Thursday, October 27, 2022

Self defence against dogs (tools and techniques)

I'm an avid cyclist, looking for ways to defend myself against aggressive stray dogs. How would you defend yourself in case of a dog attack? What tools and techniques would you use?

In the past I have been attacked by a pitbull while I was out riding. The attack happened very fast, the dog came from the bushes, I had no chance to spot it. I had no chance to defuse the situation or escape, so I had to fight. The only tool which I had was my knife. It was a very traumatic experience to end a life this way and I was injured too. I want to avoid situations like this in the future.

If push comes to shove I would like to avoid hand to hand combat with a dog. My legal options regarding "ranged" tools are either pepper spray or nonlethal noisemaking gas gun (9 mm P.A.K). I'm not sure that getting a carry permit for a gas gun would worth the hassle, or how could I carry while riding.

Thank you in advance for any advice!

Submitted October 27, 2022 at 12:47PM by MrJack421

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