Monday, October 24, 2022

Not quite a rant. How about a tempered observation which falls squarely between passionate and nonplussed: Stop selling civilians short

It seems every time I come across a self defense shooter vid without backstory, where the defender shows composure and skill, both narrator and commentators confidently assure everyone that the defender must have a military or law enforcement background.​Why?​This is not my personal experience.​In fact, my personal experience is exactly opposite of this.​I understand that my personal experience within my limited network is anecdotal, but I've also got some sound logic and (hopefully) coherent reasoning to forward my point... so please at least hear me out.​I have more than a handful of friends who have served or are currently serving in the armed forces. Every single one of these guys will wreck me on rifle. They can all run further, most can grapple and choke me quickly, I don't even want to think about knives (yuck... messy), I'd get stuck like a... nevermind. You get the point. I want to say I can ruck with them, but probably not.​BUT... I can out shoot every single one of these guys on pistol every time and every day of the week. Any scenario they draw up other than slow shoot 25 yard bullseye as they wink at the target like they want a date.​All of my civilian friends can destroy them on pistol too.​Not because we're bad ass operators or "natural" pistoleers or John Wick devotees... we can outclass them at this one thing because we have thousands of hours more training on pistol than they do.​The government only has 24 hours a day to turn these lads into killing machines, and frankly, teaching them to fight with a pistol isn't the number one priority. It's probably not in the top 10 for them.​I posit that civilians who take the responsibility of carrying a concealed weapon for the sake of protecting their family, their community and themselves, will almost always put in the time to learn how to do that one thing really, REALLY well.​Of course this is a generalization and surely there are dumb ass civilians. And more despicable there are lazy ass civilians, but I am confident that most of us take this responsibility very seriously, and more so, we find it fun. This is an easy thing to get good, and stay good at. Especially when training feels like play... even when we're grinding.​Now onto cops. There's not as many of these in my personal network, but the ones I know are literally the worst. They did and do the very minimum that is asked of them on pistol. They don't even like pistol. They take whatever the department gives them and put in a holster until they're told to take it out and prove they can put a hole in paper so they can go write more tickets.​Now, there's going to be cops just like us, where pistol is their hobby and they dedicate their own time and resources to being good like we do... and we're going to be on the same level. But that still leaves a huge chunk of cops just going through the motions making it statistically more likely for the civilian carrying a gun to be better than the cop.​TLDR: Civilians who carry are putting in ultra focused hours to be great on pistol.​Cops are a 50/50, they could be as dedicated as us or they could be going through the motions, making civilian shooters more likely, on average, to best them in fighting pistol.​Military is the best. They do it all... but learning everything means many of them don't find time to get to our level.​The next time you see a vid with a defender showcasing amazing skill, make sure to tell everyone that he's certainly some average Joe who worked really hard on his own time and dime because it's probably true and better yet, the average Joe who isn't currently carrying is going to see it and think to himself, "Hey! I can do that!".. AND HE'S RIGHT. HE CAN DO THAT. All it takes is proper training andD E D I C A T I O N via /r/CCW

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