me there was a split second when we picked our paths. Then, he got closer and said "get your F**D Up dogs out of my way". I had a hat and sunglasses on, so as I stared at him as he passed to my left, he couldn't tell that I was giving him a glaring look. I didn't say anything, as I didn't want to provoke a troll, but he then said "what, you want to test me?". I just kept walking and he proceeded on the other way without incident.

However, the whole thing got me thinking about what could have happened. I was in a tough spot. If he had done anything, it would have been hard for me to defend myself in that moment, given that I had the dogs in hand in the middle of a busy intersection. My dogs were well behaved and didn't lunge at the guy or bark or anything. If they guy had tried something I would not have wanted the dogs to be involved nor would I be able to just let go of them. I have a fair amount of self-defense training and am an intermediate bjj practitioner, but this guy looked like a mean tweaker and I don't know what he would have done or would be capable of. My question is, what would you do in this type of situation if the guy was more aggressive? Should I be carrying peppers spray? Something else?

thanks in advance for your advice.

Submitted January 09, 2025 at 04:59PM by Dizzy-Mixture422

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Fight application of TaiChi/KungFu sticky hands

Submitted January 08, 2025 at 02:00AM by Sensitive-Comb62

Anyone with more qualifications willing to poke holes into this dude

Submitted January 07, 2025 at 03:03PM by Lyca0n

Monday, January 6, 2025

Why the Snatch Single Leg is the Best Takedown for Self-Defense

Submitted January 07, 2025 at 12:31AM by picklethegrappler

Preparing for self defense without martials arts gym access!!

Submitted January 06, 2025 at 06:13PM by picklethegrappler

Self Defense classes

Anyone know of any self defense classes in Pittsburgh PA? My mom grandma and I would like to take some classes together. They would need to accept teenagers.

Submitted January 06, 2025 at 05:18PM by Zestyclose_Belt_3860

Worried something on the back of my car could make me a target

And i don't know what it is, there's literally nothing on the back of it, no stickers, it's stock, no private plate, but people keep looking at the back of it and one person even photographed it, only happens when it's parked, are people casing my car to steal? or could the car be making me a target? if so how do i protect myself?

Submitted January 06, 2025 at 12:42PM by NoCommunication7

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Story time: an asshole at the club punched my sister

and Pushed her down the stairs. Luckily she just has a concussion but it was really scary.

I'm small, a little over 5 feet and weight 110lbs. I did taekwondo and kenpo competitively for 10 years and have a second degree black belt. Though I haven't practiced in 15 years it came back when I needed it.

I could not intervene soon enough to prevent the assault but I did teach him a lesson. He was a big dude in his early 20s, over 6 feet tall and probably twice my weight.

Before I knew what I was doing, I kicked him in the groin, punched the nose, hooked behind his knee with my foot to bring him down so that I could grab his head and slam it into my knee.

His friend came up behind me. I felt him grab me. I elbowed him hard in the sternum then grabbed the arm he grabbed me with and rolled him over my shoulder and ontop of the first guy that was still on the ground. I jumped on top and pinned the second guy but the neck and used their combined weight to keep them down.

By the time emergency responders were on the scene all I had was a muscle strain in my back and neck. I needed to stretch and ice and take ibuprofen but no real damage.

Adrenaline is a hell of a drug, and muscle memory is amazing. I was lucky no one used a weapon.

Submitted January 04, 2025 at 06:34PM by Sriracha11235

Thoughts on this GOAEO?

Submitted January 04, 2025 at 12:23PM by Heavy_Testament

Friday, January 3, 2025

I think I’m going to have a fight.

I’ve never had a fight in my life. I’m a 15M but I’ve done a few boxing lessons in my time. But stopped going. The guys a bit shorter than me but can fight well. sorta just looking for some tips. I could never hit someone in the face but can throw them around or maybe even hit them in the stomach.

Submitted January 03, 2025 at 11:04PM by Silly_Edge4405

Krudo SNAG - Self Defense?

Submitted January 03, 2025 at 09:07PM by Clueless-007

how should i defend myself in case this happens ?

hey y’all! idek if this is the right subreddit but i need help fr 😭.

i don’t feel like explaining the full context, so i’ll link a post that links to other posts:

it’s been a lot of drama that has died down, but if it continues it might end up getting physical. i’ve walked past the group - that my ex bsf turned against me - at school many times and essentially they’re all bark-but-no-bite. they haven’t made any threats to me nor have they done anything physically to me, yet.

the people that hate me usually frequent at the mall. i love going to the mall. a girl in my neighborhood is one of the people who hates me (my ex bsf turned her against me) and is friends w others that hate me. me, my sister, her, and her cousin (who is besties w my sister) we all take the same bus as well.

in case she or anybody in that group TRIES to do something to me at school, how should i defend myself ? how do i defend myself in public ?

Submitted January 03, 2025 at 08:13PM by Alternative-Cat9174

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Laser dry fire training ?

I'm Trying to go to the range everyweek but sometime i just can't.

Can a weekly dry firing training sessions with a laser set up (strikeman or Mantis) be a could replacement ?

Like every single week i train dry fire/laser and i go to the real range as much as can (2-3 time month)


Submitted January 01, 2025 at 04:21AM by BigDre762