Wednesday, March 13, 2024

How to improve reflex

I was walking with my friends in the pavement. We were totally 5 including me. A guy was coming opposite to us (maybe 23-27 yr old). He had a travel bag in his hand. As soon as he came near me, he swing the bag purposefully and hit my chest.(It didn't even pain).He didn't even turn back to say sorry or didn't even bother to see me after crossing me. He just walked casually after hitting me.

I couldn't get angry on him, which I should've and should have returned him back. I didn't even shout at him "Hey..." or anything like that.

In my mind, I was thinking 'Why did he hit me?'. Amongst the 5 of us, 3 of us were walking in the 1st row, 2 in the second row. He didn't hit the 1st row guy near him and chose to hit me. I was thinking, 'why me?'.

I didn't even get the reflex to move away from the bag while he hit me. I was thinking, 'why'. 'What would have happened if he had a weapon and harmed me??'

'Amongst the 4 ppl, not 1 honestly stood up for me, why'

'I should've hit him, why didn't I do that'

'When I don't stand for myself, how can I expect people to do that for me'

Submitted March 14, 2024 at 01:51AM by ImmediateIdea7

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