Thursday, October 20, 2022

defense against pepper spray?

Im trying to figure out if there are any ways to defend against an imminent pepper spray attack, like if you know someone is about to pepper spray you but it hasnt happened just yet. When looking this up 99% of the results is to poor milk or shampoo in your eyes AFTER you've been sprayed, or how to use pepper spray on someone else. I did manage to find two answers to my question:

  1. wear a resperator and eye protection, which isnt really useful because I obviously dont actually know if/when I'm gonna be pepper sprayed.

    1. The more exposure to pepper spray you have the more manageable the effects, which was probably just a troll.

So does anyone know of ways to defend against this? Obviously the best defense would be to turn around and run, but what if thats not an option? Could I simply cover my eyes and nose with my hand?

Submitted October 21, 2022 at 12:42AM by Uncle_Tim

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