Saturday, October 22, 2022

Close call. Where should I start?

I'm pretty large and my body moves the way I want it to, so generally I'm not afraid of much. But my partner isn't terribly fast, and I was nearly in an altercation with two men who I believed intended to rob us or worse. We noticed and were able to swerve them, but it was too close for comfort. I think they intended to wait until we opened our door to shove us in so they can follow and lock us all in together.

I could probably have handled them if they weren't carrying anything, but I hate those maybes. I want my partner to have enough time to get away. I don't want to carry a gun, my partner doesn't like them. Should I learn Krav Maga and get a knife or something? How reliable/effective are tasers and the like?

Submitted October 22, 2022 at 11:08PM by jmerridew124

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