Thursday, August 31, 2023

Would you use alarm if pepper spray was illegal?

Hi all,

I’m new here, and I hope this is okay to ask!

I’m currently doing some research into the utility of personal alarms/sirens for people (in particular, women) living in countries where pepper spray is illegal.

For example, where I am from (Australia) carrying (or even owning) pepper spray is illegal, so those looking to protect themselves need to consider other options.

I’d love to know:

  1. If you carry (or would carry) a personal alarm

  2. If so, what sort of features you looked/would look for in the alarm - ie decibels, design features

  3. If so, where/how often you use it and how you attach it to yourself or your belongings

  4. If not, why not, and whether you carry an alternative form of personal safety device on you

Thanks very much in advance!

Submitted August 30, 2023 at 09:44AM by bananapancakes4321

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