Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Belligerent drunk threatened to punch me

A bought a month or so ago I was at a concert minding my business when some random dude I’ve never met got in my face and started threatening to punch me. I have absolutely no idea why he was mad at me as I’d never met him and wasn’t even from the area. He was clearly drunk and reeked of booze. I don’t drink so I I was completely sober. I kind of just stared at him and continued minding my business. He called me a bitch and kept saying he was going to punch me. I remained calm but at the time I had a lot going through my head. Should I punch him first? Should I just walk away or stand my ground?

I was also scared of making a move. Even though I’ve trained a bit in boxing I’ve never been in any kind of sparring match, just bag work. I was scared that if I hit him it wouldn’t be effective, the mental hurdle of striking an actual person was too much to get over. I also thought that I won’t be aggressive unless he hits me first. He didn’t, he ultimately was all talk and I just kind of stared at him before walking away and pointing him out to a disinterested cop.

I guess the point of this is it got me thinking about self defense and how I don’t want to be a victim. I’m a pretty skinny and not physically intimidating guy. Even though I avoided conflict I still feel like a coward for not standing my ground and letting this guy yell at me for no reason. I can’t help now but fantasize about busting his jaw open and saying “who’s the bitch now?” even though I logically know that would have been the wrong and stupid choice. I guess I’m just pissed at myself for letting someone talk down to me and not standing up for myself.

This has spurred me into wanting to get back into martial arts and boxing. I’m interested in training Judo because it looks like a good technique and also looks fun to do. I’ve also been watching videos of self defense techniques like throat strikes. I guess I’m wondering if anyone has any input or experience with a similar situation. I know that getting cursed at by an idiot drunk is not some life or death situation (in this case) but it got me thinking about my own safety and how easy it would be for me to become a victim. What bothers me most is how unconfident I was, and how the police didn’t even seem to care when I told them. I also just want to know why this dickhead wanted to start shit in the first place, just pisses me off that he would target me for no reason. Any advice for if I should have handled this differently, or what to do to feel more prepared in a self defense situation?

Submitted February 05, 2025 at 08:15PM by JazzPelican

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