Sunday, October 16, 2022

Self defense that would help in this situation

Just to give some context: Last night at around 9:15pm (in South-East London) I was walking back home down a quiet residential street I've walked down many times before.

I was about 1 minute from my home and I see a guy walking towards me. I'm thinking relatively little about it apart from that he's wearing a face mask and a beanie which I think is a little suspicious.

As he gets closer I try to move to the right side of the pavement but he stays on my line. As he gets right up to me I swerve to the side but not enough so I brace for a little bump as I think he's gonna be a bit of a prick and bump into me, when out of nowhere he sticks out his elbow and completely slams my collar bone.

I was pushed back with some force, and shouted out "what the f*CK", and before he tries to jump me again I completely sprint home, knowing I'm a fast runner and could probably outrun him.

He didn't give much chase thankfully but that didn't stop me from sprinting all the way back. I was obviously extremely shocked, and have since not been able to stop thinking about it. I think it's clear he was aiming for my throat but missed as a swerved off slightly last second, not sure what would have happened if he had winded me and caused me to fall to the ground.

I've looked at martial arts online but of the videos I've seen I'm unsure which would help me in such an unexpected situation which is why I'm asking here for advice on what I should look into.

(Sorry for the long winded explanation)

Submitted October 13, 2022 at 09:22AM by ChuckarooChanzai

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