Sunday, October 2, 2022

Did I act appropriate for the situation?

I’m out having dinner with my cousin and his wife. Let’s call him John(36), they are both drinking and are tipsy, not drunk. I don’t drink and Carry. I have my Glock in a holster concealed with a button down shirt. I don’t tell anyone I carry and I strongly believe no one should see your gun and if they do, they should also hear you gun.While eating our meal, John notices to men in the restaurant, harassing or maybe making fun of our waitress. This does not sit well with him so he calls them out. The whole time I didn’t say a word. some words are exchanged between them, and John says the classic “ we can take this outside” Sidenote, John is a combat vet with one of those real, save the world run toward danger mentalities also, I’ve seen John knock a grown man out cold at the age of 15.At this point, I’m trying to de-escalate the situation and keep everybody calm. It doesn’t work I see John leave the table and head toward the door. The two men follow behind him. I followed to men out the door while trying to de-escalate the situation vocally.While outside one of the men attacks John, and realizes they might have bit off more than they can chew. The other man begins walking toward me aggressively saying WTF I’m going to do. I simply raised my hands and say nothing at all. this man realizes that his friend is getting beat and needs to help. Long story short, the two men jumped John. Nobody went to the ground to be stomped There was no excessive force, and no weapons. The end result was there were two guys beat up, and John had a ripped shirt with a semi bloody nose. In my opinion, getting into a tussle with a loaded gun would have been dumb of me when know one is endanger of being serious hurt or lose of life.The cops end up getting there and arrest the two men after talking to the restaurant manager. While talking to the police officer and telling him what I witnessed, he asked me if I really didn’t help my family member while he was getting jumped and called me a pussy And walked awayFast forward a couple days, and I basically walk into an intervention with my other family members on why I didn’t help John and they called me a pussy and a coward.Do y’all think I’m a pussy? via /r/CCW

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