Saturday, August 26, 2023

What's good way to defend a body slam when skinny?

I definitely can defend myself to a certain extent, but I have always had the fear of being body slammed. Anyone could probably do it to me without thinking twice. I am a very skinny person, (135 lbs) and seeing many examples of people ruining another persons life by body slamming them kinda worries me. People end up in hosiptals, dead, or paralyzed if done on hard surfaces. Lets say I am fighting another person that threatened me, and they are 6ft tall, average weight, or a little heavier. Haven't checked in a bit, but I would have to guess I'm also 6ft, or maybe a half inch smaller since I used to be 5 11. Seeing their physique, they could probably pick me up no problem if they got me in the right spot. How can you get out of all situations where they were to be in the motion of picking you up, starting to grab you, coming up to you to grab low, or mid slam? Is there a certain point where you just have to brace to hit the ground?

Submitted August 26, 2023 at 03:58AM by WhydYouGotToDoThis

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