Friday, August 11, 2023

Effectiveness of tactical pens


As a young woman about to move to the other end of the country, I need advice on how to ensure my own protection.

I live in a country where street violence against women is prevalent.

I already own a pepper spray. Granted, haven't used it yet, but it's always in a place (whether bag or pocket) where I can reach for it quickly. I do not completely trust those though. If a muscular, 6'0+ guy were to approach me with the intention of harming me, I will just cause his adrenaline to skyrocket and I'll probably meet my maker.

What are my options?

  • I already bough a pocket knife but it turned out to have a faulty opening mechanism so now it's just chilling in my cupboard never to be used again.
  • I thought about stun guns but after researching they turned out to do jackshit.
  • Tasers cost ridiculously much.
  • Brass knuckles mean you have to get extremely close, I do not have the physical build to put myself at that risk.

All I'm left with are tactical pens - are they worth it? Do they work? I don't want to mortally harm anyone and they don't seem to be lethal, but they can def take out an eye or temporarily incapacitate somebody. Have you got any experience with this tool?

P.S I live in Europe so guns are out of the question. Thank you so much for reading, I could definitely use your help

Submitted August 11, 2023 at 03:02PM by RarelyPremium_

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