Thursday, August 31, 2023

New Chun Kuhn Taekwondo subreddit

For those interested or training in Chun Kuhn Taekwondo, I have started a new subreddit at r/ChunKuhnTaekwondo. I decided to start this sub because I thought it could be used as a helpful resource for those intending to learn more about the art, as well as a place for experienced practitioners to be able to reference forms and help others to improve in this martial arts abilities.

Information Resources:

Chun Kuhn Taekwondo Federation
Founder: SGM Bok Man Kim
President: GM Brad Shipp
Vice President: GM Michael Davis

Submitted August 31, 2023 at 10:56PM by OutlawQuill

What do you carry?

For the people that don’t carry a gun what do you carry daily?

Submitted August 31, 2023 at 09:33PM by Honda4351

Would you use alarm if pepper spray was illegal?

Hi all,

I’m new here, and I hope this is okay to ask!

I’m currently doing some research into the utility of personal alarms/sirens for people (in particular, women) living in countries where pepper spray is illegal.

For example, where I am from (Australia) carrying (or even owning) pepper spray is illegal, so those looking to protect themselves need to consider other options.

I’d love to know:

  1. If you carry (or would carry) a personal alarm

  2. If so, what sort of features you looked/would look for in the alarm - ie decibels, design features

  3. If so, where/how often you use it and how you attach it to yourself or your belongings

  4. If not, why not, and whether you carry an alternative form of personal safety device on you

Thanks very much in advance!

Submitted August 30, 2023 at 09:44AM by bananapancakes4321

Monday, August 28, 2023

Flashlight Self-Defence disinformation ?

Submitted August 28, 2023 at 06:37PM by DolbecEntertainment

Flashlight Self-Defence disinformation : The Truth

Submitted August 28, 2023 at 03:01PM by DolbecEntertainment

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Hitting in the groin as a man

As a man if I get into an argument with another man in a social setting and that person gets violent how would it be received if I hit him in the groin? I’m worried that that person will sneak up and hit me there later on or someone else there will view it as a “cheap shot” and I’ll get jumped or hit in the groin myself.

Basically don’t use the “nuclear option” if you don’t want the other person doing the same. Or should I say screw or and just hit them there?

Submitted August 27, 2023 at 04:02PM by trowaway3615

Saturday, August 26, 2023

What's good way to defend a body slam when skinny?

I definitely can defend myself to a certain extent, but I have always had the fear of being body slammed. Anyone could probably do it to me without thinking twice. I am a very skinny person, (135 lbs) and seeing many examples of people ruining another persons life by body slamming them kinda worries me. People end up in hosiptals, dead, or paralyzed if done on hard surfaces. Lets say I am fighting another person that threatened me, and they are 6ft tall, average weight, or a little heavier. Haven't checked in a bit, but I would have to guess I'm also 6ft, or maybe a half inch smaller since I used to be 5 11. Seeing their physique, they could probably pick me up no problem if they got me in the right spot. How can you get out of all situations where they were to be in the motion of picking you up, starting to grab you, coming up to you to grab low, or mid slam? Is there a certain point where you just have to brace to hit the ground?

Submitted August 26, 2023 at 03:58AM by WhydYouGotToDoThis

Friday, August 25, 2023

South Florida training/instructor recommendations?

Hi all. I’m looking to start getting some kind of instruction on a more frequent basis and I was wondering if anyone had any instructors they recommend in the South Florida area. Most of the ones I’ve found in the area seemed gimmicky or didn’t offer anything beyond entry level classes. For context, I can handle a gun safely and put rounds on target consistently; I’m just looking to step my game up and get some additional quality training. Thanks! via /r/CCW

Occasionally wonder why bother carrying

I live in a fairly insulated community inside a large city. There's literally one road that divides the good and bad side of town, I live on the good sideOccasionally I go to leave my home and like nah I don't need to. Then mod trip I'm reminded yeah you shouldI think it's really sad that I have to carry for protection. I live in a town near north Charleston SC, look up the stats. I hope I never ever have to defend myself with deadly force and you guys don't either. Sometimes I think I'm being paranoid then I watch the local newsSo do you carry every day and every where? via /r/CCW

Thursday, August 24, 2023

What movie should he star in? via /r/CCW

A Massachusetts District Court Judge Rules Law Against Carrying Guns Across State Lines Unconstitutional via /r/CCW

Guy in Dallas protects his home and gives the most amazing interview. via /r/CCW

Handheld tool for defending against dogs

Hi All,

I often go backcountry hiking camping alone in remote areas, and where I go there is a problem with wild/feral dogs. If encountered by themselves they are scared of humans, but when in packs they can be dangerous, often approaching campsites looking for food. Where I am things like mace and firearms are illegal without a licence, and are forbidden in national parks. Therefore I am looking for a handheld tool that will be effective in the event of a wild dog attack. I have been thinking about the following: Ice pick, miner's pick, garden hoe, hammer, machete, hunting knife, etc etc. What tool would be best against a dog attack? Thanks in advance!

Submitted August 24, 2023 at 06:36AM by Ok_Improvement_2658

I’m Getting Tired of Casually and Easily Popping Bad Guys All Day with the Glockerware. I’m CCW-ing on Hard Mode Now. via /r/CCW

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Just had a mass shooting down the road from us

The shooter was a retired LEO. Around here LEOs and former LEOs under LEOSA get to carry in bars, but anyone else risks losing their permit for carrying in a place with more than 50% of sales coming from alcohol. So if we had gone to that place we would have been unarmed like most of the rest of the people there. Maybe its time to consider having one law that applies equally to all. IDK. Spare some consideration for the victims of this tragedy, and all those who are experiencing hurting and loss. via /r/CCW

smith and wesson m&p via /r/CCW

Summer Gym Shorts Carry with the new flashlight via /r/CCW

Man arrested for using CCW badge/badge wallet to impersonate DEA for a discount at Wendy's via /r/CCW

Is it just me or is there anyone else thinking, "Ratchet style belt where have you been my whole life"?

Even when I can't carry (state restrictions for 'sensitive places"🙄) I find myself going to my ratchet style gun belts before grabbing any other belt. The ability to get the fit perfect, never too tight or too loose. Anyone else with me on this? via /r/CCW

Better self defense option for women

Just curious to hear your thoughts on which would be a better non-lethal self-defense option for women. Tactical flashlight or a personal alarm?

Submitted August 23, 2023 at 07:03AM by cs11163851

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Should I renew my CCW?

I live in Texas. It's an Constitutional Carry State now. When I got my CCW they were trying to figure it all out. Pros: 1) The only real pluss is I can carry on other states as long as they reciprocate with Texas. 2) That I can go to any gun shop on the state and walk out 15 minutes later with a brand new gun. Cons: 1) paying for the permit that I almost get for free due to being retired military. 2) Gun range fees. 3) AMMO cost4) Having to take another class and pay for it. If you can add Pros or Cons please feel free to add to my list. Thanks for the help. via /r/CCW

My Journey is over - via /r/CCW

New Belt for under Sweats via /r/CCW

Strange enigma setups I made via /r/CCW

Discussion: How many people (friends/family/colleagues/etc) know that you carry a gun?

Just curious. How many people know? My brother, my wife and my dad know that I'm armed...nobody else. via /r/CCW

Monday, August 21, 2023

CCL - Texas - 32 days via /r/CCW

Any holster suggestions for this bad boi? via /r/CCW

Can't adjust holster retention? via /r/CCW

2 girls, 100iq and a knife( he survived) via /r/CCW

Pulled over while CCW in Texas

Nothing unusual, just posting so people have another experience for reference.I was in North DFW suburbs, heading to the movies to see Barbie. Was caught in a traffic trap for an expired registration sticker. I got about a mile from her before she turned her lights on. Pulled over in the parking lot of the theatre luckily, turned off my car and prepared my license and insurance.She approached my drivers side windows and introduced herself and I immediately informed her I was concealed inner waistband. She asked if I was holstered and chambered to which I responded yes. She asked to see the dog harness in my passenger seat with patches on it to identify what it was and then explained to me what I was being pulled over for. I handed her my license and advised her I could potentially have a warrant from a speeding ticket a couple months ago. She asked me if I was able to deholster and hand her my firearm without flagging her. I said yes ma'am and asked her if I was okay to proceed and she verbally said yes. I unbluckled my seatbelt and and lifted my shirt making the holster visible. At this point she said, "I got it from here", and while I was still holding my shirt up she deholstered me.She put my handgun on the hood of her car, ran my license, backup arrived as she was getting out. She gave me the ticket and told me I came back clean but should take care of that and the she put my handgun in my backseat and told me I was free to go.Taurus G3XL /w fluted micro comp RMR TLR7A via /r/CCW

Medical emergency while carrying?

Let's say I got into a major car accident while carrying or something in similar manner where I need to have EMS transportation to a hospital.What would the EMTs or hospital do with my pistol? How would I retrieve my pistol after receiving treatment?Would any legal action be taken against me if it was found in the hospital? *illegal to carry into a hospital in my state via /r/CCW

After 20 years of hating, I'm on the 40 wagon...

I have literally spent half my life hating the 40 short&weak, but in the last few months have began to love it. I'm really confused by this. Am I just wanting to go against the grain no matter what? via /r/CCW

Sunday, August 20, 2023

CCW insurance

Hey all, my USCCA insurance expires soon and I just saw a company called "right to bear" that offers similar insurance. USCCA seems like the meta but for me and the wife it costs us $450 for a year. Considering I've never even had a public confrontation encounter ever in my 27 years of life, and money is tight these days, would it be so bad to try my hand at another company that would assist if SHTF? They are only $165 per year with small increases based on other features I may or may not want. Overall I'd save about $200 for us both. And I don't like to pay monthly for insurance because it's always cheaper to just buy a whole year. via /r/CCW

Shots Fired After 2 Men Pretending To Be Maintenance Workers Attempted To Kick In An Apartment Door via /r/CCW

Me and the daughters CC today via /r/CCW

How to comfortably carry a spare mag hip side?

I carry 3-4 o'clock but the assymmetry (both weight and pressure) messes with my hips over time, so I was looking to carry a spare mag on the opposite hip to balance things out.However, I found putting a mag on the opposite hip makes it uncomfortable when drawing my gun. The proper form to unholster at 3-4 o'clock is to lean away from the gun to create space for drawing the gun up and out of the holster. But leaning away from the gun also means leaning into the direction of the spare mag, which makes it dig into my sides. Aside from being uncomfortable, it's also a potential liability that could impede the mechanics of my draw if I need to move fast and the mag jabs me hard in the side.For those that carry a spare mag with 3-4 o'clock carry, any suggestions to make this less of a problem? via /r/CCW

My CCW experience as a super skinny female CCW permit holder and hopefully a help to others with body types like mine

I am a super skinny girl here and also a CCW permit holder. To give an idea, I have about a size 25 waist, and 34 hips. I am 5’11” and my body weight is low 140s. There is about as low of a body fat percentage on me as one could have. I have a super active and social lifestyle which requires me to wear many varied kinds of outfits and therefore many varied kinds of carry depending on the day and the time of said day.I wanted to make this post because I have found that traditional CCW wisdom has caused me to go through a lot of trial and error in figuring out my CCW options. What works for most people has often not worked for me. Hopefully, this post can help other skinny people like me.For a TL;DR for skinny/smaller CCW permit holders, please scroll to each sentence with a hyperlink, read if I reccomend it, and purchase it if I do.First, my gun type. I am a Glock lover through and through since childhood. I carried several years back with a Glock 19. I was noticeably larger then than I am now but still on the lean and thin side. Even then, that gun was too much bulk for my small frame and I was doing so because my dad’s love of the Glock 19 and not knowing any better. Nowadays, I use a Glock 26 and it is barely manageable to conceal on me. I would optimally prefer a Glock 43 but I live in California where that is not a legal option for me so that leaves me with the 26. I would not recommend anything larger than the 26 for people my size. In the end of the day, it just doesn’t work for skinny people like me unless someone really wants to go out of their way to alter their entire wardrobe to accommodate a larger gun. I have found the Glock 26 to be very practical for a traditional female wardrobe, being accommodating to various types of carry, including AIWB (Appendix Inside the Waistband Carry), high waist, modular, purse, backpack, and modular.For gun accessories, I have the following setup. I do not use an extended magazine. I find that it ruins the point of carrying a Glock 26 over a Glock 19 and every last millimeter of surface area counts when you are my size. For the same reason, I do not use holographic sights on my carry gun. I know that people claim that it adds no print etc, but said people have obviously never lived a day in the life of a skinny person like me where, again, every millimeter of surface area counts. Instead, I use the green Trijicon Di Night Sight Set. This allows me to have front sight fiber optic glow in the daytime and tritium glow at night. I prefer green due to it being easier to identify using the human eye (though this factor is minimally important overall imo). I have never struggled with quick front/rear sight acquisition like many claim is the problem with matching color front and rear, though I really wish Trijicon would get with the times and make a set. Still, I prefer them over Ameriglow and Truglow (I have used Truglow) because I have researched and read that they last longer and are more reliable. But any of these three brands are reputable.Now, moving on to the carry types that I have found to work for me. I have found that I prefer AIWB style of carry when my outfit can afford for me to do so. It is the easiest and quickest accessibility and arguably the safest as well. Years ago, I used to carry in the small of my back but I found it to be too cumbersome, uncomfortable, and I am pretty sure it caused me some back problems that eventually healed (thank God). And again, I am smaller now to the point where I could not carry that way even if I wanted to. That is also a much slower access and draw than AIWB is.For AIWB, I have found that carrying with the gun tucked right into the curve of the skin at the rotating part of the hip joint on my draw-hand side to be optimum. This has provided me with the most comfort, accessibility, and conceal-ability. For this carry, I have three go-to options.I have found the Phlster Enigma OS holster to be wonderful for concealment. After assembling it and watching their adjustment videos, I fine tuned mine to where I can now conceal in a loose shirt and yoga pants even with my tiny body. Please do not skip out on testing the screw holes with a push test and adjusting accordingly.This helped it become much more concealable for me. I wear the belt of mine toward the top of the hips and then slant the holster assembly downward to naturally slope down with my fornt-body curvature. The Reduced Size Buckle add-on accessory is essential for skinny smaller CCW carriers like me. I will save the smaller user some hassle by saying that their Pro Holster is a waste of time. It may be great for larger users but I found a few problems with it. First, it extended past my muzzle by over an inch, making the carry of a smaller Glock 26 almost useless. It was unnecessarily bulky as well. It had this bulge on the end that Phlster claims allows for more conceal-ability for most users, a group of which smaller people apparently do not fit into; it just added print for me. Its super hard polymer design was also sooooo uncomfortable for me as well, especially since I have almost no body fat to cushion such a material. For these reasons, I returned it and I opted straight past the Skeleton for a trusted and recommended compatible holster. Luckily, there are many options for the Enigma OS (the OS has many more than the Phlster Express fyi) since Phlster is cool about user flexibility with other brands like that (thank you Phlster!). I went with the JM Custom Kydex and I am very happy with it! It is super comfortable against the skin and it really is as minimal as possible on added bulk/surface area. It is perfect for skinny people like me. I would definitely recommend the full guard option for skinny people because it deters the sights from digging into my abdomen when I sit down, as well as deters sweat from leaking onto the gun on a hot day.For aftermarket modifications, I initially bought and set it up with the Sport Belt from Phlster, which was a nice modification and I really enjoyed the rear pockets for an extra magazine and for my card wallet when I had an outfit on without pockets and no purse or pack with me. But this preference changed when I bought and received my Levo Designs Conventional Papoose. I found the Papoose to be very essential to making the Phlster Enigma comfortable. The Papoose also was just as comfortable as the Sport Belt to me but with less bulk and surface area on my back. I also tried the Rego Concepts EnigMOD Leg Leash but I found it to be bulkier (and therefore prints easier) and not much more comfortable than the original Phlster Enigma leg leash. I did find excellent use in the Levo Designs Bumster. It is a regular when I wear short shorts since it eliminates any visibility of the leg leash. This was an essential upgrade for me.I read around that wedges and claws almost always add to concealment and I researched them. I initially purchased a claw with my Dene Adams IWB (Inside the Waistband) Kydex holster and I found that it was useless for me. All it did was add print and bulk to my setup. I would now think that claws would generally be useless for people of my size and stature, except for the claw on the JM Custom Kydex holster with my Phlster Enigma setup. Always use a claw with the Phlster Enigma. I also tried a wedge from Mastermind Tactics and it was, again, useless for my size and stature. I found that my flat abdomen needed no adjustment for an AIWB setup and a wedge only added print for me because it pushed the top or bottom of the gun offset and outward and added bulk to the backside of the gun, pressing my whole setup further out from my waistband. We are talking millimeters here which normally do not matter to other users but, once again, for someone of my size and stature, every last millimeter counts. I also tried the Mastermind tactics regular non-wedge pillow and I found it to be a lesser extent of the same exact problems as the wedge for my smaller size and stature. In the end, I have found that the combo of a comfortable material of holster and the the Levo Designs Papoose (when I use the Phlster Enigma) to be the best solution to any discomfort. A plus of my body shape is that hot spots seem to be minimal since the gun naturally sits rather flat against it.For my high waist carry option, I purchased and I am loving the Comfort Concealment Blackout Belt with Tail Tab. I combine this with the Dene Adams IWB, which I purchased with the Ulti Clip option. I situate the belt at the smallest part of my waist and tighten it till snug but not tight. The Ulti Clip handles retention issues with any belt slack upon drawing and making it snug but not tight allows for long-term comfort. This is what I use when I can get away with it and not the Phlster Enigma since it is noticeably easier to don and doff, as well as being slightly more comfortable. It really only works with looser tops though and ones that are not too short. It sits higher than the Phlster Enigma. Due to this, it sometimes can tuck into higher-waist bottoms or else it just hangs loose under my top without any tucking in. My breasts with a loose top will hide it well in this area. I sometimes find more conceal-ability with this setup when I place it center waist instead of offset; it depends on my outfit.Going back to the Ulti Clip: this is an essential addition for me. As a woman, I rarely wear a belt. This handy clip has proven itself time and time again. Some of my outfits simply allow me to clip that holster inside of my waistband à la carte and the clip provides 100 percent holster retention every time for me. It is a nice quick and hassle free concealment option on the occasion that my outfit allows for it. I will add here that I prefer the JM Custom Kydex hoslter of the Dene Adams IWB holster. If I could go back and do it again, I would purchase a second JM Custom Kydex holster for non Phlster carry, buy the Ulti Clip separately, and then attach it myself.Lastly, for when I do wear a belt and want a quick easy option, I have had great success with the Galco Royal Guard 2.0. The horse hide leather is strong and lasts years but it is smooth and soft against the skin, especially on a hot day when sweat is a factor. The only problem is that its angle is not the most ideal for my AIWB position but Galco does not make a horse hide leather vertical or rear cant holster.For any type of AIWB, as a skinny person, I hate the wind! Omg, it is truly an evil natural phenomenon for smaller CCW like myself. I don’t really have much to say here; sometimes a gun will print in the wind if the wind is blowing head-on. Try to pay attention to high wind advisories and maybe opt for a non-AIWB type of carry that day. Also, a quick save can be to pull on the bottom of my shirt with my hands and slightly outward from my body when wind flares up to avoid printing or at least allow for minimal printing. I have not had this happen, but I always thought a good excuse if someone saw a partial print and asked about it would be to say that it is my insulin pump because I am diabetic (I am not diabetic but just to save a potentially bad interaction). It is in the same relative area that people wear insulin pumps and the farce would only be sniffed out by others who are diabetic with insulin pump experience.For modular carry, I have found it to be completely optional. I could cover all of my wardrobe options all of the time with the Phlster Enigma and purse/backpack carry. Then again, modular is a good middle ground for me where I can still have the safety and draw speed of on-body carry with tighter outfits where even the Phlster Enigma won’t work. I find that the modular carry is less ideal than AIWB but more ideal than purse or backpack carry.I have found Dene Adams to be good. I really love how this company truly understands and caters to womens’ needs with CCW. They are expensive but their products are, so far, high quality and practical for me. The expense issue can be limiting though. Considering how I only would want to wear one of their modular holster setups for a few days before washing, this would mean purchasing several hundred or even thousands of dollars’ worth of their stuff to practically have a 7 day rotation. For this reason, they are more of a case-by-case novelty wear for me. Their Nude Outer Thigh Holster Concealed Carry Shorts are an interesting option to allow for better access, conceal-ability, and retention than an inside the thigh holster but they won’t conceal as well on tighter outfits. Their Petite Nude Zipper LITE Concealed Carry Corset Holster works well for tighter outfits but I would have just gotten the Petite Natural Concealed Carry Corset Holster had I known that there is corset clips underneath the zipper which basically make the practicality of the zipper pointless. Their Nude Modular Waistband is also useful as a super comfortable and more concealable option for waistband carry with tight outfits. Please beware though that all of these modular options can be hot. I would not recommend them on a hot day. They are more of a cool evening or winter CCW solution. I will also add here that the Dene Adams Kydex IWB hoslter is advertised as being compatible iwth their modular products. For someone order size xs/s items and using a Glock 26, I found that it just doe snot practically fit inside of these modular setups. Somone ordering my size would have to use a smaller gun for their Kydex holster to work in their modular products. I have to use their trigger guard card instead, which makes me a bit weary because it only protects the outside of the trigger. But I don't think my body has enough extra material going on to ever risk an internal trigger press through the thick modular system material.I also purchased the Womens Concealed Carry Thigh Holster Shorts from Undertech Undercover (a Subsidiary company of GlockStore).So far, their inside thigh holster is an excellent product but only works with longer dresses (which I rarely wear). Having a Glock 26 is at the limit of conceal-ability for an inside thigh holster though. I have read of other women having issues with rubbing in uncomfortable places with an inside the thigh holster but I have found that my taller stature seems to avoid this issue.For purses and backpacks, there is a lot of debate but a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do. Having a slower to access gun in my purse with a higher risk of theft is better than no gun on me at all and I have lots of outfits that simply do not accommodate on-body carry at all (despite what Phlster or others like them may claim about conceal-ability due to my scandalous wardrobe, lol). I also don’t really pay much mind to the argument that purses can be misplaced since my purse is like an appendage to my body that I am perpetually paranoid about, a mentality that is on steroids when I have a gun inside of it. It never leaves more than a foot from my body and I always place it strategically when I sit down so as to avoid a purse snatch opportunity and so it won’t leave my sight. I would say that most women have the same mentality hard-coded into their DNA at this point but, if you are not of this mindset, then please don’t carry in a purse or backpack. This can risk losing your CCW, losing your gun, imprisonment, or child/disabled adult deaths.I just use any purse that I own that will accommodate my gun. My CCW instructor this time around was big on buying specially designed CCW purses, really harping on ones with steel-reinforced straps and/or chains. He was also a man approximately in his 60s with apparently no sense of popular fashion. I found his advice to be a bit exaggerated because:​No matter what people say, they do not make stylish purses for a fashionista name-brand girl like me. I chuckle at the companies that claim to and wonder if they are even headed by women.Modern-day muggings are more and more rare in this digital age where fruitful fraud is a slap on the wrist and armed robbery is multiple years in prison. I have not even heard of a real-life experience of a criminal running up to someone and cutting their purse strap with a knife to snatch it. Also, which is better, a criminal cutting my strap and running off with my purse (leaving me physically unharmed), or trying to cut it, being unsuccessful, and now a struggle for my life ensues? Reporting a stolen firearm and purse due to a snatch is way better than a fight for my life.Plenty of stylish non-CCW purses nowadays come with steel rope straps anyway if that is still a big concern.I have also heard people say they are scared that a purse without a CCW compartment will lead to flashing a gun when opening the purse. I can always maneuver my purse (of any size) when I have to access something from it so that even someone standing right next to me won’t see the gun inside of it. I feel this sentiment is exaggerated.No matter how I slice this topic, it just makes sense for me to not go out of my way to buy some wazoo CCW purse and just use the ones I already own. On that note, clutches are obviously out for purse carry but small hand bags or anything larger are totally a go with my Glock 26. For purse or backpack carry, I prefer to use this Galco pocket holster. I prefer it because it is compact and it is leather. Unlike a polymer holster, it will deter my gun and holster from scratching up my other items bouncing around inside of the compartment and it also deters suspicious hard knock sounds when I set down a soft purse next to me. I also carry a spare magazine in my purse when space will allow for it. If it is a smaller purse, then I opt for another Glock 26 magazine. If I can get away with it, then I opt for a Glock 19 or Glock 17 magazine (high capacity exempt). I use these magazine protectors from Ammo Armor on my magazines when I carry in my purse, backpack, or pocket. I have gone without them before and doing without can let magazines get crap in them rather quickly. I would rather have a slightly slower to access reload than one that jams or has a dead round due to contamination. The reload mag is a backup that hopefully would not be required to begin with. It is also important to insert the gun into the purse so that it faces forward with the purse on the right shoulder and backward with the purse on the left shoulder to allow for the quickest and safest draw from either side with my dominant hand. Don’t accidentally wear your purse inside-out to avoid having an awkward draw situation.For backpack carry, I just use my gym bag backpack for workouts and active wear situations. It has an outer pocket that I combine with the Galco pocket holster. I also have a casual/work backpack that is a multi-pocket JanSport where I reserve the larger outer pocket for my gun with Galco pocket holster and a spare mag with the Ammo armor cover.Lastly, for holsters and carry options on my body, I always opt for the closest to skin-tone as I can get since that will match against my skin the best in any color of outfit. Black holsters don’t hide well under white and etc and this is particularly important for skinny people like me, where there is minimal space between the gun setup and outer garment.I hope that this extensive commentary can save other smaller skinnier CCW holders some headache and research. Please take some wisdom from my endless hours of research on the internet, my hassles with trial and error, and a noticeable amount of my wasted money. via /r/CCW

Daily driver. Non-US ccw'ers say YEAH. Feets for clicks. via /r/CCW

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Compact recommendations on a budget

Looking to get my first compact handgun in 9mm. Was debating between a Glock 43, 43x, or maybe an iwi Masada tactical. Trying to keep it under 500. Any suggestions, also open to other recommendations via /r/CCW

VA nonresident permit via /r/CCW

New daily via /r/CCW

Teir1 holster via /r/CCW

Holster options for LCP max with a laser?

Has anyone found a good combination of holsters that allows them to pocket carry, but also switch to IWB without having to remove the laser to fit one or the other? I would like to attach one but want to make sure I don’t limit my carry options, thank you. via /r/CCW

Got pulled over while CC’ing.

Was the first time I ever had to give notice that I was carrying. Basically, a police car had been following me for about 10 minutes, and only put on their lights when I had pulled over to let a friend to go home. The driver comes up to my side and asks what we were up to. I tell him that we were out driving around. He sort of ignored my response and told me to step out of the car. I asked him why, and he reached in my window to unlock my door, and then grabbed my arm and pulled me out. I was attempting to tell him that I was CC’ing, but he kept cutting me, and only listened after he had patted me down. (It’s a compact .22 pistol so I guess he somehow missed it?). Anyways after I informed that I had a gun, he simply took it out of my pocket and cleared it, and then ran its serial number. It was a very stressful situation, on one hand I’m trying to tell him that I’m CC’ing but him cutting me off was quite rude, and I felt like I would have somehow gotten in trouble had I not informed him I was CC’ing. How would you all handle this situation? via /r/CCW

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Wilson combat grip module is a game changer via /r/CCW

Took a CCW class and was pressured into buying "legal insurance"?

I just took a CCW class last week and I was shocked to find the instructor bring in a sales person from an insurance firm who is offering discounted "legal insurance." Is this standard practice these days? It's been about 10 years since I took a CCW class, and I have never heard of such a thing. I didn't buy it, but everyone else did, and the salesman kept trying to guilt-trip me into buying it. via /r/CCW

Why do you NEED a gun?

Just got flamed for me and my wife being concealed carry permit holders. I just smiled and moved on. Didn’t even try to argue or explain because I could tell it wasn’t going anywhere. I don’t get it. Why do people hate on CCW so much. We just want to be able to protect ourselves and random strangers from evil people.Am I the asshole? How would you handle it? via /r/CCW

Interesting video of the Fargo police ambush. Great job by the shooting officer. via /r/CCW

Can non residents carry in Florida without a permit?

I’ve got my ccw in another state but will be visiting Florida on business.With the new law is it residents only that can permit-less carry? Or can I also. via /r/CCW

Scenario: Random naked guy hugs my face

Would self defense be justified, depending on variables? Such as.. amount of body hair, if he likes sigs, does he put beans in his chili, does he say versa carry is better than tenicor? Can I choot him?Is pepper spraying his butthole a tangible tactic? If I naked hug his face back is it a double homocide?Edit: Reference via /r/CCW

STOP looking for reason to shoot someone you mofos

Just do what I do, strip butt nekkid and hug they faceOr take a class and learn responsible CCWRant over…sorry via /r/CCW

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

With all the thieves in CA smashing windows and grabbing purses, luggage, other items, even when people are inside their vehicles, if this happens to you, are you pulling your gun?

There are plenty of videos of criminals smashing windows in cars, taking what they want and not caring at all, all while a getaway car is ready to go. Other scenarios have also come to light in my area of the common distract the victim, steal their belongings when they aren't looking. Are these justifiable for you to pull your gun? CA has some very interesting laws compared to other states, so it leaves more up for interpretation of the jury. What do you guys think? via /r/CCW

Knife vs Handgun - A Reality Check via /r/CCW


​ via /r/CCW

Subcompact options

Have a p365 and been debating an LCP MAX as an even smaller option, but from what I can tell, the hellcat is even smaller in terms of height. Seeing as that’s the main factor regarding concealment, I’m curious folks’ thoughts on these two platforms (hellcat vs LCP MAX). Here comes the FUD part. Holding them all, the p365 was by far my favorite, which is why I went for that. However the idea that the striker block and sear both rely on the same neck/lug of the striker not failing is something that is constantly in the back of my head. I still carry the p365 round chambered AIWB but the (perhaps) irrational thought about the single point failure of the design has me considering the hellcat, which has a striker block design more along the lines of a Glock. So any thoughts on any of that appreciated. TIA via /r/CCW

My first ever firearm + accessories. Thanks to this sub for all the recommendations. Sincerely, a long-time lurker. via /r/CCW

Police shooting. A few things I noticed via /r/CCW

Here is my EDC via /r/CCW

Can 5-6000 volt Tasers do anything?

Hi all, a product like this that manages to do about 6000 volts can actually be considered as a taser or something to defend yourself or is it just a electric lighter?

Submitted August 16, 2023 at 06:34AM by djsolidsnake86

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Any brand recommendations for appendix carry athletic shorts?

I carry sub-compact and light, but often struggle to fit the EDC into my more casual outfit preferences, especially in this heat. Does anyone have experience with a good brand of athletic shorts that could support an appendix holster for casual movements? I am offput by some of the stuff I've dug up myself, instagram viral marketing typically signals quality concerns.Failing that, any brand of shorts at all that dont scream 'tacticool gun guy'? via /r/CCW